wear my number

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in which you support chris during his hockey game

you're all still in senior year in this!!

"so, are you excited for the big game?" you ask chris, sitting on top of his desk as you both wait for the bell to ring, signifying the start of the last period.

"i'm really fucking nervous." he laughs, cracking his knuckles.

"babe, you'll do fine. you always do. i'll be there, cheering you on." you smile, trying to ease his nerves.

"i know. its just- it's the semi-finals. and i'm a senior. this could be the last time i ever play hockey again." he says, shaking his hands agressively.

"i promise, you'll do wonderful." you soothe.

"oh, that reminds me. i have a practice jersey in my locker, would you mind wearing it tonight? ya know, just to really let people know who you're there for." he asks you, looking you deep in your eyes.

"of course! oh my god, ive been wanting to wear your number for so long but i didn't want to ask." you say as the bell rings and you and chris both sit down in your seats.

"for the future, never be afraid to ask me anything." he whispers and kisses your cheek before mr. jackson, the teacher, walks into the class.

"good afternoon class! i know it's a friday and everyone's ready for the big game tonight, but we do have work to do. so, you have a quick partner assignment that's due at the end of class." mr jackson rambles. as soon as the words 'partner assignment' come out of his mouth, you and chris both glance at eachother and nod.

"it's super simple. all you have to do is solve the math equations and complete the color-by-number that correlates. i know it's childish, but i wanted to give you something fun to kick off the weekend. have at it, children." he concludes, and you go up to the front to grab the papers for you and chris.

he was right, it was super quick and easy. you and chris finished in about 20 minutes, and had the rest of the period as free time.

chris rambles about hockey to you the rest of the time. you hardly understood a word that he said the whole time, but you were happy just to be on the receiving end of his rants.

the bell rings again, and kids flood out into the halls, desperate to get home for the weekend.

chris stops at his locker to get the practice jersey he was talking about for you.

"you washed this, right?" you chuckle slightly, playing off the genuine question as a joke.

"of course i washed it!" he says in a high pitched voice, making you laugh.

"where are your brothers?"

"they just texted me and said they're already at the car. i'll walk you out." chris says, putting his hand on the small of your back as you two maneuvered through the people.

being the gentleman he is, he walked you all the way to your car which was the opposite way of his. you got in the drivers seat and rolled down the window.

"so, i'll see you in my number tonight, gorgeous?" chris asks, leaning his elbows against the open window.

"of course." you respond, planting a quick kiss on his lips before he leaves to go to the triplets van.

you drive home and check the time. 2:45 and the game starts at 5.

you take off the shirt you were wearing during the day and slid on the practice jersey, deciding to leave on the pants you wore to school.

you look in the mirror and nearly pass out when you see "sturniolo" and his number printed in big bold letters on the back.

your phone buzzes with a text from nick, and you open it quickly.

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