Chapter 3

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  My father was an independent man, he was willing to do what he was always told you do when he was a kid. Protect what is yours, do what is right, protect your land/area, your people, your mate, children, family, and so on. When my father was just a kid, he had the best parents alive. His father was a noble man, that put his foot down and said what he had to say if no one even liked it. His mother well, she wasn't part of his fathers pack she was in another pack. She was a very beautiful woman, that done a lot of things. She was always doing something with her hands. Her parents were farmers. They had a farmhouse outside of town. It was just her and her parents no one else but they were still wolves. When she was going to school or farming she was running in the woods to a special spot to draw. Yes, draw. She was a painter and a drawer. She would draw or paint anything that came to her mind.
  That's when one day she had come across him.
  The handsomest man alive.
  My grandfather, Ira.
  That's when she fell in love at the spot, and she didn't even know why or how though. All she knew was it was in her to know him, to talk to him, to touch him all over. But she was scared to, and she didn't know why. Like she forgot how to do things, like she forgot where she was, the time, the place. Until he had come forward.
  She had gotten up, turn to run back home when he had touched her arm and when that's when she had felt all the sparks in her body.
  Like her body was on fire.
  She had to look down just to make sure it was on fire.
  But she had turned to look at him, stared right into his beautiful grey eyes. His eyes that was all that got her. There was nothing else. She turned back to face him and touched his face, held his face where she was just staring at those pretty grey eyes.
  He smiled at her, when she put her hand on his cheek. He done the same to her. That's when you knew that they had mated. She couldn't bare to leave him right there and thin. Not even when she heard her father calling her. Even though she thought she was like 5 miles away from the house, but knowing her father, he had come and looked for her.
  All you can hear was; 'Sara!'.
  She sighed at her father calling for her. That's when he had spoken.
  "Sara," he said.
  She smiled at him, "Yes," she said.
  "Beautiful, name for a beautiful girl. My name's Ira." My grandfather told my grandmother.
  "Nice to meet you," she told him. "But I have to go, my father is looking for me." She had told him.
  "I'll walk you back." My grandfather had told her.
  She didn't say anything, she just nodded and grabbed all her thing and they started heading back to her house.
  When they both got to her house, her father was outside by the corn field looking out for her. That's when he had saw both of them coming around the field. He looked very furious at what he saw. He ran up to them growling. But Sara had stopped her father from doing anything stupid. She had explained to her father what had happened, that they mated back in the woods.
  Her father wasn't very happy and yelled for her mother to come talk some since into their daughter, but her mother told her father that they could not do anything about it. If that we mated, we were meant to be together if he had liked it or not.
  After my grandfather had explained what he was and his lifestyle, he had stayed at her house for about a few weeks to know everything about her and her family. That's when he had asked her and her family to come back to his pack, his town to live. Of course, she said yes, but her family said no. That this farm was, their home and they wouldn't leave it for nothing.
  So, after she saying yes, he had left to go back home to his pack to tell everyone what had happened and make room at his place for her and her things.
  "Everyone, I have mated. And she is coming back here to live in a few days." He had told everyone.
  Everyone was excided for him. For finally finding a mate.
  So, Ira, got a horse and a wagon ready and started heading back to Sara's place. It took about 4 hours to get there but once he had got there, she was all ready for him. He had helped her onto the wagon and put all her things in the back on the wagon. Once she had said her goodbyes to her family, they were off.
  After about 10 years of them finally being together, after marriage and all, they finally had settled down to start a family. That's when my father was born.
  Throughout the years, my father was wild. The age of 5 years old, he went crazy wild. Killed all the animals that they had in the little pen that they kept their stock. Age 10 he had attacked some of friends because of his attitude was so awful. Then about the age of 13; he had turned. Then he calmed down a lot.
  After my father had turned, his father was gone all the time. His mother was doing what she could do to help her son with his wolfing out. But didn't help much. She was bad at it herself because she barley wolfed out herself. Didn't really have too. But when grandfather was done they both wolfed out together. She helped him hunt, when she wasn't doing any farming. And when she was farming, she had asked some of the guards for help with the fighting.
