Chapter 45

856 53 11

Halle POV

9 PM

"I wonder if you ever thought of me
And how I'm doing?
I wonder if you ever said "Gosh I miss her
And why didn't I fight for her
And all the things she's done"
And you just threw it away boy" I sang with playing the guitar.

I then closed my eyes as I continued.

"But it's alright
Cause you still have
A little piece of my heart
And it's alright
Cause I'm real strong
And I'll let you go
But you will always
Have that little piece...
Of my heartttttt" I sang.

"Halle.." I heard Chloe say from outside of my door as she knocked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Roddy's at the front door." She said with an attitude, I chuckled at how she said it.

Then I sighed because honestly I really don't wanna see him right now.

"Okay, I'll get it." I said.

Then I sat my guitar down and stood up, leaving out of my bedroom to get to the front door.

I opened it seeing Roddy standing there with a bouquet of purpose roses, and a piece of paper that was folded.

I took a deep breath, as he handed them to me saying "For you, Miss.Halle.."

"Thank you. These are beautiful." I admitted as I let him in the house.

I seen Chloe walk in the living room with her purse and she said "I'm off to the studio. I love you."

"I love you more" I said to her, and she walked right past Roddy as if she didn't see him and shut the door behind her as she left.

I walked in my bedroom and he followed me. "He would be sleep in yo bed" Roddy said referring to Poseidon and I laughed a little.

"That's my baby." I said.

"I uh.. Want you to read that." Roddy said referring to the note he wrote me.

I looked at him before nodding my head and sitting the roses in my vase.

"Lemme put some water in these and then I'll come back and read it" I said.

"Okay" Roddy said. I grabbed the vase and went into the kitchen, putting water from the sink into the vase, and then I brought it back, sitting it on my dresser.

I then grabbed the note, sitting beside Roddy and I unfolded it and started reading it out loud.

"My dearest Halle,

I keep repeating our brief and torturous conversation the day I hurt you, and I beat myself up everytime. I'm so sorry, and I will do anything to make it up. I'm going crazy with thoughts and fantasies. And... Pleasures I want to give you. I know making love doesn't fix what I've done, but it's just something I want to give. You have an effect on me that I cannot shake off. I spend so many countless hours in anticipation of seeing you, holding you, kissing you... Undressing you... I daydream about you. I dream about you when I go to sleep. I don't think you understand how bad my body aches to be joined with yours. Every single day. I know I gotta pay for what I did so, I wait in painful anticipation to be your man again, and to make sweet, passionate, meaningful love to you. Miss.Halle, I love you so much. Please forgive me. I will never ever put you in that type of predicament ever again

Yours truly,

Rodrick Wayne Moore Jr."

I sighed as I finished reading it and I looked over at him.

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