Chapter 10

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  ~Castiel's P.O.V.~
  After leaving Liv's bedroom; I had met Samuel and Dean in the kitchen waiting for me, so we could walk to the campfire. Sam and Dean are the best brothers, friends, and my backups I could ask for. When we were younger all three of us would always end up in trouble, but we always got our ways. Sam, Dean, and I were only a year apart; Sam was 20, Dean was 18 and me 19. But they were always there for me no matter what it was, that's why I had picked them to be my backups when my father had made me alpha when he was sick and dying. My mother died when I was young, but I still remember her like it was yesterday.
  As we were walking towards the party, Sam had broken the silence. "So, you and Olivia huh?" he asked.
  "Yea, about that Cas, wow. I have never seen anything like that. The way yall moved against each other, how she had calmed you down before you had attacked her father." Dean said.
  "What I was saying before Dean interrupted, I'm glad you finally met someone. Its been forever since I saw you happy since your mother." Sam said. "Sorry had to say it."
  They had to say it and they were right though. "Thanks guys." I thanked them. "With her its different though. I know she's young but least we will have a young queen for the pack."
  "That's if her father lets you take her home with us." Dean said.
  I growled at him. "He has to let her go were mates. But Liv and I have to talk about this first. But tonight, it's just gonna be us getting to know each other as much as we can." I told them.
  They nodded and we finally reached the party. Oliver was making a speech about something with the new wolfs coming into this world; to the pack. That got me, Liv just learned how to shift. She's new to everything. I would need to have a lot of men on her at all times when I wasn't around. And have my best man, Robert on her 24/7 no matter where she gone. Well least when she was home with me in the bedroom.
  As we got close, the boys went to get something to drink and eat, I went to find a seat by the fire. I found a seat facing the house, so I could see Liv come my way. I sat there for I don't know how long, people staring at me until I finally saw a sight I been waiting for and boy it was amazing to look at.
  Here came Liv walking my way from across the yard in a strapless baby pink dress with flats on. Her hair was done all wavy and her makeup made her so gorgeous, just stunning. Everyone was looking right at her, I thought I was the only one. Her father had his hand over his mouth, like he was choking back tears at the sight of seeing his daughter of how beautiful she was to him. She smiled at him, touching his cheek as she walked my way.
  Once she had reached me I stood up grabbed her hand as she reached for my hand. We sat down in the chairs next to each other by the fire. As she was staring at the fire, I was staring at her beautifulness, it was amazing to look at.
  "Beautiful." I finally spoke.
  She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, Castiel." She told me.
  I was about to speak when her father, Oliver started speaking. "Thanks for everyone showing up tonight, not just for me but for all the new wolfs. I've been watching all of yall in training and yall are going really well. Both human and wolf." Oliver said. "And as for yall doing a wonderful job this campfire/party is for yall to have fun and whatever yall kids do nowadays. Don't stand up to late and don't do anything stupid." He told them. "But as we, 'The Blue Moon Warriors' we would like to be the best but as we have some visitors from 'The Blackclaw Shadows' here Alpha Castiel, his 2nd Samuel, and his 3rd Dean. Please give them the best night of their lives tonight and be on yalls best behavior tonight, thank you." He said.
  Everyone had clapped their hands and cheered from what Oliver had said. After what he had said everyone went on what they were doing. Drinking, eating, talking you name it. Liv and I sat there staring at each other, she was smiling at me while playing with her hands. I can tell she was nervous as I was. We sat like that for a few minutes until I broke the quietness.
  "So, Liv, I heard you just turned.?" I asked.
  "Yea, about a few month ago." She told me.
  "How did you like it after you turned?" I asked.
  She laughed a little. "Do you remember when you shifted?" she asked me.
  I laughed a little with her. "Yes, I do. But I asked you." I told her.
  "Fine, I will tell you mine and you will tell me yours." She asked me.
  "Yes, I'll tell you about mine afterwards." I told her.
