read my thoughts

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in which you find chris' journal

just friends in this one!!
for now

you were sitting in chris' room on his bed, waiting for him to get out of the shower.

you were having a sleepover with him after one of his lacrosse games. you were his best friend and you stayed over all the time, so you just made yourself comfortable while you waited for him to get out of the shower.

you've loved him since you were able to understand what the word 'love' means. obviously you loved him in a friendly manner, but recently, you've realized that things have been a little different. any time he even glances in your direction, you get filled with MAJOR butterflies. you knew it was wrong to have feelings for your best friend and it would just fuck things up down the road, so you didn't act on it. but every time you sleep over, you would find your bodies tangled together at some point or another. whether it was watching a movie on the couch or a hug that lasts just a little too long, you always found your way back into his arms.

you were laying down scrolling on your phone, when the screen turned black and the charging icon came up.

"fuck." you say quietly, taking chris' charger and plugging in your phone.

with your phone being dead, you took the liberty to look around his room for something to do. "god chris, hurry up!" you yell, looking at all the posters on his wall.

"shut up!" you hear from the bathroom, making you chuckle to yourself.

you sit down in his gaming chair, spinning yourself around a couple times. you saw a little red notebook sitting in an open drawer, and you picked it up.

your idea was to write horrible dad jokes on each page, rip them out, and tape them all over his walls to get him back for a prank war started a couple months prior. but when you opened the notebook, you saw the pages were already full.

you knew that you should've respected his privacy, but curiosity got the better of you as your eyes started running over the pages.

january 21, 2023

matt and nick told me to do this because they're tired of listening to me talk about her. idk how much this will help tho. i know matt does this but i'm not much of a writer

oh well. it's a start.

you flip a couple pages foward, trying to find context about who this 'her' is.
may 23, 2023

its so draining being in love with my best friend.

your eyes widen and you re-read that sentence at least 20 times.

"chris is in love with me?" you think, turning a couple pages again to further investigate.

june 27, 2023

it's getting worse. we went to the beach today and i can't get over how perfect she is. i wish i had the balls to say SOMETHING to her.

i don't think she feels the same though. like, she's y/n. she's perfect.

you hear the bathroom door open and slam the notebook shut, throwing it back in its drawer.

"you okay? you look really pale." chris says, walking into his room with pajama pants on and a white tank top.

"i love you." you blurt out, too overwhelmed with everything you just read to stop it.

"i love you too, are you good?" he chuckles, drying his hair with a towel.

"no, like, i love you too." you say, making your way over to his desk and holding up the notebook.

"oh." he says, dropping the towel to the floor. "you read my journal?" he raises his voice, taking it out of your hands and shutting it back in the drawer it came from.

"i was going to prank you and tape shitty jokes all over the wall while you were in the shower, but the book was already filled." you explain with an apologetic look on your face.

"oh. well good thing you did, because now i can do this with no consequences." chris says, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your lips.

you kiss him back, all the butterflies in your stomach going batshit crazy.

you pull away and smile at him. "so, you've felt this way since january?"

"actually, march of 2014. when i saw you win that waffle eating contest in 7th grade. that's when i realized i loved you."

"2014?!" you yell, "why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"i didn't think you'd reciprocate the feelings!"

you laugh and shake your head. "god, we could've been that couple who's been together their entire lives."

"we basically are, we've known eachother since kindergarten." he explains, but you shake your head again.

"doesn't count."

he laughs and shuts off the light. "can we watch a movie? i'm tired but not tired enough to go to sleep."

"kid it's literally your house, you don't have to run your plans by me." you laugh, getting comfortable with chris on the bed and grabbing the remote.

"you pick the movie." he says, wrapping an arm around you and handing you the remote.

"okay." you scroll through the selection until you find the spongebob movie. "we haven't watched this together in a while."

"good choice, gorgeous." he smiles and you lean your head on him, pulling up the blanket.

good thing you read his journal.
a/n- i couldn't figure out how to end this bitch


how is everyone today

i just fucked up a redbull and i'm bouncing off the walls


i hope you enjoyed this one! sorry, the requests are coming slowly but surely

i love you all




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