all too well (10 minute version)

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in which you and chris argue.

this is inspired (and by inspired i mean directly taken) by the all too well 10 minute version short film argument.

i've seen it so many times so i'm quoting it from memory with some minor changes to benefit the story, im sorry if it's kind of off.

there's a lot of cursing in this one, it's like this in the short film as well!

i hope you enjoy!

you were standing at the sink, washing dishes from the dinner that has now passed. chris invited some of his friends over for a dinner so they could meet you, and they had just left.

you noticed during the dinner, chris had been kind of cold to you. at one point you started to feel overwhelmed with all the new people, so you instinctively grabbed his hand, but he just set it back on the table, patted yours, and continued to go back to his conversation.

you hear chris walk back into the kitchen after seeing the last guest out, and he leans against the kitchen counter. "why are you so pissed off?"

you sigh and continue scrubbing the dish. "i'm not pissed off, who said i was pissed off?"

"because you're acting pissed off. i mean, it's ridiculous! these are my friends, and they were super fucking nice to you too." he shoots back, crossing his arms over his chest.

you huff again and scrub the dish even more aggressively, trying to ease some of your anger bubbling up. "well i liked your friends, i never said i didn't like your friends."

"then why were you being-"

you drop the dish in the sink and turn around exasperated to face chris. "i didnt like the way you acted around them!"

"because you were being weird and quiet the whole time!" he shouts, pushing himself off the counter to pace the kitchen.

"i was not being weird." you chuckle dryly, following chris with your eyes.

"yes you were."

"because you wouldn't look at me! you asked me maybe one thing the entire night." you yell, running your hand through your hair.

"such bullshit, that's such bullshit." chris humorlessly laughs as he puts some more dishes into the sink.

"you dropped my fucking hand, chris! what am i supposed to do with that?" you shout. "i don't know any of these people, they're all strangers, they're all older than me!"

"what are you even talking about-" chris starts, put you cut him off.

"i feel SO out of place, you're the only one here that makes me feel comfortable!" you continue scrubbing some of the dishes that chris is continuously dropping in the sink.

"there you go again, making this night about you." he scoffs, scraping left over food off abandoned plates on the table and setting them in the sink.

"they won't even look at me!"

"i'm catching up with friends, you're saying that i dropped your hand but i don't even remember the moment that you're talking about! how can you be, like, attacking me about something that I don't even fucking remember?! i was doing it subconsciously y/n, i was catching up with people that i haven't seen in 10 years!" chris yells, continuing to clean up the table.

you chuckle dryly and turn back to the sink. "don't- don't do that. you're making me feel fucking stupid."

"i think you're making yourself feel that way, literally holding me hostage over a moment i don't even fucking remember.  it's insane, y/n! i had fun, i actually thought it was a fucking blast! now, this is the night. this is what we're doing. so fucking awesome." chris rolls his eyes as he throws away used napkins and empty solo cups.

you feel your voice go small and continue doing the dishes. "you just treated me differently, that's all."

you hear chris scoff from behind you. "what do you mean i 'treated you differently?'" he mocks your voice and you turn around again.

"you didn't even look at me once!"

"what are you talking about i didn't look at you, y/n? yes i fucking did!"

"no- listen to me! you're not listening!"

you two go back and forth before he finally lets you get a word out.

"trust me, your friends were enthralled by you. of course they were! you're the perfect person who can do absolutely no wrong. you didn't fucking look at me!" you yell, turning off the water at the sink and standing against the counter.

"it's crazy, you're being so selfish. now this night is about you, it's insane!" chris shouts. you run another hand through your hair as
you take a deep breath.

"oh, so i'm being selfish? good to know where we stand." you roll your eyes and run your hands over your face.

"yes, that's what i'm saying. you're acting selfish. do you need a fucking google definition?" chris shouts. you feel your eyebrows go tight as your eyes and nose start to heat up.

"don't look at me like that. that's fucked up." chris says, watching your face go from anger to sadness.

you turn around and face the sink, putting your hands on it and leaning against it. you feel your eyes well up with tears as they slowly fall down your cheeks.

"hey, come on. i don't want to fight, don't do that. come on." chris says, taking your waist in his arms and hugging you from behind.

you let out a sniffle as chris mumbles half-assed apology's into your ear.

"i'm sorry. i'm sorry i dropped your hand. come on, i'm sorry."

as he hugged you, that's when you realized that the love affair did in fact maim you all too well.
a/n- it's chrissy! i'm sorry i left you guys hanging for so long!

this one isn't very good, i just love the short film SO much i had to write a little chapter based on it.

i hope you enjoyed!


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