Chapter 17

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  After a few days of being here, it has felt different. Castiel and I really haven't spent time together and after our little spat we haven't talked either. I thought moving here with Castiel would be great but it's not. I haven't gone anywhere; I actually been stuck in my room; drawing and reading what books I have brought me with.
  I was in the middle of drawing a wolf when someone had knocked on my door. I had put it to the side and got up from my bed and walked to the door. When I had opened the door, it was a woman with a pile of blankets in her arms.
  "These are for you." She told me handing me the pile of blankets. "Alpha ordered me to bring these up to you because its suppose to get cold this weekend, and this is one of the coldest rooms in this floor."
  "Well thank you, very much. And you can tell Castiel that for me as well, too."
  "Yes Luna." She told me then walked away.
  I was about to just walk back into my room until I had walked out and stopped the woman.
  "Hey, which room is the alphas'? I had asked her.
  "It's the last door on the right, right now the hall." She told me as she pointed down the hall.
  "Thank you." I told her. "Do you know if he's in there now?" I asked.
  "No, I don't know for sure. He had called me and told me to bring up you those blankets." She had told me.
  "Thanks again," I said. "Wait what's your name?" I had asked.
  "You can call me; Freya, Luna." She told me.
  "Well Freya you can call me Olivia or Liv if you want instead of Luna." I told her.
  "Yes, Luna I mean Olivia." She said smile as she turned to walk away.
  I smiled at her then turned to look down the hall to Castiel's room. It was nice of him to send me extra blankets to keep warm.
  I went back into my room, closed the door, then headed to the bed to fix it up for me to stay nice and warm. When I was done I looked what time it was on the side table clock. It was 9 o'clock.
  I took all my stuff that I was working on and put in on the end table. I walk to the ceiling fan and pulled the string on it for the light and got into bed. Once I got in the bed I curled into a ball and tried to fall asleep.
  As I tried falling asleep I heard footsteps in the hall like they were at my door. For a moment I figured Castiel would come in here and check on me or at least come sleep with me, but no one had opened the door. I was about to get up and open the door to talk to him until I heard the footsteps had moved down the hall then I heard a door had shut. I had taken a deep breath from disappointment from him not coming into my room. But I covered up my face with the sheet and went to bed.
  It had seemed it had been hours when I woken up like it was morning already, but it wasn't. I had sat up from the bed and seen it was only midnight. I only slept for 4 hours and it wasn't enough for me. It has been like that since I had moved her, and I knew why. It was because I wasn't sleeping with Castiel, in his arms, like I was back home.
  So, I got up, grabbed my lightweight blanket and wrapped it around me and headed for the door. When I got into the hall I stood there listening, it was quiet, but one thing I soft snore from down that hall when Freya had said Castiel's room was at. So, I started walking down the hall to his room. When I got to it, I was thinking I either knock on the door and wake him up or just walk in and do whatever. I thought about it for a moment. My hand reached for the door handle and open his door and walked in. I quietly shut the door and walk to his bed where he was sleeping on his back with one of his arms over his face, like he was blocking the light from his eyes. But there wasn't any light in the room.
  I sat on the edge of the bed softly just watching him sleep. He was so peaceful like a baby. I wanted to touch him but was scared to. I went to get up from the bed until a hand had touched my arm. Then I looked and saw he was looking at me.
  "What's wrong?" he asked me. I shook my head at him. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked.
  "Yea, sorta." I told him at first. "I had slept for 4 hours but woke up." I told him.
  "Oh," he said then sighed.
  He moved over a little bit and patted next to him for me to lay down next to him. I got up let the cover, I had wrapped around me, fall and got into bed with him. I laid my head onto his chest as he threw the cover over me. He kissed the top of my head and laid his head back onto his pillow.
  I thought he had fallen asleep, so I moved slowly to sit up to watch him sleep but when I got up he looked at me. I smiled at him and he done the same.
  "Can you not sleep?" he asked me.
  "No, I can't." I told him at first. "I haven't been able to sleep since I moved here." I told him then looked away towards the windows.
  He looked that way as well then looked back at me. "You wanna go take a run?" he asked.
  I looked back at him. "Didn't you just go to bed?" I asked.
  "Not really, I've had about the same hours as you." He told me.
  "You don't have to do that for me?" I told him.
  "No, its fine. I can show you around the area, where to go and where not to go." He told me. "Plus, a good run will wear you out so you can sleep." He said.
  "Fine." I told him. "But as in wolf form or human?"
  "We can go in wolf form if you want."
  "Good my wolf form needs some running she won't leave me alone in my head." I told him.
  He laughed. "Mine won't either since I laid eyes on you." He told me.
