cant sleep

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in which you can't sleep.

chris can drive in this!

you've been tossing and turning in bed for at least two and a half hours. you'd had a long, stressful day at work and can't seem to shake it.

the frustration of not being able to sleep mixed with the stressful events of today tipped you over the edge as you let out an angry sigh and sit up. you check the time and sigh again when you see 2:56am shining back at you.

you think about calling chris and asking to hang out, but you decided that with it being 3 in the morning, it probably wasn't such a good idea. so, you decide to go for a walk. you slide on some shoes and tie your hair back, grabbing your phone and keys and heading out the door.

you didn't live on a quiet street, but it also wasn't a busy one either. it was the perfect medium- if you wanted to sit on the porch and relax, it was quiet. but if you wanted to do some people-watching, you had the opportunity for that as well.

you weren't stupid. you knew that being a girl walking around at three am probably wasn't the best idea. but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. you knew the area quite well, having lived here for multiple years. you knew which alleys not to go down, and the quickest shortcuts to numerous different locations. you looked up at the stars as you walked, finding all sorts of different constellations you once looked at with chris. as you turn the sixth corner of the night, you get a call from chris.

you sit down on a nearby bench and answer the phone with a perky smile. "hey."

"hi sweetheart, what are you doing? i saw you were active on insta a little bit ago and figured you couldn't sleep. i know you like to take long walks when you're anxious or can't sleep, and i wanted to make sure you were safe." chris speaks through the phone.

"yeah, i'm fine. there was a lot going on at work today and i just couldn't sleep. i didn't want to call you and wake you up so i decided to take a walk, im chilling. thank you for caring though." you say, getting up and walking some more.

"i told you this, you never ever need to feel bad about calling me or texting me. do you want me to come pick you up? we can chill at your house, i know you tend to sleep better in your own environment." chris offers.

"you don't have to, it's late. i probably won't walk for much longer anyways. it's fine." you answer, checking your watch and seeing that, somehow, you walked nearly a mile away from your home.

"i wasn't asking if i had to, i was asking if you wanted me to."

you sigh and chuckle lightly. "okay, yes, i want you to pick me up. i miss you."

"alright, i'll pick you up from where you are so you don't have to walk all the way back home. i'll be there soon, stay safe beautiful." you hear some rustling on chris' line as he proposes his idea. you hear the beeping of the car starting as you yawn.

"i'll be chilling on a bench. i love you." you say, walking back to the bench you were sat on a couple minutes ago.

"i love you too." and with that, he hangs up the phone.

you and chris live fairly close to eachother, so you knew it would only take him 3 or 4 minutes to get you. while you were sitting on the bench, you looked up at the stars again. the stars have always fascinated you, especially when you were younger. when you were super young, you had a skylight in your room. you'd lay on your floor for hours on end at night, watching the sky. you'd gotten a book all about constellations for your 8th birthday, and ever since then, you'd watch the stars every night and find the different arrangements.

you hear a car pull up on the road next to you, and you pull your head down to look forward. the passenger side window rolls down as you're met with the smiling face of your lovely boyfriend. "hey pretty lady on the side of the road, you wanna come home with me?"

you widen your eyes and get in the passenger side. "chris, you can't say that! people are going to think you kidnapped me."

"whatever," he leans over and kisses your lips quickly before starting the car and heading back to your house.

it was less than a mile away, so before you even knew you left, you were back home. you unlock the door and pull chris inside. "do you want anything to eat or drink or anything?"

he laughs and leans against the kitchen counter. "i'm okay, thank you. are you tired? you yawned like four times since i picked you up."

you yawn again at the mention of yawning, making chris laugh. "i'll take that as a yes. let's go, come on." he holds out his hand to you, and you shamelessly take it, letting him lead you up to your room.

you fall face first onto your bed, kicking off your shoes and wrapping your arms around a pillow. "come here." you mumble into your pillow. the sound was so blocked by the pillow, chris could hardly even hear you. you feel the bed dip beside you and hear the click of the lamp being turned off.

"goodnight, pretty girl." chris says, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.

"goodnight, chris." you mutter, getting comfortable with him.

you weren't sure if it was the walk or the boy holding you, but you slept like a baby that night.
a/n- it's chrissy!!!

i hope you all enjoyed this one

i'm not very proud but i pulled this one out of my ass because i cant find motivation for anything and nothing i write is good and i'm TIRED OF ITEIFYEIFUODJDKFNFKIFKRBOVVOFKEHEOSJENBFVKORMEBSK

i need an energy drink fr

i love you all!!


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