  She nodded. "Well, it was painful don't get me wrong. I was in school when I started feeling weird. I thought I caught something like I was gonna get sick, so I had gone into the bathroom." She started to say, she took a deep breath then began again. "I had fell to the ground feeling weak, so I had pack linked with Kevin, my guard, that follows me everywhere, that I needed him, that I wasn't feeling right. So, he came running to find me in the school. He had helped me up, but I passed out and he carried me out the bathroom and carried me to his car and brought me home." She stopped talking, looked at the fire. "Once we got home he helped me into the house, that's when I started feeling hot with a fever, shaking in Kevin's arms, when Claire came running into the house telling Kevin to put me down on the floor on my side. When he put me down, I was feeling everything, the heat, the urge to kill, hunt. Claire had told someone to get me something to put into my mouth. I barely heard her tell them I was shifting into my wolf form. But then the pain was over with, everything was gone. But everything had hit me all at once, my sight, my hearing, everything was 5x more than normal. Sam, my boyfriend at the time," she said then looked at me to see if I was okay. I wasn't okay, but we weren't together at the time so I shouldn't get mad over it. And if I remember right she said earlier that her father made them break up. I waved at her to go on. "He was walking towards to me and I saw in his eyes that I was white. White as snow. The most beautiful wolf I have ever seen."
  "White you say."
  "Yes, you will get to see one day."
  "I sure will." I told her.
  "Now you turn." She said.
  I grinned a little bit, then took a deep breath. "Well I was the youngest of our kind that I know of when I shifted. I was 10 years old. I shifted about 2 years after my mother had passed and 8 months after my father had gotten sick. That's when he passed on his title to me to become alpha. I was out with Samuel and Dean out running, training when it all happened. I was in the middle of the woods, I was getting faster than them, I was getting angrier, heated, like you had said; 'wanted to kill', Samuel had finally caught up with me touching my arm when he felt how hot I was, then I started screaming in pain. They didn't know what was going on with me, Dean had gone to go get my father for help. Once my father had got there to help me, but he was too late, I had turned." I told her. "After I had turned I ran deeper into the woods to the river close to us. Once I got to it, I took a drink of water and saw what I had looked like. I had golden brown eyes like my human eyes, but my fur was a reddish-brown fur. Just like my fathers but his was shorter than mines." I told her. I looked away from her for a moment then looked back at her. "My fur reminded me of a fluffy cat." I said laughing a little.
  She joined me then touched my hand. "How long are you staying here?" she asked me.
  "As long as you're here, I'm staying." I told her. "Unless your willing to come back with me to be with me and my pack."
  She looked at me all shocked, confused. "Castiel, I..." she started to say. But some of her people from her pack came running over to us.
  "Liv!" one of the boys had yelled.
  She looked straight up from me to them. "Hey guys." She said as she got up to hug them.
  I growled at them for interrupting mine and Liv's conversation. They looked at me, but I kept staring at Liv the whole time. Then I saw Samuel and Dean come walking towards me. They stood next to me and watched Liv talk to her friends. Then I saw her one girl friend, Emily, from her room.
  "Hey, Castiel right?" she asked. I nodded at her. "How are you liking the party?" she asked me.
  Without looking away from Liv, I spoke. "Its ok." I said.
  Then Liv spoke. "Castiel this is the guys; you remember Emily, this is Harley, and Sam." When she said his name, I growled again and looked right at him. "Guys this is Castiel," she started to say. "My mate." She said finishing.
  "What!?" all of them said. One boy, Sam, looked mad at what she had said.
  "Yea, were mates." She repeated back to them.
  "Since when?" Harley asked.
  "About a few hours ago." She told them.
  Emily walked closer to her and spoke in her ear. "He's cute." She said and giggled.
  "Em," Liv started blushing.
  "Well, congratulation, bestie." Harley said.
  "Thanks," she said hugging him. Then she looked at Sam. He was still pissed off at the news. "Sam are you okay?" she asked him.
  Sam didn't say a word to her, and it was kinda making me pissed off. I closed my hands making them into fists, making my arms flex. Both Samuel and Dean put a hand on my shoulders. Sam looked my way real sharp then turned around and walked away from the group. Liv had put her hand up on her head, like this was all her fault or something.
  She looked at me tried to smile, but I know this was hard on her. Somehow. I mean it would for me, introducing your ex to the new mate. But I just sat there trying to calm down, but it wasn't working. I was starting to shake, and I knew I was about to lose it, so I stood up and walked away from the group. I walked towards the woods away from everyone.
