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in which chris has a cold and gets cared for by you and his brothers.
"babyyyyyyy" you hear chris whine from his bedroom, followed by a series of disgusting sounding coughs.

you sigh deeply, knowing that this means chris probably contracted what nick had a couple days ago. you enter his room, seeing him curled up in three blankets with tissues strewn about the room.

"im sick." chris whines. chris is known to be a giant baby when he gets sick. whether it's just a scratchy throat or the complete flu, he transforms into the 5 year old he is at heart.

"yeah, i see that sweetheart. let me get a thermometer for you, okay? i'm not going to be gone for longer than one minute." you say, slipping out of his room before he can protest. you grab it and some antibiotics from the bathroom before coming back into his room.

"open." you say, sticking the thermometer under his tongue. after a few seconds it beeps, and you take it out to look. you click your tongue and shake your head. "101.6, you have a fever."

chris' eyes well up with tears. "y/n, my head hurts." he cries, bringing his hands up to his head. you grab the half-empty water bottle from his side table and hand him some of the medicine you found.

"take these and try to take a nap baby. you'll feel at least a little bit better when you wake up." you smile, starting to leave his room.

"y/nnnnnnnn stay." he whines, dragging out your name and holding out his arms toward you. as much as you hated getting sick, you loved chris, so you decided what the hell and got in bed with him. he curled up on his side against you, digging his head into your chest. you rub slight circles on his temples, attempting to take away his headache. it truly broke your heart to see someone you love so dearly in such pain, but it hurt even more knowing that there was nothing that you could do to take it away.

you grab the remote to his tv and put on your favorite show on a low volume, only to find chris completely passed out on you. you kiss his sweaty hair and text matt.

hey, chris got what nick
had the other day. can
you please make him
some soup or noodles?
i would do it but he's
currently passed out on
my chest lol i can't move

yeah you got it! i'm
gonna keep nick away
from him though so he
doesn't get sick again.
he's still not feeling 100%
and i don't want to risk

you loved this message.

you put your phone down and looked back to the sleeping boy on your side. you felt his forehead once more, but he still felt the same. you hoped that he would feel better once he woke up. matt slowly opened the door to chris' room, careful to not make any noise. he sets the bowl of soup down on chris' nightstand for when he wakes up, and looks at his brother all types of twisted up against you.

"that poor kid is hell when he's sick. i don't know how you have the patience for him." matt whispers and you laugh quietly.

"i guess i just love him too much."

matt makes a fake gagging noise, causing chris to jolt awake.

"good going ass wipe!" you say to matt, turning to look at chris. his eyes are completely glossed over, and he looks like he has absolutely no idea where he is.

"hey baby, how do you feel?" you say softly as chris starts to look around the room rapidly and wiping sweat off his face and neck.

"i'm sweating a lot why am i sweating so much am i dying y/n make it stop why am i sweating this much?" chris rambles, constantly rubbing at his damp skin. realizing that the sweat just keeps coming, he buries his head in your chest once more.

"calm down sweetheart, it's your fever breaking. it's normal, and no you're not dying. it's a good thing, it means you'll be better soon. sit up and try to eat something. matt, will you go and get me a wet washcloth please?" you say, matt nodding and exiting the room. chris sits up cautiously and you hand him the bowl. he looks at it with uncertainty and looks up to you after.

"you'll be fine, just have a little something. you need some food in your system to feel better, baby." you soothe, watching him take spoonful after spoonful. soon enough, chris finishes the whole bowl.

"good job baby, im so proud of you! once matt gets back with the washcloth you can try to take another nap. i can see that you're still tired." you say and start playing with chris' damp hair. he starts coughing again and you try to hold your breath, being careful not to breathe in whatever he has. once you think he's finally finished, he starts up again. you sigh, hoping that you're able to stay away from whatever is going around the sturniolo household.

matt finally arrived with the cold washcloth and you thank him. you set it over chris' eyes, but he starts to complain.

"i cant sleep on my back." he whines again, turning on his stomach but the washcloth falls off.

"i know baby but you have to. at least just lay there for a little bit."

he groans and starts muttering stuff under his breath. "i won't be able to sleep."

you ignore it and put the washcloth back over his eyes. in about 2 minutes you hear him snoring once more.

you end up falling asleep as well, waking up around 6pm. chris was still fast asleep on top of you, but he wasn't sweating as much and his nose didn't sound as congested.

almost like you summoned him, he woke up and peeled the washcloth off his face.

"good morning again. how are you feeling?" you ask again, but to your surprise, chris smiles at you.

"a lot better. my sinuses are still pounding and so is my head but it's not nearly as bad." he says. you smile back at him and kiss his forehead.

he pulls you down to kiss your lips, but you back up. "i'm sorry honey, not until you feel better. you know one of my biggest fears is getting sick." you say, chris nodding and looking down.

"i love you so much." you say, putting your finger on his chin and forcing him to look up at you.

"i love you so much more." he smiles.

your phone starts ringing and you see that it's from nick. "hey. ... yeah. ... we both are. ... mhm. ... let me ask."

"nick wants to know if you want anything from mcdonald's." you ask him and he nods aggressively.

"he wants his usual and i want mine please. you're the best. i love you too." you speak into the phone before hanging up.

you give chris the remote, signifying for him to put on something. he ends up putting on the simpsons movie, one of the movies you guys watched on your first date. he lays his head back down on your chest and you play with his hair some more. about halfway into the movie, nick comes in with the mcdonald's.

"you are my lord." you say, taking the mcdonald's bags from him and giving chris his food.

"they don't call me jesus nick for nothing! actually nobody calls me that. but it would be cool if they did." he shrugs, walking out.

"he's odd." you say, laughing at chris.

"you're telling me."

you both eat your mcdonald's and watch movies the rest of the night.

you wake up the next morning to chris watching tiktok on his phone.

"how are you feeling?" you attempt to ask him, but it comes out all deep and raspy.

"i feel great, but you don't sound very good gorgeous." chris laughs, feeling your forehead.

"i'm not sick." you say, but that sends you into a fit of coughing.

a/n- do we want one where chris takes care of us while we're sick

up to yall






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