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It was the next day and we were at the Boardwalk rehearsal rooms just hanging out, Me and Noel. He told me he would teach me some more on the Guitar. I knew a couple songs but I wanted to know all the chords so I could write my own songs. Before he met me in the room I sat playing "Get Back" by The Beatles, one of my all time favorites. As I was singing I felt a presence watching me. I turned to see Noel standing in the door way watching me. "Fucking hell Noel you scared me" I said hoping he didn't hear too much of my singing. "Great singing love" he said walking in. I blushed, "fuck off" I hated when people heard me. "No really Hannah you sounded good. Guitar and Vocals." "You should play a gig with us one day." I shook my my head no. He just laughed and sat down on the couch across from me. 

After jamming for a little while we decided to go for a walk in the town. As we were walking two girls walked past us giggling, holding papers and pens. Strange. We sat in a coffee shop and were peacefully enjoying the silence when a huge crowd of photographers and fans appeared in the window. Making a scene. Two men, a blonde and a tall dark haired, walked in with three body guards behind them. "Are they the lads from Blur?" Noel asked me, a little while after they came in. I looked around and made eye contact with the blonde one who then went over to whisper something in his friend's ear and smiled at me. Making me turn red. Ew. Thankfully, Noel didn't see. "You mean the 'She's so High' Blur?" I asked sipping my coffee grabbing Noel's hand, playing with his rings again. "Yeah I think it is." Noel said. "They're pretty shite they are." Noel said rolling his eyes. All of a sudden he stood up and grabbed his coat. "Let's go H" he said. "What why? I'm pretty happy sitting here you know." I said standing up. "Well I'm not happy with the way that Damon bloke is looking at you." Noel said. "Damon?" I asked. I didn't know anything about Blur. "Yea that sneaky blonde fucker over there." Noel nodded to where Damon was sitting. My eyes widened and Noel grabbed my hand, practically running me out of the shop. 

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