fake dating

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in which you "date" chris to make your ex, tyler, jealous.

"come on chris, please just do this for me!" you beg, looking at chris with a look you know he just can't say no to.

"why do you want to make him jealous so bad?" he chuckles, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"because all throughout our relationship he was so worried there was something going on between you and me that he went and cheated on me. please chris. we're best friends, and best friends do favors for eachother. i'll never ask you for anything ever again in our entire lives." you explain. for a second, you see a glimpse of sympathy in his eyes.

he hesitates for a moment before rolling his eyes. "fine, i'll date you." he says, putting air quotes around 'date' as a small smile forms on his face.

your face lights up with excitement and you immediately jump up and hug him. "thank you, thank you, thank you!!" you exclaim, squeezing him tightly.

"the party's at 7. we have like an hour until we have to leave." you say, turning on your heels to go get ready in the bathroom.

your ex, tyler, was hosting a party tonight, and madi was invited. you didn't care that madi was friends with him because she made it a point to never put you in a situation where you had to face him head on. after being invited, madi begged and begged and begged and begged you to go. she claims that your "post-breakup glow-up" was insane and that you should go rub "his loss" in his face.

you reluctantly agreed. madi promised to take you to the mall to get a new dress, to which you agreed again.

you wanted to bring a date to the party to rub it in tyler's face extra hard, but the personal findings came out to a big fat nothing. so, you asked chris. you've always had feelings for chris, which is why you asked him instead of matt.

you smiled to yourself in the bathroom mirror, proud of how the plan came out. you knew that you were meeting at the triplets house before, so you kept your dress in nicks room. you fix up your hair in the bathroom mirror and put on some makeup before sliding on your dress. you checked the time, 6:45.

you admired yourself before walking out into the living room, seeing chris standing there in party-attire that perfectly matched your dress.

"how did you know i would pick this color?" you chuckle, sliding on some shoes and grabbing your clutch.

"great minds think alike." he smiles, his arm snaking around your waist.

"we're not at the party yet." you laugh nervously.

"just practicing, gorgeous." he says, over-enunciating 'gorgeous' and laughing.

"okay, let's go." you say. his words made you incredibly flustered, as you feel your cheeks flush with red.

you get in the drivers seat as chris gets in the passenger.

"are we picking up madi on our way there?" chris asks you, plugging in his phone and playing the playlist he made for you.

you hum a yes and start softly singing along to the music.

chris can't help but admire your profile as you pull out of the driveway. the way the golden-hour lighting splashed over your concentrated face, making your eyes appear brighter than they ever have before.

you turn your head and chuckle when you notice chris looking at you. "what?"

"nothing. you're just pretty." he says. chris has no idea where that random flood of confidence came from, but the words just spilled out of his mouth like word vomit.

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