Chapter 9

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  ~Olivia's P.O.V.~
  As I was walking downstairs to the kitchen, I overheard my father talking to someone in his study room. I stood there trying to listen in on their conversation. I was there for about 5 minutes until Kevin showed up behind me scaring me.
  "Princess, what are you doing?" Kevin asked me.
  "Shhh," I hushed him.
  Right when I hushed him, the door was swung open fast making me fall over when I was grabbed by someone on the other side of the door. Even though I growled at what had happened, but I was starstruck. And when I mean starstruck, I was in awe, I was in love with this random stranger. I didn't even know him, and I wanted to make love with him, I wanted to jump his bones. It was like I was in heaven. But I'm alive not dead though.
  When he stood me up straight, I just stared into his golden yellow eyes, gold like gold dollar coin, or gold like you find in the mine. Gold.
  My father had cleared his throat which made me look away from this man. When I finally looked away; I saw my father with his 2nd, Charlie, and his 3rd Sheldon sitting on one side of the table and on the other end was 2 other guys I didn't know that much have been this man's 2nd and 3rd.
  Kevin had come in and looked dead at this man that was still holding my arm in his soft tan hand. He was somewhat growling at him, I turned to look at Kevin and put my hand on his chest; to calm him down, to tell him that I was fine, that he wasn't hurting me. Then the man saw what Kevin was growling at then let go of my arm.
  "Sorry," he told me then bowed his head at me. His voice sounding so amazing, like god made him just right. If he could sing me a song it would be like the sweetest music I have ever heard.
  "It's fine," I said as I was rubbing my arm.
  "Princess," Charlie and Sheldon said bowing their heads.
  "Gentlemen," I said as I walked over to my father. "Father." I said as I kissed his cheek.
  "Kevin join us and shut the door will you." My father ordered Kevin.
  "Yes, alpha." Kevin said.
  I stood next to my father staring at this sexy stranger, just watching him. And as I kept watching him I had notice he was staring at me. I smiled a few times, moving a strand of hair behind my ear to flirt a little with him.
  "Well, Alpha Castiel this is my lovely daughter; Princess Olivia Rose." My father said introducing us to each other.
  "Father," I giggled a little. "You can me Liv for short. All my friends do and my guards." I said to the gentlemen.
  "Well Liv, as your father the Alpha had said, I'm Castiel and this is my 2nd Dean and my 3rd Samuel. They are my finest guards and the best friends I could ask for. And they are brothers so I couldn't separate them." Castiel said pointing to who was whom.
  Samuel was tall tan looking with medium smooth brown with some blonde highlights in his hair, muddy brown eyes and the perfect smile. Dean was about the same height as Samuel but short cropped brown hair with the same muddy brown eyes but looked more stronger than Samuel. You could see his muscles through his shirt. Emily would love Dean. Hell, he was hot. H. O. T., hot!
  After staring at his guards Castiel growled a little to make me look at him instead of Samuel and Dean. I started blushing a little then giggled. I put my hands over my face to find the fact that I was blushing over this man. Then my father looked at me then at Castiel then back at me.
  "Hold on, what the hell is going on here." My father had asked looking back between me and the other alpha in the room.
  "Nothing." I said still blushing as I tried to look away from Castiel.
  "The hell it doesn't look like it." He had said.
  Then Kevin's big mouth had to say it. "Alpha Oliver it looks like the princess had found her mate."
  Castiel had growled at him for telling my father at what just happened. I mean I would have too because its my business to tell my father whom I have mated with. Yes, I may have picked his stranger, but it wasn't my fault. Or was it?
  "You what?" my father asked.
  I was a little nervous but spoke. "I just mated with Castiel and he done the same with me." I said to my father.
  After I had said what I had said, everyone was staring at both me and Castiel. His own people were shocked at the news, like they didn't expect to see their alpha to mate with someone. My father was furious at what I had said.
  "Olivia your 15 years old, you haven't even finished school yet." My father said through his teeth. "And this man is like 5 times older than you." He said.
  "I'm 19 thank you very much." Castile had said. "And you can't stop your daughter from mating whoever she wants to mate with."
  "I can if I will please. She's my daughter not yours. Matter of fact this meeting is over. Please show yourselves out of my house. Kevin, please escort Olivia back up to her room." My father had ordered through his alpha voice.
  "Kevin don't need to; I was going downstairs to the kitchen. And I am willing to do what I want fathers." I told him as I ran out the room, brushing my arm across Castile's chest.
  As I ran out I heard my father yell out. "Olivia Rose!" but I was already running down the stairs.
  I went into the kitchen to find me something to drink, as Samuel and Dean came down and walked into the kitchen when I shut the fridge. They were just staring at me for I don't know how long until I spoke.
  "Hi," I said waving at them.
  "Hi," they both said.
  "How's the arm." Dean asked.
  "Its fine, I've been worse." I told them.
  "Oh," he said.
  "Why aint you up there with your alpha?" I asked them.
