Chapter 13

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  Fire and Ice
  Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.
  From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.
  But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
  Robert Frost
  By the time I had woken up; it was morning. I heard the birds cheeping outside my bedroom window. It was somewhat beautiful, like a little song to wake up to. When I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, I had noticed that I wasn't alone. Though I do remember asking Castiel to stay with me last night, after he had cleaned me up and fixed my wombs. I wasn't expecting for him to be still here. Usually; he is already out the house working on alpha things he calls it. But last night he stayed and this morning he is still asleep, under me. Snoring softly above my head. His chest going up and down from him breathing.
  I had moved my head slowly to look up and see if it was really him or I was just dreaming. But it was him. I smiled at the sight of him, in my room, sleeping with me. Him holding me in his strong arms.
  I slid out of his hold on me and walked quietly into the bathroom to pee and look at my shoulder. After I had peed, I flushed the toilet not thinking if it would wake him up or not. I walked over to the sink washed my hands and used the water to flush my face to wake up more. Once I was done I dried my hands and face off and looked into the mirror. I slowly started taking off the wrap that he had put on my shoulder, holding my breath from the pain of the tape ripping off from my baby hairs on my arm. I was halfway through it when Castiel had come into the bathroom.
  I looked up in the mirror at him and grin a little bit. He grinned back and helped me with the wrap. When he had taken it off, there wasn't any pain. It was like magic, painless.
  The bite marks were gone, it was just red marks from where it was at. Scares I call them.
  Both Castiel and I looked at my shoulder, Castiel tracing his fingers where the marks were, giving me goose bumps on my arms. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder as he leaned in to take a quick sniff of me.
  His hot breath on my neck was making me weak, I couldn't handle it. I could barely stand. He turned me around fast as he could lifted me up and put on me the counter. He leaned in close where it was just our noses were touching. Staring into each other eyes. I had bit my bottom lip, scared to kiss him, as I really wanted to kiss him so bad. My wolf was telling me in my head; 'Do it. Kiss him and make love with him. Just get it over with. You know you want to do it.'
  But I couldn't do it, I wasn't ready. I looked away slowing my breathing. He had backed away from me a few inches. Still staring at me. I finally looked at him again and smiled a little. He gave it back and grabbed my leg and took off that wrap that was there. And just like the same with the shoulder, painless pain, and red marks.
  "Sorry, I just can't." I told him as I hopped down from the counter.
  "I understand, I can't either. Even though my wolf is telling me too." He told me.
  "Same." I said. "She wants me to do a lot of things to you and I'm not ready just yet."
  "Mine too. And I don't want to push you into doing something just yet." He told me.
  I nodded. "Maybe after I move with you, I might be ready." I told him.
  "Speaking of moving, we need to tell your father." He said.
  I took a deep breath, not ready for this to happen. About 'the talk' with my father. I nodded at him and we walked out the bathroom together. I went to my closet to grab a shirt, I was still shirtless, but me wearing a bra around him wasn't nothing. He has already seen me naked. I mean everyone has. Just the men here like to look away and give us girls privacy, until we're covered.
  Once I had put a shirt on, we had walked out the door. I grabbed his hand and we had walked down a floor to my fathers' study. I took a deep breath and sniffed the air to see if he was in there. And he was.
  Before I knocked on the door he had called from the other side. "You can come in princess." He said.
  I looked at Castiel for a second then walked into the room. He wasn't alone but everyone was quiet. Sheldon was in there reading a book in the corner, while my father was working on some paperwork. When I came into full view, Sheldon had got up and bowed to me.
  "Good morning, warrior princess." Sheldon had said.
  "Good morning, Sheldon." I said back.
  "Oh, good morning Alpha Castiel." Sheldon had said bowing down again.
  "Good morning, Sheldon. But you can call me Castiel for now." Castiel said, being sweet.
  Sheldon sat back down in his chair and went back to his book. I walked over with Castiel hand and hand, to my father. My father had looked at us with an eyebrow up like he was confused. I went to grab a chair, when Castiel had pulled it out for me and let me take a seat in it then pushed me up to the table. My father had put down his paperwork he was doing, taking off his glasses, and sat them on the table.