  She had used the top 3 good fighting guard to teach him and bye the time he was 16 he was the top dog or wolf that could take down anything or anyone. He even took down his own father, when he had attacked his own mate, his mother, my grandmother.
  My grandfather was just getting old and tried and his mother had gone off on him for being gone all the time. Never giving her any time of their own. Like he was changing.
  And usually when you're with a mate or are mated you don't fall out of love, but my grandparents were falling out of love at least my grandfather was.
  One night my grandfather left to go on a walk, and my grandmother had followed him and found where he been going every weekend. He has been going to some other she-wolf's house to spend time with her. When she saw what she saw, she had gone back home and started packing her things. She sat in their bedroom, crying and packing until Ira had came home and saw what was going on.
  "What the hell are you doing?" he said yelling at her.
  "I'm leaving you." Sara had told him. "I saw where you been going. You have been cheating on me, instead of going on missions." She said yelling at him.
  "Its not like that, Sara." He tired telling her.
  "Oh, it is. You're a fucking cheater. You leave me every weekend, while I take care of our home, our child, our pack. All the Alpha shit while you go sleep with that tramp of a she-wolf." When my grandmother had said that, my grandfather had lost it.
  My grandfather started hitting on my grandmother. Pouching her, kicking her. Doing what he could do to her. No one could stop him not even his own pack, his beta, or his 3rd or any of the guards, when she had yelled for them. Not until Oliver, my father had come into the room after school of him hearing a lot of noise and crying from his mother. When he came into the room and saw what was going on, Oliver had lost it himself. He loved his mother for dear live. She had given birth to him.
  Oliver had transformed into his wolf quick and attacked his father. No one saw it coming not even his own father. NO ONE. When he had jumped his father, knocking him off his mother, landing on top of him growling at his father. His father pleaded with him. Telling everyone to get his son off of him. But when people came close to them he growled. He would growl like an alpha and he wasn't even the alpha, but he was the alpha's son.
  But Oliver heard enough of his fathers plead and put his foot down hard onto his fathers' throat and crushed it. One moment he was moving and the next he wasn't.
  Then Sara had moved to Oliver, hugging his wolf form until he had shifted back into his human form. One of the guards had put a blanket over Oliver. With Sara crying from getting beat on from his father, Oliver had wrapped his arms around his mother, soothing her. When he had got up, he saw what he had done and looked at everyone else. Everyone had bowed down him as their next Alpha even his own mother.
  After burying his father, my father making new rearmaments for everyone, new rules, new everything. When my grandfather's mistress had showed up on the territory. My grandmother had lost it when she saw her. But my father had stuck up for his mother since he was the alpha and it was his land.
  She had asked for Ira, but my father told her that he was dead for attacking his mother. She was all lost and confused didn't know that he was married and had a mate and a family. His mother lost it and transformed into her wolf form and attacked the lady. Oliver didn't stop her nor did anyone else. Everyone was shocked at while Sara done. And every time someone went to stop Sara, Oliver growled at them.
  When Sara was done with the lady, one of the guards had grabbed the woman's body and burned the pieces. Oliver had gone to his mother and patted her.
  Nothing really changed much throughout the years for Oliver and Sara. Their mother and son bond were tuff. No one could touch them or tear them apart, until that moment when Oliver had met my mother.
  When my father had met my mother, it was like he never saw anyone like this in his life before. She was very beautiful. She looked like a queen to him. Not just anyone's queen, his queen.
  He had saved my mother from an attack in the woods. My mother was roaming around their town all by herself, when a couple of rogue wolfs ambushed her. The guards were saying there has been a few rouges close to the territory, so my father and some guard had gone and checked it out. That is when my father saw my mother and saved her from the rouges from killing her. The guards had killed the rouges and my father had shifted and carried my mother back home to the pack doctor so he could take care of her and heal her.
