Chapter 12

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  It didn't take long for us to get home, but when we got there, my father, the twins, Charlie, and Sheldon was all standing on the porch waiting for us. My father well was walking back and forth on the porch more than standing. But one he had saw us pulling up he had stopped. When Kevin had put the SUV in park, Castiel got out of the car, pulled me out, put me in his arms and carried me towards the house.
  "Olivia!?" my father yelled. "Are you okay? What happened?" he asked as we got onto the porch.
  "Yes," I started to say. "A rogue attack had happened in the wolf food court close to town. A rogue had attacked her. I came just in time for rip their heads off." Castiel told my father.
  "A rogue attack!?" my father growled.
  "Yes, alpha." Kevin said as he helped Emily over to the porch.
  "Kevin, Emily are y'all okay?" my father asked them.
  Emily was the first to speak. "There was so many, I could shift. I tried to but there was so many on top of me, I tried fighting them off in my human form but I aint that strong as my wolf form."
  "Yea, there was about 30 rogues. They came out of nowhere." Kevin said. "Liv, had a strong weird feeling that something crazy was about to happen."
  "What!? Why didn't you leave if you had this feeling!?" Castiel said growling.
  "Because I didn't expect something like that would have happened. That is why." I said. "And now I pay the price for it."
  "The hell you did, you could have been killed. I could have lost you; you are supposed to be my mate. Was you trying to get yourself killed." He said ranting off.
  I pushed off of him whining from the pain of my leg. "No, I wasn't trying to get myself killed. I know how to handle myself. I know how to fight." I snapped. "I was doing fine, til you came along." I growled at him.
  "Ha, it sure didn't look like it to me, when you have 3 wolfs on your ass."
  "I saved your motherfucking life, thank you very much." I hissed at him. Then started walking away, well limping away from him. "Whatever Castiel. Think whatever you want."
  "Where do you think your going?" Castiel had demanded.
  "To fucking bed, thank you very much, father." I said at first then turned around to look at him. "Oh, wait I have a father and you're not him." I growled.
  "Olivia Rose, now that's enough. Go to your room." My father had growled at me.
  I looked at him after he had said that then looked at everyone else. Castiel's face was all red, like he was about to lose it. Which I don't blame him. Kevin and Emily were looking at me like I didn't just do that. I rolled my eyes and turned away and limped away into the house, limped all the way up the stairs up to my room. I was pissed off, at Castiel at what he was saying. Like I aint a good fighter. I was doing just fine until he had showed up.
  I finally got to my room, open the door and slammed the door. I went to my bathroom and looked into the mirror. My shirt where my shoulder was; was all bloody and had teeth mark holes, where the rogue had bit me. I had token off my shirt to look at the womb. The teeth marks were deep, but they were slowly healing.
  As I was trying to clean off the blood on my shoulder there was a knock at the door. I knew exactly who it was. Castiel.
  "Come in." I called out.
  While I was whipping off the blood on my shoulder, Castiel came walking in with some first-aid shit. He sat it on the counter and started helping me with my shoulder. Every time he had press presser onto my shoulder I growled. While he was whipping everything off on my shoulder, I happen to look up at the mirror up at him, into his eyes. He wants staring at me at first for a moment then finally looked up.
  My wolf inside was going crazy, she wanted me to turn away and just start kissing him. I mean I wanted to, but I couldn't. I didn't even know him that well. Yes, he had saved me today, from almost getting killed. Hell, if it wasn't for him, I would have been died. That's when I started thinking, how did he know what was going on.
  I cleared my throat then spoke. "How did you know where we were and what was going on?" I had asked.
  "Kevin had packed linked to Parker, telling him that you were just attacked and that everything was going down hill at the wolf food court. Parker had gone to the backup guards told them what was going on. I overheard him telling them that. My first thought was you, so I had shifted and took off, smelling for your scent and found it. That is when I had found those 3 rogues on top of you." He said as he put wraps on my shoulder. "I was running as fast as I could. I didn't know if I was gonna make it or not."
  "I heard you coming, or at least I thought it was you coming. I heard heavy paws coming fast." I told him. "So, it was you that I heard coming." I said. He smiled a little then frowned. I turned around and looked at him. I touched his cheek and grinned. "I'm sorry at what I had said; downstairs. I didn't mean it." I said then looked away.
  He put his hand under my chin to make me look back at him. He moved a piece of my hair behind my ear and spoke. "I'm sorry for what I had said. I know you can take care of yourself. I seen what you done. It was amazing. And yes, I know that you saved me, if I was paying any attention to my surroundings I would have seen him." He told me.
  I felt bad for yelling at him. Even though he had saved me, and I returned the favor. I shifted my weight off of leg and he noticed.
  "How's the leg?"
  "It hurts like hell right now, but it will heal in a few hours. Or a day." I told him.
  "Come lay on the bed, prompt it up, have its level." He said as he helped me to my bed.
  He helped me walk over to my bed, helped me get into bed and put pillows under my leg. As I was laying there; he had gone back into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid and came back. He sat down next to my leg and cleaned off where the womb was, where the wolf had bit me. He whipped off the blood and wrapped my leg up for me. He sat my foot back onto the pillow and stared at me. I smiled at him.
  I patted the space beside me on my bed for him to come lay next to me. He got up from the bed and walked around to the other side and got in the bed. He laid there with one arm behind his head and stared at me. I moved closer to him and put my head on his chest. I felt him stiff up a little from my touch and let out a long breath like he was holding it in for a while. We were like that for a while. I was starting to dose off when he had asked me a question.
  "Come back with me." He said.
  "Huh," I asked sleepish.
  "Come back home with me." He repeated.
  "When?" I asked.
  "This weekend." He said at first. "I have to get back anyways, and since you are my mate, well you have to come back with me." He said.
  I laid there for a few minutes thinking about this. I didn't know what to say at first. He was my mate and I did want to go with him. But my father. My friends. My family. My home. This is where I was born, where I learned to walk, run, talk, play. Where I first started my period, where I started to grow boobs. Where I got my first boyfriend, my first kiss. Where I first turned. Where I learned how to fight. Where I first got into a fight back a few years ago.
  After a while of me thinking he thought I had fallen asleep. "You still awake?" he asked.
  "Yea, sorry I was thinking." I said.
  "So, what do you think? Coming back home with me?" he asked again.
  I raised my head up just a little bit so he could see my face and I can see his. I smiled then answered him. "Sure, I'll come back home with you." I told him.
  He smiled really big. It was cute. He had kissed my forehead. "Go to sleep it getting late, dear. We'll talk more about it tomorrow."
  I nodded and moved my head back to his chest and closed my eyes. I wrapped my arm around his stomach to get more comfortable and he had moved his arm that was under his head around me onto my back and started moving his fingers slowly up and down on my back. It was feeling good and helping me go to sleep. I was almost there until I thought about him leaving this room. Leaving me.
  "Stay with me, please. Don't leave okay." I said.
  "I won't ever leave you, princess." He told me as he leaned over to grabbed the blanket and covered us up.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now