  "Well your father had asked everyone to leave after you ran out the room to talk to Cas." Samuel told me. "Cas didn't like how your father talk to you like he had done." Dean added.
  "Well I'm use to it. He's my father after all," I was saying when Kevin came walking in.
  "Plus, your Alpha, princess so you have to obey by his orders." He said.
  "Yea, yea, whatever you say Kev." I said.
  I rolled my eyes at him and walked past him to go back up to my room after I had grabbed me and Emily something to drink. I was about to walk into my room when Charlie had stopped me when I open my door.
  "Princess, both alphas would like to talk to you." He told me.
  "Both alpha's?" Emily asked.
  I looked at her after she had said that. "Yes, there's another alpha here visiting father." I told her as I threw her drink to her. "They would both like to talk to me."
  "Why does this other alpha want to talk to you for?" Emily asked.
  "Oh, because Liv and this other alpha had mated." Charlie said.
  "WHAT!?" Emily yelled.
  I looked right at Charlie and growled. He put his hands up and backed away from me. Emily was about to say something, but I stopped her with a wave of a hand and walked out of the room. I glared at Charlie before I went down to the 2nd floor to my father's study room.
  As I got there I could hear them yelling at each other, it sounded horrible. It was awful that my father was doing this to me. You can't help who you mate with.
  I was about to walk right in when I overheard what they were saying about me.
  "Castiel, she's 15 still in school. She just learned how to shift just fine without hurting herself. She's still in training classes learning to do everything, how are you gonna just come here and mate with my daughter and think you can just take her away from me like this." My father said.
  "Oliver, I didn't come here to mate with your daughter, I didn't even know you had a daughter to be honest with you. I came here to talk about strategies with you about our territories and the rogues." Castiel had told him. "But now we are on the topic of your daughter, because we mated, and she is mine now." Castiel said slamming his fist onto the table.
  "She's my daughter, damnit!" my father raised his voice.
  "My mate!" Castiel done the same, he must have gotten up because I heard a chair fall back on the floor.
  "You just met her, you don't even know her and you're already coming her mate." My father said still getting loud.
  "Well it doesn't take that long to mate either. And if you like it or not were together." Castiel told my father.
  My father must have gotten up himself because I heard the other chair fall back. Then I heard both sets of the alphas 2nd and 3rd running up the stairs. I looked at them then I pushed open the door running into the room with them behind me, before something bad had happened. Castiel eyes wasn't a golden color anymore it was blacker than everything.
  We all stood there looking at both of them then I walked over to Castiel to put my hand on his arm to calm him down. It kinda worked his black eyes were coming back to his beautiful golden eyes. The sexiest eyes of all time. I started blushing after few moments and looked away from him. I turned to face my father but not moving away from Castiel.
  "Olivia step away from this monster right now!" my father ordered in his alpha voice, but I didn't do what he had said, I stayed where I was next to Castiel, holding his hand. My father not liking what is going on with both of us. "Olivia Rose Banks!," my father raising his voice.
  I looked down letting go of Castiel's hand for a second. I went to step forward, but I stopped. Grabbing his hand again. Both sets of the alphas took a deep shocking breath like; 'Oh my god she didn't just do that.' Then I took a deep breath looked at my father and spoke with a clear demanding alphas' voice. "No!," I said.
  "Excuse me, young lady?!" he said.
  "You heard me, I said no!" I spoke more loudly. "Stop treating me like a little kid, I am 15 years old not 5 years old. I am becoming a young lady. I'm about to be 16 years old in just a few months. Its my time to shine and do what I was made for." I told my father. "If mother was here, she would let me do a lot more things than you let me."
  "Well your mother isn't here and don't bring up your mother again." My father said loudly.
  Then my brothers came running into the room after a few minutes of us yelling at each other.
  I slammed my fist onto the table. "I don't fucking care if she's here or not. And I will bring her up because she's my damn mother." I said getting loud again.
  "Olivia," Parker said.
  "Shut the fuck up Parker, I don't want to even hear what you have to say. Ever since you became the head guardsmen you have been a stuck-up dick." I told him. "I have had it from all of yall. I'm putting my foot down right now. Yes, Castiel and I have mated and none of yall can stop or pull us apart. And I don't fucking care if you like it or not." I told them. I was starting to shake a little because I was getting pissed off. My wolf inside was growling inside of my head like she was wanting to do something, like she wanted to kill. But at the same time, she was excited at what I was doing. "I get my father and I do adore you for all what you have done for me, but it is my time to fly. I didn't say shit to you when you made me, and Sam break up and I'm not letting you say shit about this." I hissed. Castiel started rubbing my arms before I shifted in front of everyone, I could feel it coming.
  "Fine," my father started to say. "Olivia your right, I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you. Your all I have since your mother died, giving birth to you was the most important day of my life. I feel like you mating with him," he said waving his hand at Castiel, "I'm gonna lose you forever." My father told me.
