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Dedicated to NaijaBae


Two police officers were at the crime scene. One acted like the head and the other like his assistant with a notepad in hand and a camera around her neck. On the floor was a drawing that showed the exact position the body was in before being rushed out, and in a transparent mini bag was a note and a knife that had the victim's blood tinted on it. Outside the press club was the principal of the school and the guidance counsellor. They were both ordered by the officers not to step in.

The police officer with the notepad had everything needed for the investigation written down. Name of victim, age, class, weapon used, manner of death, and estimated time of death. After getting everything they needed, the officers stepped out of the room to meet the principal who was patiently waiting for them outside. The shocked expression on the young counsellor's face and the grief on the principal's face was shown. This sort of thing had never happened before at Greenville High. This wasn't only going to cause traumatic toil for the students; the reputation of the school was also at stake.

"What is it, inspector?" the principal asked once the officers stepped out of the room.

"I need to interrogate each student in her class," said the inspector, while motioning for the female officer to take note.

"Interrogating the students without consent from their families—is that allowed?" The principal asked.

"You are the guidance counsellor, are you not?" The inspector asked, his gaze moving to the young lady standing beside the principal, and she nodded. "Then it's allowed."

Silence followed as the principal made a call to the class teacher of the selected class.


It's about your sister . . .

It'd been over a week since Mrs. Emma had relayed the news of my sister's death. I couldn't believe it back then, and I still can't believe it now. Danielle was a cheerful person with a lot of plans for the future. I remembered the last call I had with her and how she was eager to see me during the break so we could film lots of TikTok videos together. According to her, we were twins and extremely beautiful, which would instantly give us likes and followers. I smiled a bit, remembering her words.

. . . she committed suicide.

Someone with so many hopes and plans couldn't just take her on life. It was impossible. I cried so hard to let Mrs. Emma talk to the school authorities about letting me go home. After so much consideration and a pity party from the school board, I was asked to go one week later.

I'd asked Seidi to help take care of my stuff this morning, and she'd hugged me tightly before freeing me to get into Mrs. Emma's car.

I wiped my eyes after seeing some passersby give me uncomfortable looks. I was at the airport with my backpack hanging on one shoulder as I glanced around for any sight of my big sister Deborah, also known as Sis Debby by Danielle and me.

'Make sure you don't think too much of the situation,' Mrs. Emma had said, 'and contact me often, okay?'

I sniffed and decided to find a place to sit when I spotted a familiar silhouette. "Sis Debby?"

The person turned a bit, giving me a clear view of their face. "Sis Debby!"

A few people around me turned to give me looks, but I was only interested in my sister, who was now looking in my direction. Wiping my eyes, I ran over and hugged her tightly while crying on her shoulder. Danielle and I were an inch taller than Debby, though it didn't look that way because Debby was more endowed than my twin and me.

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