  When my grandmother saw what had happened, she had helped my father out. My mother was out for about a week or so. Until he got to talk to her. When she woken up, they talked and talked. Spent every single moment together.
  They never left each other's sides. They had been with each other for about a few years until they had my brother Parker. After they had Parker, my father had gone out of state to do some Alpha work.
  While my father was gone there was an attack at home and his mother, and the guards were trying to take care of it. Even my mother helped leaving Parker at home with the nanny, Liz. Parker was only a few months old. But when my father was gone, my mother was the one in charge.
  But during the attack, my grandmother got hurt badly, where my mother had helped and got hurt but not as bad. While my mother had finished the job, she went back to my grandmother, where she was and found her died. My mother saw Sara as a mother to her, since she didn't really have a family for herself. It was just horrible, there was a lot of blood, fur everywhere. My mother had howled crazy. She howled so loud so bad that the ground had moved like there was an earthquake.
  It was so bad that my father had felt the pain, the cry, that he came home as fast as he could to his mate; my mother to see what had happened.
  When he saw and heard what had happened to his mother, he lost it all over again. Went into the woods ran into a few of rogues and fought them until every last one of them was dead, that he could find that was near the area of his home or in the 20-mile radius.
  After losing his mother, my grandmother, he had changed. He had age a little over time. He was stricter with everyone.
  After a few years have gone by, him and my mother were being themselves. She ends up becoming pregnant with twins. But not just any twins, twin boys. Parker was only a few years old when Max and Jax were born. My father was happy that he had more sons to take on his life when he got older or when they got older to take on the Alpha part.
  After the twins, my mother started getting sick a lot. She was always in the doctors' house like every 2 to 4 weeks. Until about 6 months after the twins being born that they found out my mother had cancer. That it was killing her slowly, but she was living until she couldn't live anymore. No one really knew what going on with my mother, my father had kept it from everyone, even their own children. His told the doctor to keep the info to himself and not tell a soul. My father didn't want to stress out his queen out too much to have people knowing that she had cancer, because they would start treating her different towards her or whatever.
  After 8 months of finding out, my mother was getting sicker each day, everyone around thought she had the flu, but no that wasn't true. Not until she had cried for pain and found out that she was pregnant when she had giving birth to me. Or at least try to. No one knew that she was not even her or my father or even the doctor. When my father had gotten the doctor to tell my mother give birth, she was having some problems pushing. So, they had to do a c section on my mother, which made her lose a lot of blood. But I was finally born, my mother holding me in her arms while the doctor did what he did to stop the bleeding. But she lost to much. My father staring at my mother crying because he finally got a little girl that he always wanted from my mother, but he was losing my mother to have me.
  My mother looked at my father straight in the eyes and said. "Take care of our little girl, no matter what happens to me. She's very special she is indeed." My mother spoke softly.
  My father grabbed me out of my mother's arms, kissing my mother softly on her lips before moving away from her. "I'll do my damnest with her." He told her. She smiled at him.
  "Don't let Olivia out of your sight until the right time to let her go." My mother told him as she was slipping away, as she had giving me a name.
  "Olivia Rose will be in good hands, my sweet queen." He said as he walked away from my mother when she smiled her last smile by taking her last breath.
  That's when I was born, a female alpha being brought into this world. They say that to ever have another female alpha is for one to die first or dying in the process which that had happen. No one knew she was pregnant with a girl; she was dying while she was carrying me. But this is when me, Olivia Rose was born.
  My father changed after the queen, mine and my brothers' mother had died. Nothing was the same when that moment when the special woman of everyone's lives had pasted on. My father hardly smiled, but when he did it was a strange smile. But when it came to me, that's all he cared about. Even though he had my brothers, he did take care of them even with the nanny, and the help of another female that was in the pack, Claire. That's when I had met Sam and how me and him became what we became.
  This is why and how that I am everyday all because of everything that has happened in my life. I'm doing it for my long last mother and the loving caring of my father, that I love so much.

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