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"Bitch where are you?" Desiree asked, trying to look around me and at my background.

"Yea, you look like you're in some shit from Bridgerton" Asher giggled.

My phone was clipped to a tripod beside the tub and I called Asher and Desiree on Facetime while I was taking a bath.

         The bathroom attached to the room I was staying in for the weekend was huge. It had French doors that led out to the bedroom with a standing shower and one of those old school cheviot tubs with the claws as legs. The walls were a pale pink color with flora designs and brown and gold trim. In their defense it did look like something from Bridgeton. I had the tub full of bubbles as I submerged myself in the water. The hot water was soothing to my throbbing vagina. Although, I was sore as hell, I didn't regret any moment of what had happened this morning.

"I went to Aberdeen for the weekend guys remember" I smiled.

"You're the only person I know that gets out of jail and goes on vacation" Desiree laughed.

"It wasn't really a vacation I just needed to get away from everything going on" I said, blowing suds from my French tip, manicured fingers.

"So, what all have you been doing in Aberdeen?" Asher asked.

"Well I went to a concert, lost my virginity, went shopping, mo..." I started.

"Hold up, hold up, what was that?" Desiree interrupted.

"What was what?" I giggled.

"Dude, what did you just say?" Asher probed.

"Nothing, I said I went to a concert, lost my virginity, went..." I started again.

"Right there that. Dude, you lost your virginity?" Desiree gasped, covering he mouth with her hands.

I smiled and nodded, biting my bottom lip.

"She's joined the ranks of the unwashed ladies and gentlemen" Desiree announced, spinning in her computer chair.

"That's awesome, so are you and Ethan back together?" Asher blurted.

"No!" Desiree and I detested.

"She'd better not want that asshole back" Desiree grimaced.

"Wait, the details were unclear as to why you guys even broke up" Asher informed.

I exhaled. The broken, painful feeling was still in my gut.

"He was sleeping with Cynthia, Ash" I replied softly.

"Called it" Desiree piped up, smacking her lips and snapping her fingers.

I snickered.

"Holy shit, that raggedy whore...wait...then who are you in Aberdeen with? Who was worthy of Bayleigh's v-card?" Asher smirked, leaning her eyeball into the phone camera.

"Don't say it like that, it's not a credit card" Desiree frowned.

"Nobody" I lied, blushing.

"Don't bullshit, because you can't pop your hymen humping a pillow, and if you've done it using your fingers then we've got bigger problems" Desiree snickered.

"She's right" Asher agreed.

"Okay, alright, fine. It was Sam" I confessed.

"WHAT?!" Asher blurted.

Her eyes were so big I thought they were going to roll out of their sockets.

"Yaaasss bitch! I swear I need a crystal ball because I called that shit too" Desiree hooted, spinning in her chair once more.

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