My Favorite Shirt

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Sirius had fallen asleep on the couch hugging Marlene. He woke in the morning with Remus sitting on one side of him, using Sirius's left shoulder as a pillow and Marlene sitting on the other side of him, using his right shoulder as a pillow. Peter was asleep on the chair, curled up and hugging his knees. Sirius's back was stiff from having fallen asleep sandwiched and sitting up like he was, arms spread out and wrapped around both Marlene and Remus. 

They'd all woken up one by one - Marlene being last to get up. Peter and Remus went to make breakfast, but the parallels to Christmas morning were too similar for comfort to Sirius and he insisted that he and Marlene go for a walk instead and she followed him out the door and down the stairs, pulling on her coat.

They were on the way down the stairs and she was buttoning her coat to hide her shabby clothes. "You best be giving that back, by the way," Sirius said.

"Giving what back?" Marlene asked.

"My Deep Purple t-shirt."

"Like hell!" Marlene answered.

"You know how bloody long I looked for that thing?"

"About four and a half years, I'm guessing," Marlene answered with a smirk.

"It's my favorite shirt."

"They aren't even your favorite band anymore, you prick."


"And your favorite shirt is that pink one you made about returning you to Remus Lupin if you're ever lost."


"So it isn't your favorite shirt, nor your favorite band, and it is my favorite shirt."

"They aren't your favorite band."

"No, but it's still my favorite shirt!"

"What would it be your favorite shirt for if they aren't even your favorite band?"

"You were just trying to say it was your favorite shirt when they aren't your favorite band, what sort of question is that for you to go asking me?"

"Because they were my favorite band when I got the shirt and that's why it's nostalgic for me," Sirius answered as they were crossing the street into the park.

"And you were my boyfriend when I got the shirt and that's why it's nostalgic for me, so sod off you imbecile."

"No you sod off, you bleeding shirt thief."

"Finders keepers, losers weepers," she answered, sticking out her tongue.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "I'll get it back."

"You won't."

"I'll take it back."

"What are you going to do?" she asked, stopping dead in her tracks on the path they were walking, which cut through the park. She turned to him, hands on her hips. "Are you going to undress me?" she demanded.

"Maybe I will," he snapped.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I might."

"You wouldn't because you might have to look at a pair of breasts and oh Merlin's nuts what would you do if you ever saw a pair of boobies? Just melt into the sidewalk, I'd reckon!" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not afraid of them, bleeding hell," Sirius said. But even as he said it, his face said otherwise and he turned, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Marlene snickered and rushed after him, a triumphant look to her face.

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