Let there be love

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Back to Hannah's Perspective:

I got up out of bed to shower and take my mind off Liam. I felt like he was hiding something from me. It was now 4pm. I had two hours to get ready. I put on my "The Queen Is Dead" vinyl and as 'There is a Light that Never Goes Out' played I thought about how beautiful Noel sounded when he sang it. He is so talented and people need to hear his voice just as much as Liam's. I did my makeup and put on a dark red slip dress, my black jean jacket over it and my black heels. I wasn't exactly sure where Noel was taking me so I dressed not too casual but not too fancy.  I decided to let my hair down and layer a couple necklaces. 

A knock came on the door and I rushed downstairs. "Hi Noel." I smiled. He was wearing a white button down shirt and blue jeans."Hello love, you look absolutely beautiful." Something about Noel giving me a compliment always made my heart fly. We left the house with my arm around his and walked to the train station. "Where are we going Noel?" I said laughing as we sat in two seats next to each other. "You'll see." He said grabbing my hand tightly. The train took us to the middle of Manchester city. We hopped off and walked a little to a Hotel. We went up the elevator and ended up on the highest floor. Outside the elevator there was a table with workers. "Reservation for Noel Gallagher." Noel said to the man working. "Oh yes this way please sir" The man escorted us to a glassed in private deck area. The view outside the glass was beautiful looking out on the sunset and across the whole skyline of Manchester. We sat down and the man brought us champagne then leaving us alone. "Noel this is too much." I said. I felt awful. I've heard about the prices at this restaurant. "Nothing is good enough for you Hannah." "Your too good for me, too good for Manchester, too good for this world." "Your absolutely perfect and I love you. You deserve everything." Noel said holding my hand. Looking deep into my eyes, meaning every word he said. "I love you too Noel." I said with tears welling in my eyes. I didn't cry but I sure came close.

We ordered dinner and just had the most peaceful time. I felt the most loved I've ever felt. By anyone other then my mum of course. After dinner we walked little until Noel spoke. "I another have a surprise for you." Noel hates surprises but I guess it's cause he loves giving them.

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