  That had hurt, I never really thought my father would say anything like that. Like he was about to cry. I turned to face Castiel, touched his face with my hand and walked towards my father. "Father, you're not gonna lose me, I'm right here. Even when the time comes when I go with Castiel, your still gonna see me. No matter where I am at." I said, starting to tear up.
  My father raised his hand up and whipped the tears way from my face and hugged me. This was the first time I felt strong enough to face my father and make him see my point of view in things. I wasn't that same old little girl he has been protecting from the danger. He saw what I could do in all the training I have been in. Human and wolf form. I was a bad ass.
  As I thought this moment couldn't end like it did, Jax and Max had to say something to mess up the moment. But it was kinda funny though.
  "Umm, father," Jax started to say. "The campfire party is about to start." Max added.
  My father had let go of me and looked at the boys. "Okay, thank you boys for helping out for the party." He told my brothers. "Castiel, you and your men can join us at the party." He told Castiel. "And it gives you and my daughter some alone time to talk and get to know each other." My father added, it sounded like he was choking on what he just told Castiel.
  "Thank you, very much. We will join you guys at this party." Castiel told my father.
  "Well, ima go take a shower and change and I'll meet yall at the campfire then." I said.
  Everyone nodded and started walking out the room other than Castiel. He stood there staring at me for a second then walked over toward me. He moved a strand of hair and put it behind my ear. I smiled at him and he done the same.
  "Beautiful," he said softly.
  I started blushing. "Thank you." I thanked him.
  "May I walk you to your room?" he asked me.
  "Sure, it upstairs." I told him.
  He nodded and I grabbed his hand and we walked out of my father's study and up the stairs to my room. My heart was pounding really fast and my wolf was going crazy inside my head. I couldn't hold back a smile with her.
  "Back there with your father," he started to say when I interrupted.
  "Yea, about that I am so sorry about all of that. I have never really stuck up to my father over things like that. I thought he was gonna kill me."
  "Yea, well it was bad ass of you. I saw you shaking like you were about shift in front of all of us."
  "Yea, I felt like it was because I was getting so pissed off. I felt you put your arms on me it helped me calm down." I told him as we got to my room. "My wolf got excided from your touch." I told him.
  "Same here." He told me.
  I opened my door and we walked into the room. Emily was sitting on my bed on her phone looked up at us. I kinda forgot she was still in here. I started blushing again when she cleared her throat.
  "Liv, who is this?" Emily asked me.
  "Well this is Castiel, the other alpha, that you heard about." I told her.
  "Oh," she said as she got up off the bed. "Hi, I'm Emily, Liv's girl best friend." She said as she got to us.
  "Nice to meet you." He told her.
  "Well Ima head home and get ready for this campfire. Hope to see you there." Emily said.
  "Yea, I'll be there. Just dropping off Liv here to get ready herself." Castiel said.
  "Okay, see yea." She said. "Love you princess." She said as she walked out the room.
  "Love you too, Em." I said back.
  As she walked out she turned back around facing us mouthing 'He's cute' behind Castiel's back to me. I rolled my eyes at her. She was so cute at times when she done things like that to me.
  "Well, I will meet you at the campfire then, Princess." He said winking at me before he turned around to walk out my room then closing my bedroom door.
  Ugh!! I screamed in my head. What the hell is wrong with me. What am I going to do now since he's gonna be here waiting for me at the campfire? I can't go down there looking like trash. I went through my closet to look for something cute to wear but cute for a campfire though.
  I went through everything I have. My closet, my dresser, everything until I had found something cute enough. I found a cute baby pink strapless short dress, I laid it on my bed and went to find my black flats. Once I had found everything I was looking for, I had gone into my bathroom and turned on the shower all the way to hot. I needed the hot shower my nerves were all shocked for what had just happened. I needed to calm down the wolf in me. She was going crazy and I couldn't stop her until I was at the campfire looking at that gorgeous man alive.
  As I got into the shower I had washed my hair twice like I always do, once I had washed out the shampoo I layered my hair with conditioner and let it sit on my hair for a few minutes while I shaved my legs and washed my body. Once I was done with that I washed out my hair and got out of the shower. I put my hair in a towel and wrapped a towel around my body. I head into my bedroom took my towel off to dry my body off before I put on my dress. But before I put on my dress I put on some lotion so my skin can be soft as Castiel touched me. 'Mmm, Castiel touching me.' My wolf said in my head. 'Ugh shut up, will yea.' I said back.
  After I was done putting lotion on my body, I grabbed my bootie shorts out of my dresser and put them on. Then I slid my dress on and my flats. I took my hair out of the towel I picked my hair out to get all the tangles out then used my hands to scrunch up my hair. I flipped my hair back and forth to make it wavy after I scrunched my hair then flipped it back and looked into the mirror to see if it was what I wanted it to look like. I fixed a few areas but stopped. I grabbed my makeup bag and put on some makeup to look cute.
  Once I was done, I had started to head downstairs to head to the party. So, I could see my sexy mate.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now