Chapter 43

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Sydney's POV -

Driving back home from Michigan it started to snow and thankfully I'm only an hour away, and it's still daylight despite the clouds covering the sun. I had such an amazing time being with Layla and Kelsey, Kelsey's sister was a freaking blast, and between the margarita night, the champagne at the bridal shop, and the winery my liver is going to need a month to recover. We laughed so much that my stomach was sore, I Facetimed Quinn for the small service she put together for Mrs. Anderson, and we found both the brides the most gorgeous dresses. I hated leaving their cozy little townhouse but I couldn't lie, I was anxious to get back and see what progress had been made at The Graveyard in the three days I was gone. 

By the time I pulled into the driveway, the snow had accumulated, my eyes were tired from concentrating so hard and my stomach was screaming at me to feed it. I knew the fridge was empty so I decided a pizza from the gas station was my best option because The Tavern was closed on Sundays. 

I tossed my bag on the floor and stared at all the boxes around the empty room. I grabbed my sock hat and boots from my room before trucking them through the snow to the gas station.

I ordered a large cheese pizza, which I figured would get me through a couple of dinners, and made a mental note to go to the fucking grocery store like a responsible adult. They called my order and I could smell the grease from across the counter that my stomach growl.

 As I walked back, I glanced over at The Graveyard through the snow blowing across the street and figured fuck it, I could either sit on the floor in my house or my coffee shop it is. 

I unlocked the door, flipped on the lights, and stomped the snow off my boots. When I finally took in the work that had been done, I squealed out loud. The floors had been finished and it looked like they were putting up all the trim which looked near completion. I couldn't believe how it was all coming together, I couldn't believe that in a matter of months, it would be open and people would be coming through the doors to see this all. I closed my eyes and I could picture the smiles on their faces, the smell of coffee in the air, and a smooth folksy tune playing in the background. It brought a big goofy grin to my face as I spun around in a circle with the pizza box still in my hand when I heard someone dart through the door and I nearly jumped out of my skin. 

"Holy shit, it's getting bad out there," Brooks shouted as he stomped off his shoes and brushed off his sweatshirt.

"Jesus! You scared the hell out of me!" I stood there one hand on my chest and pizza box in the other. 

He chuckled as he looked up at me, face red and hair dusted with snow. "Well, I was coming through town and I noticed the lights on, figured I should make sure everything was okay." 

"What are you doing out in this weather?"

He looks around the room, hands in his pockets, "Just driving around." 

"With a snowstorm rolling in?" I question, raising an eyebrow at him. 

He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders with a faint smile on his lips, was he checking to see if I made it home? I wondered but thought better of it, so I stood there looking at him curious but not willing to question further. 

"Well, when in Rome? Wanna slice?"

He shakes his head, "I'm not eating that shit," and laughs. 

"Oh, come on Brooks, live a little," I said with a smile.

He laid a tarp down that had been folded in the corner, across the dust-covered floor, both of us quiet as we set up a makeshift picnic. We sat down with the pizza between us as I opened the box and peeled the first piece out from the circle taking a big bite and moaning with appreciation. 

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