Chapter 68

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I plugged my phone into my car speaker as I began to drive home, picking up Paula's call. I hadn't expected her to want to speak to us again, as she made it clear that she didn't want any part in this. I had been meaning to give her a call though, wanting to thank her for what she had done for us.

"Hello? Paula?" I spoke loudly as I pressed my foot down on the gas, just wanting to get home to my mate. Paula was most likely just looking for an update. She knew the trial was occurring and was probably intrigued on the outcome.

"Hello? Who is this?" spoke a male voice, causing me to furrow my brows together.

"What do you mean? You called me," I said, shaking my head. Did somebody have Paula's phone? I didn't need more drama.

"My name is Trent. I'm a paramedic," he responded, his voice calm. "We've got Paula here and she's pretty unwell. We have had a look on her phone and you were the last person she contacted, so we were hoping you were a family member of some sort."

My face fell, and I cleared my throat. Paula had informed us that she wasn't going to live very long. She had cancer, and helping us was going to be her last good deed on this planet.

I felt as if we owed her some sort of goodbye.

"I'm not a family member," I spoke. "I'm more of a friend, but have you not been able to locate anyone?"

I heard a sigh from the other end of the line, the spluttering of Paula heard from the background taking me off guard, it sounding like she was struggling to breathe. She didn't sound good.

"There was one other number on her phone that we tried to call, but we didn't get a response. She doesn't appear to have anyone," Trent said, and I sighed. Paula was a good lady and it was sad to hear that she didn't have anyone that the paramedics could call to come and say goodbye to her. She didn't deserve to die alone.

"How long has she got?" I asked, pulling my car onto the side of the road, my chains digging into my side as I shuffled in my seat, running my hand through my hair.

"We really can't be certain, but a few hours at most," the paramedic told me, causing me to raise my brows. I wasn't expecting him to tell me she had that length of time left. I was imagining a couple of days or so.

My conscience was wavering, and I pushed my foot back down on the gas, releasing a small sigh. "What's her address? I'm on my way."

I drove quickly, not wanting Paula to pass before I got there. I knew that we weren't friends, but I imagined it would be nice for her to see a familiar face before she died. She was probably quite frightened, despite the fact that she was expecting this. Nothing really prepared you for death.

The paramedics had informed me that Paula lived in a pretty secluded area. There wasn't much around, and it took a while to actually locate her street, but after around forty five minutes of driving, I eventually found it.

I was desperate to get back and see Mia, and I knew that she would probably be annoyed at me for diverting to Paula's instead of coming straight home, but Paula had helped us. She had practically saved Mia's life. Without her knowledge, Mia's body would have eventually shut down, believing that it no longer had a mate.

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