Episode 15: Something To Believe In

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When Hunter and Varian started dating, they kept their relationship secret from the emperor and thanks to the Penstagram that Darius gave them, they could talk more frequently. Hunter even had Flapjack bring Varian a few homemade gifts when he couldn't get away from his duties. He always had to hide his Penstagram from his uncle; he knew his uncle was in deep debt with Belos and he didn't want to make things worse. One night, Hunter's uncle came into their room bone tired from his duties. He almost collapsed to the ground but thankfully Hunter caught him and helped him walk towards his bed.

Hunter looked at his uncle with worry, things were getting worse for them. Every night, Hunter would always ask his uncle why they couldn't just leave the castle, but every time his uncle would always say they can't. Hunter waited until his uncle fell asleep then he snuck out to the Owl House to see Varian. Varian had spent the day going over Philip's diary with Luz finding unfinished glyph combos. So far, they found a wind glyph, a water glyph, a petrification glyph, and a demon glyph which they will never use. Luz thought one of them could help with the portal door, but she had no luck.

Hunter showed up at the Owl House on Flapjack; Varian was happy to see him, and Hunter told him that he had something very special planned. Varian wanted to use Sapphire to follow Hunter, but he had Varian ride on Flapjack like a couple. Varian thought it was kind of cheesy, but it was a sweet gesture. Hunter took Varian to a cliffside where no one went too, not even the emperor's scouts. He covered Varian's eyes with his hands; he uncovered his eyes to reveal a lovely picnic set up with food Varian can digest. "Hunter, how did you...?" Varian asked.

"Just wait. It gets better." Hunter stated.

They sat down on the blanket when suddenly, the night sky was lit with a few lanterns. Varian couldn't help but blush at Hunter's romantic gesture. The two spend hours eating, talking, and just hanging out. Hours had passed before Hunter brought Varian back to the Owl House. He waved Varian goodbye before heading back to the castle, unfortunately trouble started brewing. When Hunter returned to the castle, he made sure that Flapjack was well hidden before sneaking back inside. But he got caught by Belos himself; beside him were two scouts who had dragged Hunter's uncle out of their room.

"Emperor Belos?!" Hunter asked in surprise, "What, what brings you here this late?"

Belos threw some papers in Hunter's face and that was when he saw what they were; all the letters that he and Varian had written to each other. "Is this what I trained you for Hunter? Ditching your duties and consulting with wild witches?!" Belos shrieked.

Hunter tried to protest but he knew that it was useless; Belos had found out about his biggest secret. But a wicked grin spread across Belos's masked face, he knew just how to jail the Owl Lady and her children. He ordered one of his scouts to retrieve Varian from the Owl House and bring him to the castle. Then he ordered Hunter to get dressed in his Golden Guard uniform and join him in the throne room. Hunter refused to obey Belos's order "I'm done being your puppet." Hunter stated.

But Belos had ways of making Hunter obey him; he ordered the scouts to lock Hunter's uncle up in their room. As the scouts dragged Hunter's uncle away, Belos told Hunter that he would release his uncle and him if he obeyed Belos. Hunter had no choice; he went up to his room and changed into his Golden Guard uniform. Back at the Owl House, the scouts that Belos ordered had rounded up Eda, Luz, King, Varian, and Ruddiger. They dragged Varian and his friends towards the castle, but they kept Eda, Luz, King, and Varian in the wagon while they cuffed Varian and took him to the throne room.

The scouts forced Varian to his knees in front of Belos as he sat on his throne with a large thumping heart echoed behind Belos. Varian shouted at Belos to release him and his friends, but Belos just scoffed at him. "You may run the Isle, but there are some of us who cannot be bullied. Even some witches." Varian confidently spoke.

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