taylor swift

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these are just a bunch of short little blurbs based off of taylor swift songs that i wanted to write abt but i cant figure out how to turn it into a whole long story. if there's any that you want me to try to turn into full stories i certainly can try, but i don't know.

and though i can't recall your face, i still got love for you
it's been a few months since your falling out with the triplets. you don't know exactly.

actually, that's a lie. you've been counting the days since they called it quits. 156 days since you lost the most important people in your life.

you weren't quite sure why they left. actually, that's not true either. you knew exactly why they left. the last couple weeks before the fall out, you all were walking on egg shells around eachother. any time you guys hung out, one party or the other would end up storming out. and if one of the triplets left, the other two followed suit. so either way, you ended up alone. the triplets decided they "didn't need that negativity in their life," so they shut the door without a second thought.

you wanted to be angry. you wanted to curse at them and hate them and block them on everything. but you couldn't.

and even though it's been 156 days and you could slowly feel the memories slipping away from you, you couldn't help but only feel love for those three.

the archer
cause they see right through me, they see right through me
you were sat silently on the couch as chris stands in front of you, begging you to talk to him.

you had anxiety. chris knew that. he also knew that you tended to shut down when it gets bad. that's why he was currently begging you to open up.

"y/n, please. i know something's bothering you. i can help." he pleads, tears pooling in his eyes.

you wanted to talk to him, you really did. but the only thing going through your head were these words; they see right through me.

it was like a broken record, over and over and over again.

they see right through me. he knows. he sees right through me. how does he see? i thought i hid it so well. they see right through me. they see right through me. he sees right through me. i see right through me.

chris gets on his knees in front of you, sliding inbetween your calves and taking his hands in yours. "sweetheart, please. you don't have to hide from me. i know when things are upsetting you. i have ways to help. please."

you take one look in his heartbroken eyes and immediately break down.

he collects you in his arms, holding you as tight as he can, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. "you're okay, im here. im not leaving. you're safe. i love you, so much. so so much."

chase two girls, lose the one
"oh my god! you're insane if you think that bullshits really going to work on me." you say, running a hand through your hair as tears brim your eyes.

you were at work for most of the day today, and told chris that you would be home late. he understood with a frown which broke your heart. so after some begging and bribing your coworkers, you found someone to cover your shift so you could come home early and surprise chris.

but you were the one who got surprised, because when you walked inside you found chris with his tongue half way down some other girls throat.

"y/n, it was a one time thing! i promise! i now know that i love you and only you." chris says as you both watch the short blonde girl collect her things and run off.

"so you needed to make out with someone else to know that you loved me? you're just making matters worse." you chuckle, but there's no humor behind it.

"y/n please, don't leave me. kennedy won't come back-" he starts, but you cut him off.

"oh, so she has a name?"

he rolls his eyes and continues. "please. she won't be with me, i cant lose you too."

as much as his begging made you weak in the knees, you had to stay strong. "no chris. that's what happens when you think one girl isn't enough."

you choose to ignore the tears in his eyes as you turn away from him and walk right out the door.

how you get the girl
and then you say 'i want you for worse or for better, i will wait forever and ever.'
you were in the kitchen, washing some dishes from your dinner.

it's been six months since you and chris broke up. you called it quits because chris said that he doesn't see a future with you. you wanted to get married eventually, but chris said none of that interested him. you didn't want to be in a relationship that wasn't going anywhere, so you broke up with him. chris took it really hard, so any time you hung out with the other two brothers, he conveniently had other plans.

after finishing the dishes, you check the time; 6:38pm. it's a rainy tuesday night, so you light a candle and curl up in your favorite blanket just as the doorbell rings. you sigh and get up, opening it to find chris shivering from the rain.

"are you insane?" you ask him, pulling him inside the house by his wet shirt.

"i know it's been a long six months y/n, but i was just scared to tell you what i want. i want you for worse or for better. i'll wait as long as i need to for you. i want to get married to you. these six months have been the hardest without you. i need you, please." he begs, and you look at him with shock written all over your face.

"oh my god, where was all this six months ago?"

"i don't know. i've been thinking, and i realized how important you are in my life." he says, running a hand through his wet hair. "so, will you let me be with you again? please?"

"yes! oh my god, i missed you." you say, taking chris in for a hug.

and that's how it works, that how you get the girl.

a/n- it's chrissy!!

i hope you enjoyed these four stories, they're just songs i had ideas for but i couldn't figure out how to turn them into whole stories

i love you all!!


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