  I started blushing at what he had said but he didn't see since I got up from the bed to head to the door. I walked out and headed towards my room to go put something comfortable on to go outside in until I shifted. Once I was done I walked out my door running into Castiel as he was about to knock on the door.
  We both smiled and giggled a little bit until we walk down the stairs. When we stepped off the last step of the stairs, I had saw Samuel and Dean sitting on the couch. Dean was leaning on the arm rest half asleep until he saw us and got up.
  "Alpha, Luna," they both said.
  "Boys." Castiel said. Then I added in the same breath. "Dean go home and go to bed."
  "Luna this is my home." He said.
  "Then go up to your room and go to bed. Your like dead ass tired." I said kinda ordering him. I saw him look at Castiel then at me. "Don't look at him. I know he's your alpha but I'm the one that is speaking. I'm ordering you to go get some sleep. If we need you we will call for you." I told him.
  "Yes, Luna." Dean said as we started walking towards the step.
  "And Dean,"
  "Quit calling me Luna. Its Olivia or Liv." I told him.
  "Yes, Luna. I mean Liv." He said then took 2 steps at a time to hurry up to his floor, to his room.
  I rolled my eyes at him then looked at Samuel. But before I said anything he spoke before I could say anything to him.
  "I've took a nap about 6 hours ago I'm good." He said.
  "Oh, are you now." I said then shrugged then walked into the kitchen. I went to the fridge to find some kind of fruit. Then I found an apple. I took the apple and from where I was standing I could see Samuel just fine and clear, so I threw it my hardest at him until he had caught it without even looking my way until he caught it.
  "Told you I was good." He said.
  "Okay, I'll give you that then." I said. "Cas, are you ready?"
  "Yes, Liv." He said as he walked into the kitchen. "Sam, keep you pack linked open. We're gonna go run for a while."
  "Yes, Alpha." Samuel said.
  We walked out the back door of the kitchen where I saw some of his guards by the door looking at us then bowed their heads. We done the same. We walked around the back yard, where we could see about everything.
  "You know this is my house,"
  "Our house now." I corrected him.
  "Yes, our house now." He said smiling at me. "This is the pack's house, where everyone that is in my pack like Dean and Samuel and their mates but since they don't have mates they live with me, us, I mean." He said
  "How many are in our pack?" I asked.
  "I have about 30 or so, I lost count to be honest with you." He told me. "But they all don't live in this house. Those that have families have their own house which are all lined up behind the pack house. Those who don't live here." He told me.
  "How many floors in this place?" I asked.
  "I think 6 floors, I am not really sure." He said. "I used to live in the pack house when I was younger, with my family. My mother lived there; she was friends with my father who lived in the alpha house with my grandparents. They umm had a thing when they were younger. He never found his mate nor did she, so they fooled around, got her pregnant, and had me." He said. "My fathers' parents tried to get my mother to move in into the alpha house, since I was next alpha in line after my father, but my mothers' parents didn't want that since they weren't mated. Which everyone understood that. Even my own parents because they didn't love each other like that. Only as friends."
  He looked sad after telling me that story. I felt bad for him, he has had it worse than me. But he went on what we were doing.
  "This building is where the cooks and help live, there's about 4 floors there. And back all the way back here behind all the houses is the training field. On the other side is the football/soccer field/track. There's a workout area on the other side of the training field. So, enjoy working out of running on the track. But there's a poster board on the wall of the workout area that has a schedule when to run track and everything else." He said as he looked at me. I was about to say something about the schedule, but he beat me to it. "Yes, I have a schedule posted about days and times. Before that even was posted there was mix ups and fights about who wanted to do what they wanted."
  I put my hands up and shook my head. "Wow that's crazy." I said.
  "Yea, you don't know how many people I had to pull off of each other. There were a few times I had to go wolf just to howl/growl loudly to get everyone to stop and look at me. It was like they didn't see me at all." He said.
  I laughed a little. "Aww poor baby, not being noticed for once."
  I laughed a little bit more. He went to grab me but missed because I'm to fast. I started laughing a bite more. I ran away from him laughing, I saw him chasing after me. It just made me laugh harder. I was running so fast that I shifted in mid-run and ran faster and faster until he was beside me in his wolf form. He was fast as me in his wolf form but not in his human form.
  He tried to get me but when he went to get me I jumped over him and ran a little faster. I didn't know where I was going until he barked at me more like howled. I was laughing until I finally saw it the edge of the ground, a cliff. I didn't know what to do, I was forcing myself to stop but I was going to fast until I was yanked out of nowhere yelping in pain from something going into my neck and my fur being pulled until I had hit the ground hard rolling like 5 times until I had stopped.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now