  I shifted into my wolf form and ran forward into the woods. I was raged with anger all over. I was seeing red all over again like I did when I first shifted. I felt like I was running around in circles.
  Samuel and Dean trying to packed link with me. Trying to calm me down but I wasn't talking to them. I just kept running until I got to the river. I stopped there and sat down.
  I was alone until I was hearing noises, I thought it was Sam and Dean finally finding me, but it wasn't. I was still sitting by the river looking into it when I saw the refection of who it was. It was a white wolf, white as snow. Remember who it was. Liv.
  I got up and turned around looking at her. Looking at her wolf for the first time, was making me weak. Like I just wanted to attack her with licks well kisses. But I stopped myself from doing that. She was beautiful, like she had described to me, what her wolf form looked like. She was like an angel coming down from heaven, to save me.
  She walked closer to me where we were nose to nose. I whined a little and she done it back. She came a little closer where she was putting her head under my neck, nuzzling me like how a mother nuzzles her kittens. Loving them.
  It was the first time in forever that I have felt love like this since my mother. And it was calming me down until I had shifted back to my human form. She had done the same. We were both naked, I was still bend over, but she was standing there for a second until she bends down on her knees in front of me. She had put her hand under my chin making me look at her. When I looked at her, I stared into her eyes for I don't know how long.
  We were like that until Samuel, Dean and some man came running towards us. The man must have been her guard. They were staring our way until I growled at them for looking our way. Not just at me but for her being naked. I wanted them to at least respected her for not having clothes on.
  No one said anything, they just turned around looking the other way. She smiled at me not saying a word at all. Even though it was getting late, we just sat there staring at each other. Like love at first sight all over again. She leaned into me, like she was getting tired. We sat there for about 5 more minutes until she had wrapped her arms around my neck, putting her head under my neck, falling asleep in my lap.
  I had gotten up with her asleep in my arms. I started walking towards our guards where they had blankets in their arms. Sam had covered my up with the blanket over my shoulders and her guard had covered her up. After they had covered us up, we started walking back to the house, with our guard walking back a few yards behind us.
  Once we had reached the house, the guards that were standing outside their house opened up to let us come through. I walk into the house where the back door was into the kitchen where her father was at. He went to speak, but I shook my head at him as I went towards the stairs. I walked up the stairs, still carrying her sleeping self, slightly snoring in my ear. Just hearing her snoring in my ear, was making me calm. Once I had reached her room, I turned the handle to open the door. I went to her bed and laid her down with the cover still over her, grabbing her blanket to cover her up more. Once I had covered her up, I went back downstairs where our guards were at and her father.
  When I had gotten to the kitchen, I looked at Samuel. "Can you go get me some clothes to put on." I ordered him.
  "Yes, alpha." Sam said.
  Oliver walked forward then spoke. "Thank you for bringing my daughter back home." He told me.
  "I wouldn't leave my mate out there in the cold, naked. Even though Liv had come looking for me." I told Oliver.
  "Yes, she did go after you. After you got angry with something that had happen at the party." He told me. "This is Liv's guard, Kevin. Kevin, please show Castiel one of the spare rooms on the 3rd floor, will you."
  "Yes, alpha." Kevin saying as he bowed his head.
  As we were walking towards the stairs, Castiel handed me my clothes. "Sam, you and Dean make a couple runs around the area. Make sure its safe and if something happens pack link with me." I ordered him.
  "Yes, alpha." Sam said as he bowed.
  I turned back to the stairs and followed Kevin up to the 3rd floor. As we got to the 3rd floor, we passed Liv's room and went to the 3rd to last door to an empty room. Kevin had opened the door and I walked in. Before I had closed the door, I turned to look at Kevin.
  "Kevin, you'll let me know if Liv is awake for me." I asked him.
  "Yes, alpha." He said bowing his head and head back downstairs.
  I closed the door and walked to the bed. I put my shorts on and laid on the bed. I laid there with my arms behind my head thinking of what had happened today. How I met this beautiful woman, why now, and how everything will go when I bring her back home.
  With my pack.
  Thinking about everything until I had fallen asleep.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now