Chapter 11

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  Castiel has been staying with us for over a week now. He had sent back Samuel and Dean the next day, to cover his spot back at his territory, to make sure the pack is under control and nothing has happened. It's been really boring here, nothing exciting, just the basic stuff; training with both human and wolf forms, the rouges trying to make a breakthrough our territory, but the guards have been stopping them. Castiel has been helping my father with the alpha stuff all day long and at night he tries to spend some time with me, so we can get to know each other more.
  It was hard some days, I couldn't do much. Castiel had given Kevin, my guard orders, with my father's permission as well, to keep a good look on me, where to go, and who to hang out with. I felt like a little kid again. But I get it, I was his mate and he wanted his mate safe and sound.
  There was one day he had called a meeting with all the guards out in the back yard with my father right beside him. I had happened to walk in on it well walked out during the meeting. He was telling the guards to keep a tight movement on everything, making sure no hair was out of place on me. It was crazy how this was going on, even with my father right beside him doing this, allowing everything to happen.
  When my father had to go on his business trips, he had put Castiel in charge of everything. Even though my brothers and I could handle everything but Castiel and my father had told me to stay out of everything let Castiel and my brothers to take care of everything.
  Parker and Castiel would have talked for hours in my father's study about new training for the guards and Parker allowed it. The guards agreed to new training. They grouped into 10 wolfs at a time certain times of the day.
  When Castiel wasn't working with the guards or with Parker, he would be in his room showering, taking some naps when he could or watching over me in the living room. I hadn't let him come into my room just yet. He would come knock on my door to let me know when there was food, to come eat with him. As we would eat, we would talk for hours until it was time for him to get back to work or it was time for me to go to bed.
  There was one day Emily and I was about to leave to go shopping, he wasn't happy about it but let us go. He had put a few extra guards with us on top of Kevin being with us already.
  "Liv, I get Castiel is your mate but damn all the guards really." She had told me as Kevin was driving us into town.
  "Emily I know but him and my father thinks there's gonna be a war soon, since the only alpha's daughter is finally taken. And both my father and Castiel thinks it's safer for me." I told her. "Plus, I kinda like all the new attention on me now."
  Kevin had snorted at that after I had said something about the new attention.
  "What?" I had asked him.
  "Its kinda funny, because you already had all the attention in the world from your friends, father and me. But once Mr. Big Shot comes into town into your life, it is like ou lala." Kevin said laughing again.
  Kevin was right, but I didn't even realize for a moment what was going on. "Shut up, Kevin. Just keep driving." I told him.
  After a few moments we finally got to the in-town store where most of the best clothes are at. I loved coming here with Emily when I needed a 'girls' day out'. I hated being stuck at home with nothing to do. If it wasn't for training or summer schoolwork, I would lose my mind.
  As we parked the SUV, me and Emily had gone onto the sidewalk, as Kevin was talking to the couple guards that had came with us. Once Kevin was done we went inside the store to look for some cute clothes.
  "Wanna know something kinda funny?" Emily asked.
  "What?" I asked as we got to the dresses area.
  "I kinda miss Dean." She said.
  I dead stop where I was at and looked at her. "I knew it." I said.
  "What?" she asked.
  "Dean, when I met him, I totally thought of you." I told her.
  "Oh my god, are you serious?" she asked.
  "Yes," I said.
  We both started screaming our girly screams and jumping up and down. Kevin came running towards us seeing what we were screaming about. We stopped and looked at him then laughed.
  "Sorry," we both said to him.
  "Women." He said as he left us.
  We laughed again. "When did you start liking him?" I asked still laughing.
  "Well the day I met him at the campfire. When Castiel had ran off from being pissed off, I was talking to him or at least trying to. He was all in his focus game, listening for Castiel and watching you." She said.
  "Ah, it sucks he went back home before yall could hit it off." I told her.
  "Yea. But it wasn't like I had mated with him. I was just trying to talk to him, really." She said.
  I shrugged my shoulders and had went back to looking for more clothes. I found a couple of cute dresses, come cute tops, some cute matching bras and underwear, and some shorts and pants. Found a few cute shoes; both heels, flats, flip flops, and running shoes.
  As we got all what we wanted, I needed up cashing out about $200 worth of clothes but only paying $75. When we shop, we find all the cutest clothes on sale. And look like a million bucks wearing everything.
  After coming out of the store, we put everything into the trunk and headed to get some food. We went to this small food store close to the woods, where I use to go eat with the twins when I was younger. The guards had parked down the street, as Kevin, Emily and I went up to the walk-up area to order food. This was the only wolf area close to town from home. No humans were ever at this place.
  As we waited for our food, I started looking around the area. It was feeling weird. My wolf even though the same thing. Kevin looked at me and around the area as well.
