Chapter 5

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  As all the weirdness continue, in the past week, the missing kids finally were coming back to school. They look like nothing had nothing had happened, but they did look different. They looked bigger, cuter; you could name everything that probably could had happen.
  As the next few days, when I thought everything was coming back to normal, when I started feeling different myself. But I was not putting anything to it. After my 6th class I started feeling sick. I ran into the bathroom, like I thought I was gonna get sick. I sat on the cold floor, helping me feel cool.
  I opened up my pack linked to Kevin.
  'Kev, I need you.' I told him.
  'What's wrong princess?' he asked. I could hear him running, coming my way towards the school. 'Are you hurt?'
  'I don't know, I don't feel good or right.' I told him.
  'Where are you at?' he asked me.
  'In the bathroom, on the floor, by my 6th class.' I told him.
  'On my way princess.' He said.
  It was about 5 minutes when Kevin, Sam, Harley, and Emily came running in. Kevin ran straight to me, I tried to look at him, but I couldn't even move my head. He helped me up and when I stood up, I passed out right in front of them or at least I thought I did. Kevin caught me before I had hit my head on the floor.
  Kevin carried me out the bathroom, with the others behind him. There were a few people staring at us when we came out. Couple of my friends from the cheer leading came running towards us. Emily had stopped them by shaking her head.
  No one excepted the Alpha's daughter; the princess, to get hurt, sick or pass out at all. Kevin had put me in the SUV that was parked out front of the school and got him. The others were driving behind us in my car. It didn't take that long to get to the house since Kevin was driving. He drove fast. Once we got to the house his skidded his tires and got out of the car as soon as he put the car in park. He ran to my side, grabbed me out of the car and ran up to my room or at least tried to run to my room.
  I started shaking in Kevin's arms, where he had to put me down on the floor. I thought I was dying; all I could see was red. My head was hurting.
  Then just out of nowhere this had happened.
  "Get the fuck away from me you fucking jackass." I growled at Kevin.
  "Liv, it's me, Kev." He said as he tried to touch me.
  I slapped his arm away. "Don't touch me." I growled.
  Then Sam and Claire came running in the house. "Don't touch her," Claire said as she got to me. "Turn her over now."
  "She's burning up." I heard Kevin tell her.
  "Yea she will when she's shifting for the first time." Claire told him. "Sam go get me a stick now so she can bite onto it." She told Sam.
  Sam ran outside to go get a stick and as he came back I started shaking and screaming.
  "Ahh, it hurts. Make the pain to go away." I screamed at them to take the pain away, but they just stood there.
  About 5 minutes later, the pain had gone away. Next minute I know I was standing taller than all of them. All their faces were in an 'Aww' position like they saw a ghost or something. All I know is I can hear things from across the river and that was like 5 miles away from the house. My eyesight was clearer, I could see 3 houses away from where I was standing just fine. No blurriness.
  While I was taking in everything in my brothers came in running from outside. They stopped right in the doorway looking right at me, shocked, scared. Then someone touched me. I growled at the touch.
  "Sam be careful." Claire told him.
  I turned around and looked straight at him in his eyes, where I could see my reflection. I was beautiful. I was a color I never saw any other person to be. Not even my family or friends.
  I was pure white, like white as the snow. Now I see why they were staring at me looking at me like they have seen a ghost because no one has ever seen a white wolf before.
  Sam had touched my head, petting me like a dog. But I let him, it felt good. I pushed my head more into his hand purring like a cat but in a dog's way. Then I spoke through my head through pack linked.
  'I wanna run.' I said as my wolf was hopping up and down like a little child in my head.
  "She wants to run." Sam said.
  Kevin was the one that spoke. "Okay but stay close to the house. I'll be running close by Princess." He said.
  I nodded and ran out the back door, ran right passed the guards looking right where I came from.
  As I was running through the woods, I could feel free as a bird. Like nothing I have ever done before. Yes, I may be 15 years old and it's my first time shifting into my wolf form. I was a little late, but its normal. Most of the wolf-people turn around the ages of 10-16 but sometimes they turn later.
  As I was going around each tree, each sound I hear was loud, clear. I could hear Kevin running 10 feet back. Breathing heavy as he ran to keep up with me. I was faster than him. Probably faster than everyone else since I am the alpha's daughter. Maybe even my brothers and father as well. Wish I knew how fast my mother was. She probably as fast as I am or just about.
  As I got to the river, I stopped and took a drink of water. I needed it from running like I was. Also let Kevin finally catch up with me.
  'Take a drink Kevin. I know you need it. After all that running you done.' I said laughing at Kevin.
