Chapter 25 Smooth Lover

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Izuku was sitting on the couch looking at the floor while Yu yelled at him, Izuku grabbed into the couch trying not to cry. But it was difficult to not cry since he just saw himself as a Monster, when Yu was done yelling at him he immediately snuck out the front door without them knowing. He was practically crying while clenching his chest, Izuku didn't know how much pain he could handle or take before he would end it all. Izuku realized he had never cried this much since he found out he would never develop a Quirk and when Inko died, as he walked he kept crying and clenching his chest while getting flashbacks back and fourth from his past as it worked it's way up the present. He then fell to his hands and knees screaming at the top of his lungs while crying as he felt the pain get worse, he was tired of the pain and wish it would stop. After a while he got up and tried to walk again but ended back on his hands and knees, A few minutes went by and that's when Kaina and Yu saw that Izuku wasn't in the house. Kaina immediately ran outside ignoring the fact it was snowing at that there was snow on the ground and that she wasn't wearing her jacket or winter clothes, she was too worried about Izuku and where he could have gone. When Kaina found Izuku he was slumped over against a log not moving, she immediately picked him up and ran to the house running inside laying him on the couch as Yu watched crying.

Yu: Is he ok?!

Kaina: Yeah he's ok just freezing and badly bleeding from the fight earlier, I need a blanket and first aid kit immediately. If his body temperature drops even more then it's hard telling what could happen

Yu immediately ran and got a blanket running back over to Kaina and handed it to her, Kaina took it and covered Izuku up putting a warm cloth over his forehead. Yu immediately started using the first aid kit to clean his wounds and patch them up, once she was done she couldn't help but to cry.

Yu: I-its my fault, if I wouldn't have yelled at him and been so harsh on him then he would have been ok!

Kaina: It's not your fault, you were only doing what any mother would do

Yu: But he ended up outside! He could have gotten hurt or killed and it was all my fault because I lectured him!

Kaina: Hey hey it's ok, calm down babe. Right now we gotta get him to his room while trying to find a way to help him warm up more

Yu: Y-Yeah

Kaina and Yu picked Izuku up gently and carried him up the stairs and to his room where they laid him on his bed covering him up with multiple blankets, Kaina was trying to think of a way to warm him up more.

Kaina: I've got an idea

Yu: Hm?

Kaina: Maybe if we use our body heat to warm him up it will help

Yu: You mean for us to remove our-

Kaina: Yeah

Yu: Why not just leave our clothes on?!

Kaina: That'll work too I was just trying to get him to pass out again

Yu sighed and laid on the right side of Izuku as Kaina laid on the left side beside him, they both then held him close warming him up. A few hours passed and Izuku had just woken up, he sat up and heard noises coming from downstairs. He got up and saw that it was 7:10AM and quietly made his way downstairs to see what the noise was, when he got downstairs the noise had stopped. He then felt a pair of arms wrap around him and someone lay their head on tops of his head.

Yu: Good morning sleepy head, how you feeling

Izuku: Ok I guess

Yu: That's good to hear I was starting to worry

Izuku: Why?

Yu: Because of what happened last night

Izuku: Oh, but I heard a noise when I woke up

Yu: Sorry about that I did something to Kaina to tease her and she's kinda upset with me

Izuku: Oh

Yu: I have some guests coming over for Dinner tonight please be on your best behavior no matter who they are

Izuku: No promises

Yu: Izuku I'm being serious gonna get killed if you keep getting into fights like you are and I don't wanna lose my only son

Izuku: Fine I promise

Yu: Good boy

Yu then let go of him and left the house with her bag, Yu knew that tonight would be the night she would tell Izuku the truth. Meanwhile Izuku was sitting on the couch upset and stressed because Ochaco was sitting outside the door and had to let her in since Yu told him that she would be coming over, they both remained silent. Ochaco would try and hold his hand but Izuku only pulled his hand away each time, Ochaco knew she made a big mistake and wanted to fix it but Izuku wouldn't talk. Izuku was of course watching Shameless since Kaina had to go shopping for some stuff and for dinner so she would let him watch Shameless while Yu was at work, Yu would kill him if she were to find out he was watching Shameless since it was really inappropriate. Ochaco sighed and Izuku looked at her and rolled his eyes, Izuku was tired of her sighing.

Izuku: What is it? Daddy not give you no money for Milk or something? Or did popsicle dumbass take away your fishnets and high heels?

Ochaco: No, I got rid of both those things. I'm just really sorry I didn't tell you, I was scared of losing you so I tried to lie about it but ended up hurting you

Izuku: Yeah you did but I forgive you only because Popsicle is in the hospital

Ochaco: Izuku!

Izuku: Forget that, I ain't about to give a damn about him because I hate him. He asked for it so his funeral next he'll watch what he says or I'll make it worse

Ochaco: That's so Hot

Izuku: Huh?! Don't tell me your getting wet on the couch because I said that

Ochaco: What?! Of course I'm not! I just find it Hot that you would do all that just to be better than him

Izuku: Eheh yep, I would kick his ass over and over again. But I hope he's learned his lesson or I'm gonna be paying me visit over to his house and using his sister to get revenge

Ochaco: H-Hot!

Izuku: Yeah I know, especially the sister part. His father better look out because he's about to have a son in law and have to say Welcome to the family

Ochaco could resist it anymore and got on his lap, she immediately kissed him. Izuku kissed back as she placed his hands on her ass, A few seconds later they both started kissing with tongue non stop as Ochaco took her shirt off leaving her torso in both but a pink bra. After a while they were still going at it, Kaina then unlocked the door and silently watched as they were going at itnlike animals. He kept watching and saw that they were getting nowhere and decided to get their attention.

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