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"There you are!! How did you get out the front?....looking very fit by the way." I just laughed as Liam says this then puts his arm around me as we start walking to the party. I begin, "Well Noel caught me leaving and I convinced him to let me go." "And he let ya? Surprising I must say" Liam says while aggressively chewing his gum. The rest of the walk was silent but I kept replaying how Noel reacted when I walked into the living room and how he looked me up and down. To be honest I always thought both Liam and Noel were cute but I had a slight crush on Noel. Plus Liam was a player so I never even bothered with my feelings about him. Since the beginning of college though he began to be flirty with me. But then something about Noel I've always been very drawn too. Maybe it was the guitar playing or the way he really only cared about his mum, brothers and music. He's a couple years older then Liam and I so I never saw a chance of him being into me anyway.

We arrived to the party and it was pretty average. Really what you saw in movies. Kids drinking way to much, couples making out in every corner, random people grabbing your ass, and the really loud obnoxious fucker. Who In this case was Liam. I grabbed a beer from the cooler and mingled a little. There weren't any cute guys there but there were some ones who could do for the night. I was talking to this one guy Paul for a little but I didn't really want to kiss him or anything. Besides it would be my first kiss. A little embarrassing I know but I just hadn't found the time for it. All that mattered to me was my job at sifters, liam, and my mum.

I noticed some older guys started  to arrive, around Noel's age, 21/22. Then I saw something strange and unexpected. Noel. What the hell was he doing here. Was his guitar really at the shop or was he waiting to come to this party as well. Did he even know me and Liam were at this particular one? I didn't care I just wanted to hide from him. I made my way to the dance floor and tried to blend in. Luckily one of my favorite songs "Temptation" by New Order started to play. I found some people I knew from school and started to dance with them, I must have been really into the song because I tripped, fell, hit my head on a beer cooler and blacked out . Great. Just what I needed at my first party. 

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