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in which chris argues with you over your ex.
you smile at your phone, responding to a joke dylan texted you. dylan was your ex, but you guys are still good friends. you guys broke it off on good terms about 6 months ago, and chris was there with you through it all. you and dylan both agreed that you didn't feel a spark anymore, so you decided to end it. two months later, you got with chris and you are the happiest you've ever been with someone.

dylan was texting you about a party that his sister was having. you and his sister, taylor, are still good friends as well. taylor broke her phone and is currently waiting for it to be repaired, that's why dylan is making all the plans.

you're one of the funniest
people i know, i forgot
how similar our humor is.
for the party tomorrow, you
should bring chris. i like him, he's cool.

                                          i will, if he wants to   
                                          go that is. what are
                                the details on this party?

be at my house at
7pm tomorrow. you'll have a
good time, i promise. i'll get
snacks and stuff, we'll
have karaoke, we can watch
movies, it'll be a lot of fun.

i'll be there 🫡

dylan loved a message

you set your phone down without locking it to go get a pepsi from the fridge, leaving the last two message exposed. chris comes down the stairs and sits down in your spot on the couch.

"hey, you took my spot." you say, playfully pushing him to the next cushion.

"don't touch me. what the fuck is this?" chris snaps, showing you your phone.

"oh, it's just-" you start to explain, but chris rolls his eyes.

"i don't know why i even bothered to ask. i don't want to know why you're going to your ex's house at night on a friday." he argues and stands up to go to his room.

"wait chris, please let me explain. i promise nothing is happening, it's just a party for his sister." you explain, touching your thumb to each of your fingers and counting as you do so.

1, 2, 3, 4

chris laughs dryly. "that's the biggest load of bullshit i've ever heard. why isn't his sister texting you about it? why are you guys going to be watching movies together at a party? why is he calling you the funniest person he's ever met? why are you even still fucking talking to him?" chris interrogates, and tears start to form in your eyes.

1, 2, 3, 4

"taylor broke her phone, chris! she can't fucking contact me! they have a movie room at their house, he was saying if i got bored at the party i could put on a movie and watch it with taylor. he's saying i'm the funniest person he's ever met because we have the same exact humor, and you know that me and him are still on good terms! you know all this shit, why are you fucking freaking out on me?" you yell, still repeating the 1,2,3,4 pattern.

"oh i don't know, maybe because you're going to hang out with your ex without me?" he yells back, causing a few tears to fall from your eyes.

"if you would've fucking scrolled on the messages, even though you shouldn't have fucking read them in the first place, you would've seen that dylan asked me to bring you because he wants to get to know you more." you say, angrily wiping your eyes.

"oh." chris mumbles.

"don't 'oh' me, chris! you seriously don't trust me enough? why on earth do you think that i would ever do something as crazy as that without at least talking to you first? you mean the world to me, it hurts knowing that you don't trust that i would never do something like that to hurt you." you say, wiping your eyes once more. you grab your phone and go up the stairs, heading to matts room.

you think twice before you head up the stairs. you turn around and look at chris. "i need a minute to cool off. i'll be back later. i love you."

that's something about you, you never leave the room without saying that you love him. even if you guys are beyond angry at eachother.

"i love you too." he says, wiping his eyes as well and walking the other direction.

you sigh deeply and walk into matt's room, where he's sitting on the bed on instagram live.

he's sitting there talking to his viewers, when he sees you. he looks at your tear-stained face and frowns. he thanks his viewers for watching quickly and shuts off the live. he puts his phone down and hold out his arms to you, knowing that physical touch is an easy way to calm you down.

"what's wrong, y/n? did chris pull some dickhead move again? matt asks, rubbing your back.

"no, it was my fault." you say, and tell the story to matt. he stays quiet the whole time until you're finished talking. that why you mainly go to matt, because he doesn't interrupt you.

"y/n, that was 100% not your fault. chris just has a short temper. i don't know why he didn't believe you when you literally had text proof." matt soothes. "he just can't admit that he's wrong."

you nod and bury your head deeper in matt's pillow. "fighting is exhausting."

"go make up with him and go to bed. he always tells me how much at calms him down when you guys sleep together." matt says, and you whip your head around and raise one eyebrow at him.

he laughs and lightly hits your shoulder. "you know what i mean. now go get your man." matt says, and you hug him again.

"thank you for always listening to me complain about your own brother." you say, matt sending you a thumbs up.

you leave matt's room and knock softly on chris' door. you hear a soft "come in" from the other side, and you open the door to see chris sitting in his gaming chair, just looking off into the distance. he turns in his chair and makes eye contact with you.

"hey baby, i'm so so sorry. i completely overreacted. i know that you know better than to do anything or let anything happen. i should've respected your privacy in the first place, but i'm especially sorry for not hearing you out. i love you so much, i know that you wouldn't allow anything to hurt what we have." chris apologizes before you can get one word out.

"i love you chris, i forgive you. just please trust me from now on. now can we please go to bed, arguing is incredibly exhausting." you say, flopping down on his bed.

"yes please." chris agrees, laying next to you and pulling you close to his chest.

you guys both fall asleep pretty quickly.

as much as you hate fighting, you love the make-ups afterwards.
a/n- it is chrissy here

i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while, i hope you enjoyed this one.

love you all!!



love you all, thank you so much!!


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