Chapter 34

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Brooks's POV

I woke up with the smell of roses drifting around me. I felt the softness of her skin brush up against mine and a wave of easefulness washed over me. I was in a daze as I rolled over and pulled the warmth next to me closer, wanting to hold onto this moment just a little while longer, it wasn't until I heard the purr of "Brooksie" fall from her lips that I tensed. Realizing the person I thought I was holding onto wasn't the one lying next to me but a figment of my dreams, a ghost of the past. 

I cleared my throat and rolled myself over to check my phone that was plugged in on the table next to the bed. I had a text from my Mom an hour ago, 

Call me when you can. 

I toss my legs over the side of the bed as Courtney's hands run up and down my bare back. I ignore her touch as guilt washes over me for the mistake my mind had made when I pulled her close to me. I look over my shoulder at her and give her a small smile, "Morning, I've got to call my mom," I get up, grabbing a shirt off the chair in the corner and throwing it on as I pull up my recent calls. 

I look, then I look again, Sydney's name at the top of the list, a call that I apparently answered and one I know I didn't, we've only exchanged a few text if she called, I'd remember. And then the puzzle clicks together in my head. Courtney. She must have answered and I can only imagine how that conversation went but before I deal with that mess, I need to call my mom. 

"Hi dear," she answers softly, it really is sad that my mom has lost so much of herself since Dad died but Layla and I have tried to get her to find some friends, and move on, find a life she can live for herself, but she refuses, so here we are, "My dishwasher is making an awful noise, could you come look at it?" 

"Yes, Mom, I'll stop by before I go to the job site," I assure her. 

"Thank you, see you soon." her meek voice replies before she hangs up. 

I feel for her but I get it, she's trapped the same way I am, not wanting to deal with the pain and so being stuck in it seems like the only answer. 

Just as I hang up Courtney comes into the living room where I'm sitting on the couch my arms resting on my knees and my eyes staring at the list of recent calls, Sydney's name glaring back at me. 

"So, Brooksie," she plops her long limbs down next to me on the couch, "the girls and I were talking, there is this bridal expo in New York that I'm dying to check out, we thought about making a long weekend out of it?" 

I look at her, as her smile fades at the stern expression covering my face, "Do you have anything to tell me?" 

"Excuse me?" she looks at me like I've grown three heads. 

I hold my phone up at her and refer to the screen. " I have a call from a business associate that says was answered, but I don't seem to recall talking to them." 

"Business associate," she scoffs, "You mean Sydney? Your EX-GIRLFRIEND that recently moved back to town, the one who you used to drool over in high school and think that no one noticed?!" she stands from the couch. 

"The girl, who you abandoned your family for, who you left me for, and the one that you decided to go into business with because when she says jump you'll say how high! That "associate"." her long fingers air quote around the word. 

My chest vibrates in my chest as I stare at her standing before me. There has never been love between Courtney and me, only companionship, but it's moments like this, that I don't even like the person she is. The way she throws my deepest insecurities against me to prove a point. It's low, even for her. 

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