Chapter 13

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Sydney's POV

After Quinn came back in from her run, cheeks red and flushed from the November chill in the air I filled her in on what my mom had shared with me that morning. Her eyes filled with tears and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. My mom had been as much of a mother to her as she had been to me so I knew she would understand when I told her what I had decided. Fear settled in my gut but as I looked in at my mom sleeping on the couch I knew it was the right choice. 

"Quinn..." I started slow and stared at our hands held together, "I have to stay." 

I brought my eyes to hers and the tears began to fall. "Yeah, yeah...of course, I understand, I would stay too but...the paper and the apartment," I cut her off, "No. I know you have to go back..." I paused, "But this won't be forever, just until my mom gets better and then I'll be back. Do you think you will be able to handle the rent on your own until then?" worry etched over my face at the thought of Quinn having to move.  

"Don't worry about that, I'll be fine. I can swing it. You just have to focus on your mom. I'll take care of everything there." 

"We'll figure it out together." I swallowed the emotions bubbling into my throat as Quinn pulled me in for a hug. 

"Yeah, together." 

As we stood in the kitchen of my childhood home I realized how quickly life can change. One minute I was living a life states away, running from the place I grew up in, and then suddenly it had sunk it's claws back into me and I was here to stay...for a short time, I reminded myself. 


We spent the holiday weekend swarming my mom with attention. She had, had enough of it. Quinn decided she was going to stay through the New Year and was luckily able to work remotely while we were here. I called Sara and explained to her the situation with my mom and like I knew she would, she completely supported my decision to stay and reminded me that WHEN I get back my job will be waiting for me. 

Quinn and I decided to get out of the house for a while and my mom practically shoved us through the I said, she had enough of all of the extra attention, but I couldn't help it. I was terrified of what the outcome could be of this as many times as she assured me it would all be okay. 

My dad didn't say much when I confronted him about not telling me...a man of few words he usually left the shot calling to my mom so I didn't get very far. 

We drove into town and decided to go into the Tavern for a late lunch. It was almost 2 p.m. so there was only one car in the parking lot and as we pulled in my eyes caught the darkened windows of the old cafe. My parents had told us about two years ago that it had closed down and a small piece of my heart broke. There were so many memories in that small cafe that I wanted to hold onto forever and the fact that no other Westville kids were going to be packing themselves around the big round tables after practice or on Saturday mornings made me sadder than I'd like to admit. It felt like a piece of my childhood had disappeared. 

I was so caught up staring that I didn't notice Quinn had parked the car and was tapping on my window pulling me out of my daze.

 Something about that old diner whispered to me, like a message in the wind. It ignited a little fire in my belly thinking about what that place had been and what it could be. Images of cozy couches, warm cups of coffee, and the people of Westville gathered around, some chatting, others reading, while they sipped their beverages, shared laughs and conversations. I peeled myself out of the car and as I did I said to Quinn, "Have you ever heard who ended up with the diner when Lucy left town?" 

"No, I never did," she said as she stared at me intently, "Why? You have a weird look on your face..." 

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know something is just telling me to find out. I hate that it's closed, it makes me so sad. That place was, OUR place, ya know?" 

"I know. I feel the same way, seeing it empty just isn't the same." 

We walked into The Tavern and luckily for us in a small town information isn't hard to come by if you know who to ask and Stella was always the person to ask. 

Quinn sat down at the table by the window and before I pulled my chair back I told her I'd be right back. I hopped over in front of the bar, the excitement in the pit of my stomach bubbling, maybe, if I could find out who owned the cafe I could revamp some things for them while I was in town and get it back up and running again...finally put this business degree and all of my experience to work. Goosebumps covered my skin and I knew that this could be something magical amid the mess of everything else. 

"Hey Stella," I said with a smile. 

She turned around as she slung a beer from the cooler to the lone elderly man a few bar stools down and slid it to him without a word. Damn, she was cool. 

"Yeah sugar, a glass of red?" she questioned. 

"No thanks, not for lunch," I blushed, but I liked her style, it was 5 o'clock somewhere. "I was curious if you knew who owned the cafe since Lucy left town?" 

Her eyes lit up and a Cheshire cat smile covered her face, "Oh yeah! Of course I know, I know everything around here," she leaned forward with a wink. 

I stared at her in suspense, waiting for her to fill me in..." So, who is it?" 

"Dawson Development Corp." she finally said and every ounce of excitement was doused in gasoline. My face fell and I swallowed hard. She looked at me as if I didn't understand what she had just said but I understood just fine, "You don't look good sweetheart, you know Brooks right? I saw you two talking here at the bar the other night?" she continued, "he looked like he wanted to devour you in that black dress. Which I'm sure wouldn't make Courtney very happy to hear but I've never seen what he sees in that girl. She is only after his money and everyone around here knows it." she swipes the towel from her shoulder to the bar and starts wiping things down. 

My whole body trembles at all the information I acquired in such a short amount of time. 

Brooks owns the diner. 

Brooks is with Courtney. 

No, Brooks is ENGAGED to Courtney. 

My mouth tasted sour and instead of screaming at the top of my lungs like I wanted to I just said, "You know what Stella, I will take that glass of red." 

AN: Well, the cat is out of the bag...

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