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.·:*¨ NEXT DAY ¨*:·.

Alice slowly opened her eyes, the morning light filtering through the curtains and casting a soft glow in her room. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, her mind began to clear, and the events of the previous night flooded back into her consciousness. The sight of Charles asleep on her couch, the emotions that had swirled within her, and the questions that remained unanswered all resurfaced, making her heart heavy.

She sat up, pulling the covers closer around her as she surveyed the room. The remnants of a restless night were evident in her disheveled surroundings. Her gaze settled on Charles, still peacefully sleeping on the couch. Confusion gripped her as she tried to make sense of the situation. Why had he come to her in such a vulnerable state? What did it mean to them?

Feelings of sadness washed over her, mingled with the warmth of lingering love. It was a complicated mixture, a tangle of emotions she had wrestled with for far too long. Her heart ached as she remembered the happy moments they had shared, the love they had professed to one another. But it was the pain and uncertainty that had driven them apart, the disappointment that had clouded their once-bright future.

As Alice swung her legs over the side of the bed, she couldn't shake the lingering doubt. Should she have let him stay? Was it a mistake to allow herself to be vulnerable with him again? The questions echoed in her mind, bouncing back and forth, but she found no easy answers.

Walking out of bed and making her way towards the couch, where she expected to find Charles sleeping, Alice's heart sank as she discovered he was no longer there. Just as he had promised, he had awakened before her. The absence of his presence struck her with a pang of sadness, and doubts crept into her mind. Had she made the wrong choice? Should she have given him another chance?

As these thoughts swirled in her head, memories of the previous night flooded back. She remembered the look in his eyes—once filled with love and warmth—now empty and filled with sorrow, mirroring her own emotions. They had both been suffering, yearning for something that seemed just out of reach.

Sinking down onto the couch, Alice fought back tears, wrestling with the weight of her decision. In the midst of her emotional turmoil, she noticed a small piece of paper resting beside an empty glass of water that she had given Charles the night before.

With trembling hands, she picked up the paper and unfolded it. As she read the words written by Charles, her heart clenched. He had left behind the necklace she had given to Pierre yesterday, intending for it to be returned to him.

"Take it, it is all yours. - Charles."

The gesture was bittersweet, a symbol of their shared history and the complexities of their relationship. Alice couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—gratitude for the love they had shared sadness for what was lost, and a glimmer of hope that someday they might find their way back to each other.

She held the necklace in her hands, feeling its weight and the memories it held. At that moment, Alice realized that regardless of the choices she had made, the love she felt for Charles would always be a part of her. It was a reminder of the depth of their connection and the impact they had on each other's lives.

With a heavy sigh, Alice decided to keep the necklace close. She kept looking at it in her hand, reminiscing about the day he gave it to her. It symbolized a promise—a promise he made to love her and be with her. However, when the time came for him to demonstrate his affection, he shattered that promise.

So, what was the message conveyed by that necklace? Was it a symbol of broken promises, a representation of a hopeless romance? It served as a reminder of the person she once loved, and still loves. Frustration boiled within her, and she couldn't help but exclaim, "Fuck you, Charles Leclerc!" She hurled the necklace against the opposite wall. "Why did you make me fall in love with you?"

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