wisdom teeth

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in which chris gets his wisdom teeth out

i just recently got mine out so i'm gonna base this off of my experience lol

"y/n, you can not make me go in there. never." chris says, refusing to unbuckle his seatbelt.

you were currently parked in the oral surgeon parking lot. chris' wisdom teeth have been causing him a lot of pain recently, so he's been advised to get them taken out.

"chris, i swear to god, if you don't get out of this car i will never, and i mean never, hug you, kiss you, look at you, or touch you ever again." you say, getting more irritated by the second.

chris already threw a fit back at the house which put you on edge to begin, complained the whole car ride here, and now is refusing to go in. he's on your last nerve and whatever filter you had is gone now.

"jesus. okay, mom." chris says, making you sigh as he gets out of the car.

"thank you. they're putting you under during the procedure, you won't feel a thing. my mom said that when she got hers out, she was done before she even knew she was asleep." you say, keeping a firm grasp on his wrist so he doesn't try to run away.

when you walk into the office, you find it's almost completely empty. you check chris in at the front desk and sit down with him.

he's anxiously sitting in the chair next to you, bouncing his leg up and down.

"chris, your anxious energy is making me nervous. i promise you sweetheart, you're going to be perfectly fine. they wouldn't do this if it was unsafe." you soothe, putting your hand on his knee to stop the bouncing.

"that's not true. they still do brain surgeries even though the survival rate is only 60%." chris says, leaning his head back in the chair.

"well good thing you're just getting some teeth out."

chris opens his mouth to say something else, but the nurse calls his name before he can get a word out.

chris stands up and looks at you expectantly. "come on."

"chris, i cant go back with you. i'll be in the surgeons way." you say.

"please. just until i fall asleep." he pleads, and you look at the nurse. she nods her head so you get up from your chair and walk back to the room with chris.

"okay chris, so what we're going to do first is put an iv into your arm, okay? this'll ensure that you stay asleep the entire procedure." the nurse explains and chris nods silently.

"y/n, i hate this." chris says, looking over to you.

"i know, i'm sorry. i promise, you will not feel a thing. the worst part is the iv. which is already done." you say, watching the nurse do her thing on the other side of chris.

"good job. now, i'm going to put this tube over your nose, okay? it's going to knock you out in seconds. your lovely girlfriend will be right here when you wake up." the nurse says, setting up the anesthesia.

"okay chris, i'll see you afterwards. i love you, you're going to be fine." you say, kissing his forehead as the nurse turns on the machine.

chris grabs your hand and squeezes. by the time you counted to 15, chris was out like a light.

"i'm going to have you wait in the waiting room, i'll bring you back when he's finished." the nurse smiles.

you thank her and go out in the lobby, playing some games on your phone to occupy yourself until he's finished.

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