Definitely Maybe

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Eventually everyone gathered into the living room and Noel set up the vinyl. I held the cover. "Definitely Maybe" I said examining the artwork. I loved it. I could tell the boys were nervous to see what everyone thought of the record but I wasn't, I knew it was going to be amazing. Noel switched on the record player and it started. We all sat down. I held Noel's hand tightly. He seemed anxious. A song called 'Rock n Roll star' played. Which was so fucking good. So different than the music of today and that anyone's heard. 

A little while later the album finished. Everyone in the room clapped and I hugged Noel and the rest of the boys, Liam too but he acted like he didn't want it. "That was amazing boys!" Said Peggy. She was so proud. I was too. Me and Noel decided to go into town to see where the records were being sold. We saw some at sifters which made Noel really happy because he mentions 'Mr.Sifter' in a song called 'Shakermaker'. It's really amazing how his music is being sold where other legends of the music industry's music is sold. Noel was practically jumping for joy he was so happy. I loved how when he smiled his eyes got small and squinty. 

A couple days later (September 4):

Me, Noel, Bonehead, and Liam were all in the local boozer when we got a call from Alan. We hoped it was news on how the album was doing because we really haven't heard anything. Noel went up to the bar to answer the phone. Noel came running back to the table. "86,000 copies." Noel said with a shocked look on his face. "86,000 copies in the first fucking week. It's number one on the UK charts. Alan just told me." Noel spoke again. I jumped out of my seat. So did Liam and Bonehead. "You're fucking with me, I know you are." I said pointing a finger at him, "I'm not, I swear to you Hannah. WERE NUMBER ONE!" Noel yelled throwing his arms in the air. Liam and Bonehead cheered and hugged. I jumped into Noel's arms, hardly kissing him and holding his chin in my hands just smiling at him. "Guess you are the Rock n roll star now you cunt." I said. He just smiled and kissed me again. 

HeadshrinkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon