Talking it out... a bit...

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When the silence came, it hit me hard because I was all alone and I felt stupid for screaming at a hero. I knew what I did was stupid but I felt soo wronged right now that I couldn't care less about anything at all. After all was it really my fault for having such a quirk?

It took me a while to sit like this on my bed looking down at the wooden floor. Nothing got me out of my trance as I felt the anger getting bigger and bigger but at the same time I also felt disappointing in myself. 

Me: *sigh*

Was it really a good idea screaming at people? Was it a good idea to be like this? Did I had a solid reason to be angry? Wasn't it due to my own quirk that I was such a failure? Was it not in the end my own fault for being born this way? So in the end what All Might told me was not really that wrong. No matter how I looked at it, it was getting worse and worse. I mean I was spiraling down in my own thoughts and anger morphed into sadness and then into this heavy feeling. 

Just a minuted after my anger went away, I stood up and went to the window looking at it for a bit and feeling even worse because I knew, I broke it. It was my fault and I shouldn't have done that at all. No matter how angry I was, there was no reason to destroy someone elses property such as this window or anything like that. It was just childish and unreasonable.

Well that was what my mind told me and so I decided to get to the door and slowly open it to see if there was anyone there. To my own surprise there was no one and so I got out of my room and walked to the living area looking down in regret about the window not even carying that my own hand was still bleeding.

RG: Oh dear...

The moment I heard the voice, I looked up from the ground and saw Recovery Girl standing there looking at me.

Me: I am sorry....

RG: Don't be, but what are you doing walking like this?

Me: I wanted to see if I could find something to clean up the room....

RG: Do you not like it?

Me: That's not it! It's a big room... too big for me... but I did something bad and I want to make it up.

RG: I am sure it must have been an accident.

Me: I broke the window....

RG: OH my! Let me see that arm of yours.

Me: ....

RG: C'mon sit down here. 

Me: There is really no-

RG: It's alright dearie. I have an excessive amount of bandages and would be happy to help you out.

Something about how this hearler worded things, made me nod and think it was alright and that I was not a burdon at all for once in my life time. Of course I came over to the couch and sat down and let her look at my wound and then wrap it up. 

RG: Here you go dearie.

Me: Thank you.

RG: Are you alright otherwise? It must have hurt a lot falling down and hitting the window.

Me: I didn't fell... I broke it kinda intentionally.

RG: That can happen to every single one of us. If you knew how many chairs were sent flying back in the days when Vlad King and Eraserhead started to teach. The school would be rich by now hahahaha.

Me: Really?

RG: Yes, in fact most of the times a student went ahead and threw a chair or a table out.

Me: Why?

RG: They wanted to escape from what I know. How about you?

Me: I wanted All Might to get out...

RG: I see. He is quite as bad with teaching like Vlad King and Eraserhead but he is still new.

Me: No no it wasn't because of that.

RG: Not? It wouldn't have surprised me. He is still green behind his ears.

Me: Actually, I know him from before UA and back then he saved me but then abanodoned me on a rooftop after shattering my dreams.

I seriously don't know what came over me but I felt like I could tell this old lady everything that happened. This was surprising but it felt good telling someone about what happened and having someone who can understand what I feel. At this point, I felt like she knew what I was saying and how I was feeling so I continued talking to her.

RG: Shattering your dreams? Looks like he is really not better than the idiots before they learned their lessons. By any chance do you remember what he said?

Me: My quirk not being fit for heroism... and other stuff.

RG: But you do realize that it is perfect for it, do you?

Me: ...

RG: Alright alright, look at the time! Here I am talking with you without even having some tea or a snack! Ah where is my mind! Oh dear oh dear, my old memory is failing me. Would you come with me to the kitchen and help this old lady make a coup of tea?

Me: Sure.

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