  "So, what brings the both of you guys here, this morning." He asked us while he folded his hands together on the table.
  I went to take a deep breath to talk to him, but the words I wanted to say didn't come out. So, I had looked up at Castiel for help. "Well, Oliver we came here to talk to you about how it is time for Olivia to come back home with me this weekend since she is my mate after all." Castiel said.
  My father's face started to turn red. Sheldon looked up at his book, looking right at us. Then my father started to speak. "Negative." He said at first. "She is not leaving this territory. This is her home for god sake."
  "She is my mate and I am leaving this weekend to go home, and I am not leaving here without her." Castiel told him.
  "I don't care if she is your mate or not. She isn't going anywhere." My father said as he stood up from his chair. Sheldon went to get up and my father waved him down.
  "This isn't an order or a demand either. I am telling you what is going to happen, if you like it or not." Castiel had used his alpha voice when he had said that to my father.
  "Well I don't like it and it isn't happening." My father had said again.
  I could tell Castiel was getting angry about this. "Well I don't care. She is coming with me where I can keep her safe. Expressly after what had happened with her last night." He told my father.
  I turned and looked right at him when he had said that. But didn't say anything to him. I turned back around and looked at my father. "Father, I am sorry, but I have to go with him. He is my mate. And if me and him are gonna make this work, I have to go. I love you very much for everything you have done for me, but it is time for me to fly. Its time for me to make my own choices, my own mistakes." I said then stood up and grabbed Castiel's hand. "I love Castiel and I want to be with him, not just as my mate, but as the man I want to be with for the rest of my life and have a family with him." I said. "I want what you and mom had. I want that life and I can't have it here where he ain't." I told him as I started to choke in the end, because I was about to tear up.
  My father looked at me and Castiel back and forth then stood up straight and walked over to the both of us. He grabbed both my hands into his and spoke. "Are you sure this is what you want? To move wherever he lives and be with him." He asked.
  "Yes, father. He is who I want to be with and live with." I told him.
  My father took a deep breath and looked at Castiel. "You better take good care of my daughter; do you hear me?"
  "Yes, sir." Castiel said bowing to my father.
  My father pulled me hard into a big hug. I wrapped my arms around my fathers' neck and stood there for I don't know how long until we took a step back. My father smiled at me as he touched my cheek. Then he touched Castiel's arm before going back to his chair.
  Castiel and I both looked at each other and walked out the room. When we went out to the hall closing the door behind us. I jumped on him swinging my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I started into his eyes for a second then kissed his cute thick lips for the first time. He froze for a moment then started kissing me.
  When we started kissing, it was like no other kiss I have ever had. Not even with Sam when we were together. But this was totally magical, like a fairytale from a long-lost land in a book or something.
  We were still kissing when Emily had came running up the stairs and stopped and cleared her throat. "Wow, let me excuse myself here." She said giggling a little.
  We stopped kissing and looked at her. I hopped down from him but still was holding his hand. I started blushing when I looked at her. "What?" I asked.
  "Nothing, y'all are too cute, wish I had someone like you guys." She told us. "But why are you too so excided in the first place?" she asked.
  I looked at Castiel then back at her. "Olivia has agreed to come back home with me this weekend. We just talked to her father." Castiel told her.
  "What!?" Emily screamed. "Are you serious! Oh my god, I'm so happy for you guys." She said hugging the both of us.
  With Emily, she was so supported with everything, she didn't care what it was. Emily was being Emily, no matter what. And I loved her for it.
  "Thanks." We said at the same time.
  She smiled so bright that it was kinda funny. "We need to celebrate by going shopping." She said then looked at Castiel. "That's okay with you?" she asked him.
  Castiel looked at me and put a hand on my cheek. "Yes, its fine but take Kevin though. I have to call home and let Sam and Dean know what's going on and get things ready for you; my beautiful princess."
