she said she met me on the tour

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in which you're a singer at the same venue as the sturniolo triplets, and get on the wrong tour bus.


i've seen so many edits to this song i just had to

you smiled widely as you looked out among the crowd of people cheering for you. you let your shoulders drop as you really take it all in- and you pick them back up and smile again at the crowd.

you weren't a huge artist. nothing like taylor swift or the weeknd. you were more like lizzy mcalpine or david kushner, and you were more than okay with that. you were performing at a small venue in salt lake city, and the place was going batshit crazy. you walk back over to the microphone and pick it up.

"do you guys have time for one more?"

the crowd erupts in screams as you close with your most popular song, all american bitch. as every single person in that venue is screaming the words back at you, it just all sounds so surreal. you knew since you were little that you wanted to be a singer, or at least some sort of performer. every school talent show, musical, karaoke night, or recital, you wanted to be up on that stage.

your final song finishes up, and the crowd erupts once more. with a large bow and countless waves to people in the audience, you were off the stage. your stage hand/manager, jeff, pats you on the back and hands you a towel. "nice show, as always." he works on unhooking your mic pack as you laugh breathlessly and wipe away the sweat beading on your forehead.

"it's just so fucking crazy, man. like, all those people were here for me. it just never gets old." you say as jeff takes off your mic pack and putting it where it belongs.

"you deserve it. go get cleaned up in the green room and then head back to the bus, we've got a long drive tonight. henry parked the bus behind the venue, you should be good without escorts."

"thank you so much, jeff." you blow him a kiss and he catches it comedically and shoves it in his pocket, making you chuckle. every person you pass on your way to the green room congratulates you, and every time you respond with some different variation of 'thank you.'

your stylist, barbara, always hooks you up with the cutest outfits ever. but god damn, are they impossible to get out of. after nearly six minutes of struggling, you were able to shimmy out of your outfit and into some light sweatpants and a pink tank top. you slid on a pair of converse and put all your used clothes and makeup in their respective piles, knowing that your manager would be by in a minute to pick them up. you really had the best crew, they let you do the very least after a show, insisting that they take care of everything for you.

after grabbing a drumstick ice cream out of the venues complimentary snack freezer, you check both ways before scurrying off to the tour bus. the door was open, but you were so tired you didn't think anything of it.

you walk up the stairs onto the bus and wave a lazy 'hello' to henry, ignoring how the gesture wasn't reciprocated. your demeanor sure perked up when you saw three boys about your age lounging on your couches, though. you let out a small scream and hold up the cone part of your drumstick in a self-defense motion. "who the fuck are you?!"

"woah girl, put the ice cream down." the one with blonde hair says as all three of them set their phones down in unison.

"who are you and why are you on my bus?!" you say, raising the cone a little.

"hey, calm down." a different one from before stands up and holds up his hands. he's cute- you will admit. his hair is longer than the other boys, and he's wearing a yellow sweatshirt that says fresh love on it. "i think you're on our bus."

"uh, no! you're on my bus! i just did a show, why wouldn't - oh my god, this isn't my bus." you stop, your hands drop down your sides as you look around the bus.

"yeah, see?" the blonde from before chuckles.

"oh my god, that's so embarrassing! i'm so sorry you guys! i'm- ugh. i'm so tired i guess i just wasn't paying attention- im so sorry for the intrusion! just- have a good night. oh my god." you ramble, turning around and heading towards the exit.

"wait! you said you had a show tonight?" the blonde from before stops you, making you turn back around to face the three boys.

"uh, yeah. my second album just dropped a couple weeks ago." you smile sheepishly at them, noticing that the long-haired boy from before was staring at you with a small smile on his face.

"that's amazing! anything i would've heard of?" the blonde smiles warmly. his face drops quickly as his jaw drops along with it. "oh my god, i'm so rude! i'm nick, that's matt, and the loser gawking at you is chris. we're the sturniolo triplets, we make videos on youtube. we arrive a couple hours early for our tour."

"no, you're completely okay! i'm the one who completely intruded on your damn bus." you chuckle, scratching the back of your neck nervously. "um, as far as the songs go, my opener of my second album went crazy on tiktok, it's called all american bitch." you say, smiling nervously.

"that song hits. well, as much as i've heard of it." matt smiles. "you can sit down, you know. unless you have to go. because we're gonna be here for another, like, three hours."

you check your phone. "i can probably chill for a little bit, thank you." you say, sitting down slowly on the only open spot- next to chris. you try to ignore the blush creeping up on your face as your shoulders brush when you sit down.

"what's your favorite song that you've written?" matt asks again, smiling at you.

"everyone always asks me that, and i never have a stable answer." you laugh. "but right now, it's probably favorite crime." 

nick gasps dramatically. "you wrote favorite crime? oh my god! that song was literally my most played song on spotify for, like, three months straight! i felt that song in every bone of my body!"

you laugh and put a hand over your heart. "stop, that's so sweet!"

you guys bounced questions and jokes off of each other for what felt like hours, until your laughter was interrupted by jeff calling you.

"oh shit." you say, and answer the phone.

"where the hell are you, y/n!?" jeff screams, making you pull the phone away from your ear. the triplets silently laugh, hearing his yells through the phone.

"i'm coming i'm coming don't piss your pants." you say and hang up the phone.

"i'm so sorry, i have to go! um, im sorry again for interrupting your peace and i hope you guys have a good show tonight!" you say, waving at each of them again and turning around, walking down the steps of the bus and to your actual bus.

"hold up, y/n!" someone says, and you turn around and suddenly you're face to face with chris. "uh, could.. um, could i maybe have your number? you're just really pretty and we both have stage experience so i feel like-" he rambles, and you cut him off with a small laugh.

"yes, i was hoping you would ask." you say, handing him your phone and he hands you his. you put your contact in and hand it back with a smile. he does the same.

"text me." you smile, blowing him a kiss and turning back towards your bus.

a/n- it's chrissy!!

this chapter didn't really make logical sense but im writing this while im sobbing my eyes out so i think it's okay

i love you all so so much

im sorry i can't write it's so damn hard rn for some reason


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