  After he took a drink of water from the river, he used his paw and splash water my way, soaking my fur. Then started giggling after he done it. I growled at him and tackled him to the ground. I end up being on top of Kevin with my snout poking his chest. He growled back and tossing me head over and pouching on top of me.
  'Nice try, princess.' Kev said. 'You may be strong and fast, but I've had more training than you and I'm much over than you.' He told me.
  'You're no fair.' I whined in my head.
  'Listen here, on the weekends there's wolf training early in the morning around 8 or 9. All the new wolves are gonna be there. Your brothers run it; they made the training course. Well your father did but they made it better and more different than what your father had made.' Kevin said.
  'Okay, I'll be there.' I said.
  'Let's head back.' Kev said.
  'Race yea.' I said.
  'Okay, on your mark, get set,'
  'Go!' I yelled, as I took a huge leap in the air to get going.
  As I were running towards the house, I could feel everything in me just pushing me to the fullest to get where I needed to be. Like nothing could tear me apart. That's when I felt it, someone was coming up the drive. I didn't know who it was.
  'Princess stand down and stay close to me.' Kevin said through mind link.
  I put my nose up in the air and took a deep breath to smell who this person was coming. I knew automatically who it was. 'Father!' I screamed all excited.
  I ran full force to the incoming vehicles. I didn't care what Kevin was saying to me, all I wanted was my father.
  'Liv stand down now!' he yelled, but it didn't stop me. 'The Alpha doesn't know you shifted yet. He'll attack you!'
  With Kevin was saying was going in one ear out the other. All I know I wanted my father. To hug him and love him. To tell him that I missed him.
  When I got to the cars my father was standing outside the car about to walk to the house until he saw me. He looked mad for some reason. Then the next moment he shifted and ran towards me. I dead stop from running when he got to me and tackled me. I was scared. I whined when he was on top of me growling. Then Kevin still in his wolf form came running full force towards us.
  'Alpha, don't attack its Liv.' He kept saying over and over. But it was like my father couldn't hear. So, he shifted to his human form and spoke again. "Alpha sir doesn't attack, it's Liv, your daughter." He said putting his hand on my father's shoulder.
  My father looked at him all shocked, then shifted into his human form. When he shifted he bent down over me, while the guards were bringing Kevin and he robes to cover themselves up.
  "Liv?" my father spoke. I looked at him and grinned my wolfy smile at him. Then he looked at Kevin. "When did she shift?" he asked him.
  "About a few hours ago, sir." Kev told him. "She wasn't feeling well at school, so she had me go get her and bring her home. And right when we got here, well she shifted."
  "Beautiful...." That was all my father had said. He touched my head for a second then I leaned into him wanting him to pet me, love me. "You look like your mother in this form. Just the eyes are different. She had the most golden eyes ever as a wolf. And the softest fur too, you sure got that from her." He told me. So, I did get something good out of my mother, just why didn't anyone tell me that my mother was a white wolf. "Can you shift back yet?" he asked me.
  I looked at Kevin for that. "She hasn't done that yet sir." He told him.
  My father nodded and look at me and spoke. "Okay, take a deep breath. In your nose out your mouth. Calm your body, your nerves down and you will shift for right now. Later on, you will be able to do it in a heartbeat." He told me.
  He backed up from me and I done what he had said. I took a deep breath from my nose and let it out from my mouth. I done it a few times until I had shifted back into my human form. Once I had shifted back, I was still bent down to the ground until one of the guards brought me a robe to cover myself up.
  When I put my robe on, I jumped into my fathers' arms to give him the biggest hug ever. To let him know that I missed him so much.
  "I wish I were here when you shifted, princess. I'm sorry about that." My father said as we were walking toward the house.
  The guards that were standing by the front door bowed at us as we walked inside to where Sam, Claire, and the others were at. "It's fine father, you're here now that's all that matters." I said.
  "Father!" the twins yelled. "Father, sir" Parker said bowing. Parker was the head-guardsmen of the pack. So, he didn't really see father as a father really. He saw him as his master, his alpha. But the twins they saw him as their father nothing else yet.
  "Sons." He said back. "Claire, I see your handy work on the princess's shifting."
  "Yes, Oliver. She done really well. Just like her mother."
  "Wait you were there when my mother shifted?" I asked.
  "Yes and no. Not for her first time but after a while when she got with your father. After she had Parker and the twins it hurt her when she shifted back into her wolf form. It does that when your have children my princess. You will understand when you have children my dear." She told me putting her hand on my shoulder.
  "So, back to my mother, she was white as well." I asked.
  Both Claire and my father had answered at the same time. "Yes," they laughed. That was the first I saw my father really laugh. "She was white as the first winter snow." He told me.

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