  "Princess is everything okay?" he asked.
  Emily looked at me after he had asked that. "What's wrong, Liv?" she asked me.
  "I don't know, it just doesn't feel right. Enough my wolf inside is going crazy too. Like something bad is gonna happen." I told them.
  Once I had said that, he looked towards the guards and they came walking up to us to protected us. Well mostly a look out.
  As we were called for our food, we got it and sat down at the tables to eat it. I wasn't gonna let this feeling I have stop me from having some fun with my girl friend and my guard that I don't really call guard. He like and uncle to me. Always been there for me.
  About a few moments of us eating, I starting smelling weird smells. And me being an alpha I could smell it before any other food here could smell it themselves. Then that's when all hell broke loose.
  Wild, on the run wolves, that think they can do whatever they want because they are not in a pack, started running at every direction. It was like a mob of wild bulls running.
  I didn't see one coming, but Kevin sure did, but one had attacked me before I could see it coming.
  "Princess watch out!" he had yelled right when the rogue had grabbed me by my shoulder and sent me flying across the road.
  "Liv!" Emily screamed as another rogue had started attacking her.
  She was trying to fight it off of her in her human form, but she wasn't as strong as her was in her wolf form and she couldn't shift because the wolf was on top of her. Kevin was busy fighting some of the rogues in his human form and so were the guards. The one that sent me flying was running my way, but I had shifted into my wolf form right before he had got to me.
  When he had got to me, I jumped on to him ripping his head off his body. Blood dripping from my mouth. Then I turned my head into the air and howled like I couldn't howl before. I had run over to Emily, ripped off that rogue, pushed her way from him and attacked him with everything I had.
  Then that's when I heard it, heavy paws coming our way from a distance. 'Shit, more of them.' I thought. But I didn't care I'll fight them all.
  I started looking for Kevin, he was on the ground with a rogue on top of him. I ran over to where he was when I was ambushed by 3 rogues. I tried fighting them off as good as I could, one had bit my leg, I yelped in pain. Still trying to get up to fight, another one had bit my shoulder. I howled in pain. That's when I heard it, no felt it.
  Castiel had came running over to where I was, attacked the rogues that were attacking me. Threw them off as he was ripping their heads off. When he was done, he ran over to where Kevin was helping him. When I looked up, all my guards were fighting rogues in their wolf forms, saw Parker and more guards killing the rest of the rogues.
  Once every single one of those rogues were dead, Kevin ran over to Emily to check up on her. Castiel was running over towards me still in his wolf form. As he was walking over to me, at the corner of my eye, I saw one last rogue, running towards Castiel.
  'Castiel!' I scream but forgot he couldn't hear me since were not 100% mated. So, I had got up from where I was, ran full speed hurt or not and took down that rogue before it got its chance to attack, Castiel. My mate. We rolled a few times before I got the upper hand and snaked my teeth into his neck, he howled in pain right before I had ripped it clean off of his body.
  As I was done, I limped over to Castiel. Leaned into him as I looked around and saw the mess. Kevin had Emily in his arms, she was shaken up with only a few marks on her and about the same with Kevin. All the guards shifted back into their human forms and started cleaning up the mess. They put all the rogues wolf parts in a pile and threw something on it, then caught on fire.
  Parker was back in his human form, walked over to Kevin and Emily, telling them something then walked over to Castiel and I, which we were still in our wolf form.
  "Liv, are you okay." He had asked me.
  I barked at him pushing off Castiel to show him my back leg was hurt. I tried to walk but couldn't just yet. I yelped. Castiel had put his head under my head to support my weight.
  Parker nodded; "Shift into human forms and Castiel why don't you ride with Kevin and Emily back home asap." He told us. "Father is on his way back from his trip and needs to know about this.
  Castiel growled a little but nodded and shifted. Once he had shifted, I had done the same but almost fell over.
  "Here, let me help you, Liv." Castiel said.
  "I'm fine, I just need to walk it off." I said, as I went to take another step. It hurt like hell as I took another step and almost fell over again.
  "God damnit, Olivia let me help you." He said growling a little bit. "I am your mate, that is what I am here for. Quit being so fucking stubborn." He said, still growling through his teeth.
  Parker looked away from what Castiel had said to me. I looked at Castiel for a second before I made another move. "Fine, help me." I told him.
  Castiel had bent over, put his arm under my legs, knocking my legs out from under me and before my head had hit the ground, his other arm was behind my back. I put my arms around his neck as he carried me towards Kevin's SUV, put me in the back and slide in beside me. Kevin and Emily were in the front seat, waiting for us. As soon as we got in, Kevin had floored the gas and drove as fast as he could back home, with the other guards behind us.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now