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It was early in the morning as Xena began to stir. She almost always awoke as the sun was raising and finished her typical morning routine before even attempting to wake Gabrielle. Though these days Xena would let Gabrielle sleep longer due to her needing to recover. So after finishing her regular routine, Xena took care of Aurora and brought the baby with her as she headed to the mess hall to get some food for both herself and Gabrielle. As she was getting the food Fauna spotted her and walked over.

Good morning Xena.

Oh hey Fauna.

Fauna looked at the baby and food items in Xena's arms.

Looks like you've got you're hands full. You need some help?

Xena looked at the squirming baby as she sighed.

Sure. Here, you can take her.

Fauna took Aurora from Xena as she greeted to little girl with some baby talk. She then followed Xena back to their house. As Xena fixed Gabrielle's breakfast Fauna offered to put Aurora in her crib, which Xena told her to go ahead. So Fauna headed upstairs to put the baby down. And since Aurora slept in Xena and Gabrielle's room,  Fauna figured she'd see how Gabrielle was doing and say hi. As Fauna entered the room it seemed as though Gabrielle was still asleep. So she made sure to stay quiet  as she placed Aurora in her crib.

(Whisper) There you go little princess.

(Mumbling) Xena...

Hearing Gabrielle's voice Fauna turned around.

Sorry didn't mean to wake you. Xena's down stairs, she'll be right up.

(Mumbling) Xena...

Fauna walked over to the bed and saw that Gabrielle's eyes were barely open.

Gabrielle did you need something?

Gabrielle didn't say anything as she layed there. As Fauna took a better look at Gabrielle she noticed that she seemed kind of pale.

Hey are you okay?

Fauna reached out a placed her hand on Gabrielle's forehead.

Sweet Artemis you're burning up.

(Mumbling) Xena...

Hold on I'll go get her.

Fauna hurried to the hallway and stood halfway down the stairs.


I'm coming, I'm coming.

Xena walked out of the kitchen with a tray of food for Gabrielle. She stopped when she saw the worried look on Fauna's face.


I'm not sure but I think something's wrong with Gabrielle.

Xena put the tray on the table next to her as she moved past Fauna and rushed back upstairs with Fauna following. Xena entered the bedroom and went to Gabrielle's side of the bed.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now