The Only Way Out

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"Come out and play, ickle ones... The Dark Lord will forgive you breaking the windows if you ask him real nice like." Greyback hissed and a little breathy laugh slipped out with the false promises as he crept down the hallway at the top of the stairs. "You'll be just fine..." He licked his lips, a grin tracing over his face.

The full moon was two days away... he was starving, craving living flesh so much he could nearly taste it. Getting the command from Voldemort to go and secure the Riddle House had been the most blessed thing his ears had ever heard. He ran his tongue over his lips and teeth, feeling the sharpness he'd widdled them into.

He breathed deeply, smelling the dust and the life that was in the room, his senses heightened.

A grin played over Greyback's lips and he bared his teeth all the more. A low chuckle rose up from deep in his chest. "Ohhh... you little shit. You know he thinks you're dead, Regulus... Dunno how it is you're here, but I'm pleased. I was robbed my meal when he killed you, you know... I was supposed to get to gnaw on your bones and instead he wasted it, sending that body to the Ministry... waste of good meat... I don't know how you pulled it off, but I'm glad to know I ain't missed the meal I was promised after all. Perhaps you can tell me about it while I gnaw on some of your non-essential bits. Always did enjoy a bit of entertainment while I took my meals."

In the library, under the desk, Regulus hugged his knees and felt his blood running cold. If only Greyback were only talk... Regulus knew that Sirius and James joked a great deal about Greyback - many people did - but Regulus had personally seen more of Greyback's meals than he wanted to think about and it was not pretty. It was not pretty, it was cruel and cold and, Regulus reckoned that Greyback was meaner than any of the other death eaters. The other death eaters would run their mouths, sure, but they often spoke more ferociously than ever actually acted, even when they did catch and torture their prey it was usually quick - they bored of the screaming. Even Bellatrix Lestrange, as psychotic as she was, would grow bored and stop after a time.

Greyback took every moment and savored it.

The longer he could make it last, the more he enjoyed it.

Like right now.

Regulus was sure that Greyback knew exactly where he was, but he was taking his time, walking slowly through the door of the library, chuckling quietly, his laugh more like a growl that rumbled in the back of his throat. 

"Mmm," Greyback mused. "You know the full moon is in just two days? You know how perfect this timing is? How quick my reflexes are at the moment? How much I'm going to enjoy this?"

Regulus shivered.

The library door closed and there was a clicking of locks and Regulus recognized a spell that set a password to undo, rather than a simple alohamora.

"Ignati," Greyback hissed and there was a rush as the logs in the hearth caught fire. "Did you figure out yet that the Dark Lord made disapparation impossible here?" he laughed. "...even for the elf? 

Worse, thought Regulus, I haven't even been certified you dumb beast. He knew how to disapparate but only vaguely - he'd not yet been officially ministry trained, so he was shaky at best doing it without Mother or Kreacher's help. He felt panic rising up in him.

Greyback's footsteps were coming closer... meandering around the high-backed chair by the fireplace. "You might as well just come out from behind there, Regulus, we both know that you're behind the desk, don't we?" There came a chuckle, "You do enjoy hiding under desks, don't you? Isn't that where you were cowering the night you led your blood traitor brother and his little friends into Durmstrang to take away the Dark Lord's prisoner, isn't it? And the Dark Lord had to drag you out of there when he carried you off to Fingal's." Greyback laughed.

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