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"i blew things out of proportion, now you're blue, put you in jail for something you didn't do" -taylor swift, afterglow

you and chris had just gotten into a huge fight, which ended in him storming out. more accurately, you had started a fight which ended in him storming out. you knew you were in the wrong. you had gotten in your own head, psyched yourself out, and told him you wanted to break up. now, chris being the sweet boyfriend he is, he knew you were just overwhelmed. he tried to calm you down and tell you that you didn't mean any of that, but that idea crashed and burned.

"come on y/n, you know that's your anxiety talking. you and me both know that you didn't mean any of that." chris says, taking your hands in his.

you pull them away quickly and cross them across your chest. "no, you don't get to tell me what you think is best! i'm done with this, i'm breaking up with you."

chris looks at you with heartbreak all in his eyes. you had already built your walls up too high to back down now, and you had no choice but to pretend it didn't feel like a slap in the face. "fine. if you want to break up, then i guess i cant stop you. but just know if you ever think you got it wrong, i'm here."

and with that, he's gone.

you knew you fucked up. you needed chris, and chris needed you. that's how everyone knew you, how the internet knew you. "y/n and chris, chris and y/n." that's how it was since that one day on the playground and that's how it will be until the end of time.

it's been an hour or so since you snapped. you wanted to be strong and convince yourself you didn't need him, but who were you fooling? certainly not yourself, because here you are, slouched against the wall with tear stains down your face, dialing chris on your phone and shakily holding it up to your ear.

he answers almost immediately, but doesn't say a word.

"it's all me, just don't go." you whisper, your voice cracking as a few tears escape from your eyes.

"i'm on my way, baby."

luckily, you and chris live less than three walking minutes away from eachother. so to drive was lightning speed, which you couldn't be more thankful for. he comes through the door, frowning at your heartbroken state you were currently in.


"chris, im so sorry. it's all me. i just get in my head and i ruin things. i didnt mean to, like, burn you down or anything. i don't want to lose you. i cant lose you." you sob, chris holding you tighter than ever. "i just- please don't go."

"you're still mine, sweetheart. we'll be just fine, even when you're in your own head. i need you to talk to me. it's not your fault, you know that's the anxiety talking. you're all i want and more, you understand? nothing makes me as happy as you do. nothing makes me smile more than your pretty face and your sweet personality. even when you break my heart like this, you're still the most perfect person i could ever meet, okay? i love you more than you'll ever be able to understand." chris says, holding you tighter.

"i'm sorry that i hurt you." you mumble, pulling out of the hug and resting your forehead against his.

"i'll do it all over again if it means i can hold you."

"that's was so corny." you laugh, pressing a kiss to his nose. "i love you so much."

"i love you so much more."
a/n- it's chrissy!! i'm sorry this one is so short, ive been on my afterglow grind recently so i needed to write one about it.

i didnt mean for y/n to become so toxic, but we're all a little toxic, aren't we

i hope you all enjoyed!!

i love you all so very very fucking much.


chris sturniolo imagines!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon