Chapter 24

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  I head back to the alpha house to go lay down, I was starting to get dizzy. Its probably from the running then fighting haven't had a chance to rest.
  When I walked through the kitchen, I grabbed a water and went to my room and lay down on my bed.
  I fell asleep a few minutes after laying down, guessing I was really tired.
  When I woke up the next day, Castiel wasn't with me, which I knew he wouldn't be but I was half expecting him to be, since he didn't go to bed when I did. But I still got up and got dressed. I went down into the kitchen and Rosa was cooking breakfast. It smelled really good.
  When I walked in she went to bow but I stopped her. I went to make me something to drink but what I wanted, I was craving, and it was some Jasmine blossom tea. It was Japanese tea and it was really hard to find sometimes. You have to order it but when you do, it takes forever. But luckily, it was stocked here. I guess I'm not the only one who drinks it. I got a thing of hot water going and waited for it to get hot so I can pour it in my cup.
  I sat down on a chair, waiting, even ate my food that Rosa handed me. I smiled at her when she gave it to me.
  When the water was done, I went to get up and make my tea, but Rosa already done it for me. Handed me sugar as well. She was sweet.
  After eating, I took my tea and went into the living room and sat on the couch, flipped through whatever was on until I found what I liked. As I laid there, finally found a romantic movie to watch, I started to fall asleep watching it, with the cup of tea in my hand.
  I didn't know how long I was out until someone kissed my forehead and was grabbing my cup from my hands. I jumped a little, looked who touched me and it was Castiel.
  "Hey, are you feeling okay?" He asked me.
  "Yea, I'm fine. Just tired. Why?"
  "'Cause you never drink tea or sleep on the couch." He says.
  "I do drink tea, its just very seldom." I told him.
  "Did you eat today?" He asked me.
  "Yes, I ate when I woke up. Rosa was making it when I came down." I told him.
  "Good, I want my baby eating." He told me as he kissed me. "Your brother and best friend should be arriving soon." He told me.
  "Yea, they should be." I said as a guard came in from the outside from the back door.
  "Alpha, Luna, there's a few SUV's driving up on the long dirt path." The guard had said.
  "Thank you, Godfrey." Castiel told him. "Can you gather everyone to come up front since we don't have enough room for inside for anyone."
  "Yes, sir." Godfrey said as he walked out the back door.
  Castiel helped me up and we went outside on the front porch and waited til they pulled up. As they were pulling up, mine and Castiel's guards and other were walking up front from different directions. The front yard and sides were filled with guards and the others. The kids sat down in the grass, by their parents, watching what was going on til the SUV's pulling up. When they stopped, right little outside the entrance, they all got out of their cars and came walking towards us. Only stopping a few feet away from our people other than Parker and Harley. They walked all the way up to the porch to me.
  "Sister!" Parker called out at the same time Harley yelled out "Olivia!"
  I rolled my eyes at them. I hugged them as they came up to me.
  "Parker, Harley, thank you for coming." I told them and spoke louder and looked at the other guards. "Thank you all for coming. I know some of y'all, don't want to be here, but it had to be done." I started to say.
  The guards all spoke at the same time. But I couldn't understand. I put my hand up to them.
  "My father's head guard step forward." I had said. A older man around his 30's or so step forward. "Speak your name."
  "It's Dominic. But you can call me Dom." He told me.
  "Dom, as all of you were trying to speak at once, what was you trying to say?" I had asked.
  "As me and my fellow guardsmen, are willing to be here for our Luna. We all watched you grow up into a lovely young woman. As your father; our Alpha, told us. We all have to listen and go by what you have to say. Which we done your whole life. We will never stop from here." Dom said as he and the other guards bowed to me.
  "Good. I'm glad y'all understand that. I was expecting you, brother to interfere." I said as I looked at my brother.
  "Sister, they are my guardsmen but they've always listened to you since you were born. 'Cause your the Luna. True air for Alpha."
  "Exactly, my love." Castiel had said in my ear. Then he step forward. "As your Luna had said it, thank you for my behalf for coming as well. But what we're dealing here is getting out of hand."
  "Yes, it is. While I and Emily was out on a run we were attack on our own land, not far from the house's. And Emily as my best friend is our beta's mate, Dean." I said as I pointed to both Dean and Emily. "I had took control and killed two of them. The one that attack her and one trying to sneak passed to attack me." I said and all of the guardsman from my Father's side growled.
  Even my own brother and best friend. "Sister, you okay?", "Liv, you good?" They asked.
  "Yes, I was too fast for them. But we're about to be in a war soon, if we don't stop all these fucking rogues that's close to the land. So from now on, for those who go to school or work outside the land, will watch their back and will have a guard along with them. The ones that run errands for both me and the alpha, will let one us know and will also have a guard with them. Other then that, stay on the land, and make sure y'all are in the house by no later than midnight." I had said. "Parker and Harley you will be staying with us at the alpha house. Dom you and the others will be staying at the pack house after each turn of guarding the out skirts. And as for taking a run out in the woods, is no more til then. For the time being. If you want to run, use the track. Castiel changed the poster this morning for the rules for the track, like we said yesterday if you want to run, you have a choice to run on Wednesday's and Thursday's. But guards try to us your time to run as your looking out outside the lands. But be careful while doing it." I told them.
  Castiel looked at everyone then looked at me. "And like I said, if anyone of you breaks what your Luna had said, I will find out. To all of the guards, I want y'all to check in with me or Luna every 3 hours unless were asleep you check in on us before we go to sleep and when we wake up, no matter who you see first. We both should know."
  "Again, make sure all your stuff is done by 9 pm and in your house no later then midnight." I said. "Those who live here go as you were, other then guardsmen, I want a group of 5 every 2 hours running both land and out skirts. Do I make myself clear on this." I ordered using my alpha tone.
  All of the guards, howled in agreement, and went together towards the back to work on what I had said. Castiel kissed me and went in the house with Dean and Samuel behind him. I sat down on the porch with Emily, Harley, and Parker. We sat and caught up.
  "God I miss the hell out of you." Harley said as he side hugged me since he was sitting next to me on the stairs.
  "I bet you have." I said, smiling.
  "Your busted anyways. The twins told us." Emily said.
  Parker chuckled. "What that he's been a man whore?"
  "Yep." She said.
  "Hey, who else is gonna keep me occupied when both my best friends left me." He said as he pushed Emily a little.
  "Umm, you can help out with Parker with the guards." I said.
  "I do, asked Parker. I'm his back up." He told me.
  I looked at Parker. "Father made him be my back up. To keep him out of trouble." My brother said laughing a little.
  "Like that'll help." Emily said laughing as well.
  We all laughed.
  I got up and went inside with the others behind me. I showed where Parker and Harley will be staying, while they are here. When I showed them their rooms, I went to go back downstairs to my library when I thought of something.
  "Oh and Harley, while your here on my land, leave the girls alone." I said; well ordered making sure I used my alpha tone on him. "You got that. Leave my women alone." I growled a little on the first and last words I had said.
  "Yes, Luna." He said bowing his head.
  Parker and Emily laughed at Harley for bowing to me for using my alpha tone on him. Harley glared at them making them stop laughing and went into his room. We all started laughing again when he left.
  Poor Harley, hope he don't think I'm being mean about it, its just y don't want my women getting hurt or the other way around.
  Parker went to the room I gave him and shut the door as well. Emily came back downstairs with me, but I went down hall. She came with me as well.
  "So what are you going to do while you put us on lockdown." Emily asked me as I sat in my chair and grabbed my book.
  "Well if I ain't sleeping, I'll be in here reading a book or my school work if we're not at the school, or fucking Castiel." I said laughing a little. "If I can get a hold of him. He's been a little jack rabbit when he gets a hold of me. Its like when he's gone for how long he's gone, he's like an 'energy bunny'." I told her.
  "Yea, you said that right. Same with Dean. The other day he came home, he woke me up and started going at it. Oh my god. I had to bite the pillow to make sure I wasn't moaning to loud." Emily told me.
  "Yes, like yesterday, I thought Castiel wanted to talk to me. Oh no, he pushed me on the bed and took off his shirt telling me; 'I want you. I need you'. I was like okay, give it to me daddy." I said laughing.
  Both Emily and I were laughing so hard, about that she fell off the chair she was in, making us laugh even harder. God she kills me. Then that made me think of something. I noticed our guards wasn't with us. Jamie or Robert. It was weird 'cause they were always with us.
  "Have you seen our guards?" I asked.
  "Jamie and Robert, not since this morning." She said.
  "Hmm," I hummed. "Eh, oh well. They probably busy."
  Emily nodded at me and grabbed her sketch pad and went onto drawing. And I grabbed one of my books I was reading; 'The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe'. It was a good book so far, I heard there's a movie about it. I read the 1st book a few weeks ago; 'The Magician's Nephew'.
  Hours of being in the library, I had read half of the book and talking to Emily. Parker and Harley came to check on us. As were a few guards to talk to me. When they came, they told me that they found a few rogues roaming around the out skirts but hasn't done anything. At least not yet.
  The next day was the same as well. Every 3 to 5 hours a guard would tell me that there were a few roaming doing nothing on the out skirts of the land. And the same the next day and the day after next.
  I wasn't liking it. I had went and found Castiel in the office and had a talk with him about it. He told me it was nothing, probably.
  "Castiel, its never nothing. They don't just roam around our land. They attack." I told him.
  He glared up at me, from his paper work, wondering what I was thinking. He put down his pen and got up.
  "Now, you say something about it your right. Your actually right." He said then ran out the room, down the stairs. "Boys, flack me." Castiel told Dean and Samuel.
  They got up from the couch and ran outside with Castiel. I wasn't liking this. I glared at Emily for a moment.
  "Stay here." I said to Emily when I looked at her. "Jamie watch the house." I told her as I ran out behind the boys.
  When Castiel with his back up and me running out the house, the guards looked at us. Parker and Harley exchanged glares then ran up to us.
  "Sister, what's wrong?" Parker asked.
  "Something happening or about to happened on the out skirts of land." I said to him as Castiel had shifted with his back up doing the same. "Parker Harley, on my flank as well and follow. I want 10 of you guards head north of the land and follow up to the out skirts now." I said then shifted after I gave the order.
  After I shifted my brother and best friend done the same and ran beside me. I ran a little east to the out skirts, while Castiel and his back up was heading straight to the out skirts. I hated the out skirts area. There was always trouble there. And rogues think its okay to attack right on it, because its 10-20 minutes away from everything. Since it was a little patch of land, they think they can own it, but no one owns it. Other then the people the owns the land close to it. Which is Castiel's and my Father's.
  Even though my father is a few hours away, he's the closest to it other than us. I had about half of my guards behind me and the other half either with Castiel or checking out what I ordered. More guards were with me since I was the Alpha female; their Luna. More protection for me.
  As I reached the edge of the east side to the out skirts, I stopped with the others stopping as well. Parker and Harley beside me and the guards roaming a little around the area. I step forward into the out skirts and sniffed the air. It was calm.
  To calm. I didn't like it.
  I perked my ears up, listening to the area. I didn't hear a damn single thing. No animals, no birds chirping, no deer running. It was dead silence.
  "Babe," I packed linked with Castiel.
  "Yes, my love?" He asked.
  "I'm not liking this. Its to to quiet. I don't hear a damn thing." I told him.
  "Same with me. Godfrey said the same at the northern side." Cas told me.
  "Tell Jamie to get everyone inside their homes, now!" I had ordered.
  "Yes, my love." He told me.
  I was about to turn around and head back home. But that's when I heard it. Heavy paws running. I turned my head towards the east again and that's when I saw them. About a few dozen or so charging into us.
  It was an ambushed.
  I ran as fast as I could and started attacking. The others done the same.
  I got two down quick, while on my 3rd, I was rolling with him as a rogue got a hold of me while I was fighting another one. I yelped when the rogue stuck his teeth into me. Harley came saved me while him getting his teeth into the rogues neck as well. Robert ran over nudged his head on my shoulder to help me up.
  "Olivia, are you okay? What's going on?" Castiel had asked.
  "Ambush!!" I yelled.
  I howled in the air to warn everyone back home. To let them know what's going on. As I was howling, I was tackled to the ground. A few rogues biting into me. Me, yelping in pain, threw them off of me, taking one down with me, as a kill. Another grabbed me by my ankle, throwing me into a tree.
  I couldn't move, I was done for. I thought I was gonna die right there and now. I heard everyone in my head. Castiel, Parker, Harley, and Robert.
  I saw a rogue coming my way, then out of no where, a blackish grey wolf had jumped over me taking down the rogue.
  After the wolf was done with his kill, he shifted into his human form.
  It was Dom.
  I must have shifted back into my human form, 'cause I was being lifted and being carried into someone's arms. I opened my eyes for a second, to see it was Dom, but end up passing out from the pain I was in.
  When I woke back up, I was in the doctor's ER room. I went to get up, but my arm was being held down by an IV. When I looked around, Emily and Jamie was sitting in chairs, next to me.
  "Liv!" Emily called out. "Oh my god, I'm glad your okay." She told me as she hugged me.
  "Mmm" I moaned from being in pain.
  "Sorry, I forgot you be in pain." She had said as she sat back down.
  "Where's Castiel?" I had asked, horsed.
  "He's dealing with the rogues that were killed. He's burning their bodies." Jamie spoke. "After you had went down, Castiel ran his damnest to your group, to assist. If it wasn't for Dominic, you would have been dead."
  "Where's he at now?"
  "With Parker and Harley, talking to your father on the phone." Emily had said. "He's not very happy with what had gone down. At the out skirts. He said he should have been called."
  "We didn't know," I started to say as I sat up. I was in so much pain, I couldn't move.
  "Parker told him that." Emily had told me.
  "Exactly, Parker told him, y'all were just checking it out when you guys were ambushed." Jamie said.
  "I'm the one in charge, I should be the one talking to my father." I had said, trying to get up out of bed.
  "No, you should be resting." Castiel said walking into the room.
  Jamie and Emily got up and bowed and left the room. Giving me and Cas privacy.
  "I'm fine." I said as I went to get up. But I couldn't. My side was hurting.
  "No your not. Your in pain." He told me as he softly pushed me back down. "I feel your pain. I'm hurting as well, just not as bad as you." He told me as he grabbed the chair and pulled it close to me. "When I felt you yelp, the first time, it slowed me down. Thinking I was gonna be to late. To late to get to you. And that last one, I really felt it. I almost buckled to the ground. Dean helped me up and we ran our hardest to get to you. That's when I saw Dominic carrying you, in my head." Castiel was telling me. He started to cry. "I thought you were gone. When I ran passed you two, I heard your heartbeat still. It was weak but it was there." He told me.
  I started to tear up. I have never seen him this bad. This hurt, since we've been together. I put my hand on his face. He grabbed it and kissed the inside of my hand as he held it on his face.
  "I wish you ran when you saw them coming instead of charging on them. That's one way to get yourself killed." He told me.
  "Yea, and let them come to the house. Hell naw, I'm suppose to be a leader, the Alpha female; their Luna. I do what's right and best to keep my people safe. Just like you, as alpha." I told him.
  "Yes, love but not get your self hurt. Or even killed." He told me.
  I looked away from him and looked out the window next to me. He was right but so was I.
  As I laid there, with him by my side, the pack doctor came in.
  "Luna, your awake. How are you feeling?" She had asked me.
  "Sore." I told her, as I was still looking out the window.
  "Yea, you got badly hurt but you'll heal in a few days." She told me.
  I nodded at her.
  "There's something, I want to tell you two." The pack doctor told us.
  Both Cas and I looked at her. "What is it, April?" Cas asked her.
  "While I was X-raying you, I had saw something." She had said.
  Castiel stood up still holding my hand. "What did you find on Luna. Is she okay?" He had asked her.
  "Yes, Luna is fine. So is your baby." She said as she looked at me.
  Baby. What, no. I can't be. There's no way.
  "Ex..cuse... me." I stuttered.
  "Your pregnant." She repeated to us.
  Castiel looked at me. "Your pregnant." He said shockingly. "Are you sure she's is?" He asked.
  "Yea, after the X-ray, I done a ultrasound on her and it showed she was. She's about 6 weeks long." She told us.
  I was speechless.
  I couldn't believe my ears.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now