Chapter 18

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  Everything was still black from me blacking out from what had happened, until I felt someone or something licking me on my face until I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw Castiel licking me. He stopped when he saw I opened my eyes, sat down waited for me to get up. I sat up and stared at him, until I shifted back into my human form to talk to him since, I can't pack link with him yet since we haven't mated yet. He shifted as well after he saw what I did.
  "Are you okay?" he asked me.
  "Yea, I think so." I said. "Thanks for saving me from falling to my death."
  "Your welcome. I didn't know if I was gonna make it in time, but I pushed myself faster." He said. "You sure are fast I give you that."
  "Yea I know. I'm the fastest one back home. No one could beat me in a race either in human or wolf form."
  "I see." He said.
  "So, back there what you were saying about your family, when did you move into the alpha house?" I asked him.
  "Hmmm, I was 3 years old when my father's parents died from old age, so it was just my father the next alpha at the house. After they was gone he asked my mother to move in with him so he wouldn't feel lonely in that big ole house. So, she did. When I was 13 years old, me and my father were playing in the field with the boys, when my mother's guard had come running towards us, telling my father that my mother and her parents got into a car wreck. When my mothers' guard told my father that, he ran to me and picked me up and held me in his arms crying. I didn't really know what was going on until the day of the funeral when we were burying my mother and grandparents next to my father's parents when it finally hit me. Few days later I had shifted. And lost it. I ran away from home; I was like a rogue for a while until I came home a few years later. My father's guard came running towards me when he saw it was me, he grabbed me and held me tight until I asked him what was going on. That's when he told me, my father had died hours before me showing up. He had drunk himself to death because of my mother passing and me running away. I was 15 years old becoming an alpha right there and then." He said. "But it wasn't permanent until I had gone to see my father in his room and bite him even though he was already dead. But his spirt was still there." He had said. "So, I am 19 years old now still running my pack. I wasn't happy until now," he said looking at me. "That I found you." I started blushing then looked away from him. "Please don't look away from me." He told me as he put a hand on my cheek to make me look at him. "Has anyone ever tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes ever?" he asked me.
  "Yea, a few people have. I have my mothers eyes, that's what my father had told me." I told him.
  He smiled at me then leaned in to kiss me. I didn't know what to do at first, so I just stood there letting him do what he was doing when he leaned in to kiss me. But of course, I started kissing him back. It felt so nice, his lips were soft against my skin when he headed down to my neck. I thought he was gonna bite me, so I froze where I was, and he stopped and looked at me. I starred into his eyes then kiss his lips, for a few moments then went to his neck kissed him there even licked it. Then went back to his eyes.
  I put my hand on his chest pushed him onto the ground and got on top of him, didn't even care if we were both naked either. But I leaned in to kiss him some more, kissed him on his chest, his neck. Everywhere.
  He pushed me off of him and got on top of me doing the same thing I was doing to him. But he didn't stop, he kept going. Kissing me over and over in a loop until he had started kissing me all the way down to my waistline. Then stopped to look at me. He was asking for permission to go further down, so I shook my head yes. I was ready for this to get over with, I just wanted to be his.
  But instead of going down he came back up kissed me one more time on the lips then went to my neck. He kissed my neck where he was supposed to bite me to mark me then finally I felt him open his mouth, felt the points of his canine teeth as they went into my skin. I moaned as he bit me and grabbed hands full of grass. After he was done, he licked the blood away then kissed where he bit me then started kissing me all the way down to my waistline again. But didn't stop this time, he went all the way down on me and started kissing and licking me. I thought in my life I would never know what pleasure was until now.
  After him licking me down below he came up to my mouth to kiss me, letting me have a taste of what I tasted like. As he was kissing me, he slid himself into me real hard, but it didn't hurt. As he was moving in me, I was kissing him on the lips then went to his neck kissed where I was supposed to mark him which I had did when he pushed in my real hard. As I let go from biting him, I licked away the blood away.
  We didn't last long since it was our first time, but the sun was starting to come up, so we had to stop just in case if someone had came running through. We both smiled at each other and kissed one last time before shifted into our wolf form then ran for it towards the house.
  When I took off I ran a little east and I saw him run a little west. I rolled my eyes at him as I was watching him running next to me, but he was 10 yards away. But it felt like he was right next to me. But that is how mates work, once you mark them. It feels like they are right there next to each other even though you're not.
  Once we got close to the house we came running closer to each other until we had run right into each other tripping over each other, falling to the ground where we found a few members of the pack looking at us.
  We both started laughing at each other. 'You okay?' I had asked him through our mate linked.
  'Yes. I am now since your mine.' He said then licked me. Then got up and pushed his head against me pushing me up. 'Go take a shower and I'll see you later.' He told me
  'Okay.' I told him as I licked him before shifting back into my human form with him. "I love you, Cas." I told him. It was the first time telling him that since we have met.
  "Love you to Liv." He told me.
  I ran inside, before Samuel or Dean saw me naked, up to my room. Once I got into my room, I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked right at my neck where he had bit me. There was dried up blood from where he bit me hard. I started smiling hard at what had happened to us.

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