  "Oh, stop it," I said pushing him a little but blushing at the same time. "Go fine Kevin, Emily while I go get dressed." I told her, as I went to go upstairs.
  "Okay." She said as she ran down the stairs.
  I went to take a step up the stairs when Castiel had pulled me back to him. I was about to ask him what's wrong but before I could say anything, he had planted a kiss on my lips. When we stopped, he had said. "Have fun, babe."
  I nodded and ran up the stairs to my room to get dress. When I had gotten to my room, I went to my closet to find something to wear. I had gotten my black skinny jeans and my black cropped top. I walked over to my bed laid those down as I went to find my black flats. When I found them I started to get undressed. I took off my bra and slid on my cropped top then took off my pants and put on my skinny jeans and flats. I had gone into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. I had put my hair into a high ponytail then went back into my room and got my purse and walked out the door to go downstairs to find Emily and Kevin.
  When I got to the first floor to the living room Kevin and Emily were talking on the couch. They looked up at me and smiled.
  "What?" I had asked.
  "I just heard." Kevin said.
  "Heard what?" I asked.
  "About you going home with Castiel."
  "Oh, yea I am this weekend." I told him.
  "What's your father saying about this?" he had asked as we go into the SUV.
  "He's not very happy about it but he's gonna have to live with it. Its time for me to fly." I said. "I know I am young and still in school, but I am willing to drop out of high school and help him run his pack."
  "Are you ready for all that. Running your own pack?" Emily had asked.
  I thought about that and I wasn't sure if I was or not. All I know was I was ready for him. Castiel was all I wanted and if that is to help him run it then shell it be. Only when he's gone at least.
  "Yea, I mean its only when he's gone on his alpha business trips like father did. Hell, all us kid ran it, well mostly Parker did." I said.
  "True." They both said.
  "I'm happy for what you believe in, Liv. I have always believed in you when no one else have. You are a very powerful leader, wolf, and woman. I don't like how you do things but its how you are." Kevin had said.
  I nodded at him as he looked at me from the rearview mirror as he was driving. He drove us to the mall across town, it was about a 25-minute drive. But we got there. We were quiet the rest of the time there. I stared out the window thinking of Castiel. Thinking of his pack, well our soon to be pack. My new family and friends. How they would like me. Would they treat me as one of theirs or no. If not Castiel would rip they heads off then, because I was not going anywhere according to him. I started smiling at that. My wolf was laughing at the idea as well. Like she would loved if Castiel would rip someone's head off over me if they didn't like me.
  I mean what's not to like of me, I am fun when I want to be or when I am in the mood. I'm kind, caring, and loving as my father tells me. Claire tells me I'm high spirited. Kevin always made fun of me about that, because I was like a hippy all calm and cool about things until you piss me the fuck off. But who aint like that.
  Father says I am like my mother; calm and cool, kind and caring, with a loving soul. There's a lot of things I wish my mother was alive to help me out with these things. I miss her, a lot.
  I wasn't paying much to anything when Emily had asked me if I was ready to get this shopping done. When she had slapped my arm hard when I looked at her.
  "Earth to Olivia." Emily said after she slapped me.
  "Yea," I said as I looked at her.
  "You okay?" she asked.
  "Yea, I was thinking of mother." I told her.
  "Oh," she said.
  "Do you miss her?" Kevin asks.
  "Yea, wish she were here to watch me make a move in life. To tell me if I am doing the right thing you know. I mean I know I am, just want to hear it from her. How a daughter should hear things from their mother, when they are moving out of their house, going to make a life of they own. A wife, a mother, and so on." I said getting all choked up. "I really miss her just all."
  Emily leaned over and hugged me and rubbed my back. "Well, you have Claire as a mother since you were born. And that nanny of yalls. Why don't you talk to them about it. Girl on girl."
  "Naw, its fine. I mean they would understand what I am feeling or going through. I mean they would but I aint their child. You will understand one day if you ever have a child and so would I." I told her, not trying to be mean. "Let's get this shopping on the road and over with. I wanna go through everything to take with me and all."
  "Let's." she said as she opened her door.

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