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Naomi and Iris rushed ahead towards the noise they had heard as they searched for Xena. After running for a bit the two made it to the small clearing where Xena had been fighting Echidna.  They peered through the bushes and spotted the creature holding Xena in her grasp.

There they are.

Naomi scowled.

So that's the thing that's been killing my people. Damn it's still got her.

Xena's not moving.

I noticed. Hopefully we didn't get here too late. We better move fast.

Iris drew her sword from her hip as Naomi readied her spear. After a few words for strategy


Iris nodded. Naomi gave quick instructions for the best way to handle the situation and on her signal the two yelled as they ran out of the bushes and towards Echidna as they split up to distract and confuse the creature. Hearing the yells Echidna turned her attention away from Xena as she saw Iris and Naomi beginning to circle her.

Oh look more Amazon's who are running towards their end. Good I was pretty much done with this one anyway.

Echidna tossed the unconscious Xena to the dirt as she moved towards Naomi and Iris.

We better be careful. If this monster was able to out match Xena it must be very powerful.

Naomi and Iris cautiously moved as Echidna slithered around as if she was trying to decide which one to attack first. Finally after a few tense moments Echidna lunged for Naomi. Naomi dove and rolled out of the way as Iris ran in and swung. Her sword connected but didn't even break the creatures skin.

That won't work on me.

Echidna swiped at iris who ducked out of the way and moved back. The creature was distracted by Iris when Naomi thrust her spear into the creatures snake body only to have it bounce off Echidna as it was unable to pierce her flesh.

What the...

Naomi was cut off as Echidna swung her tail and knocked her away.


I'm okay.

Naomi stood up after being thrown to the ground. The two regrouped as they moved close to one another to restratigise.

I don't think we can actually hunt this thing.

But look she has multiple wounds on her body.

So I've noticed.

Do you think Xena some how did that?

It wouldn't surprise me

But how?

The two dodged an attack from Echidna as they moved and came back together to continue trying to figure out what to do.

I have no idea. Maybe she knows something we don't or just got lucky. Either way we need to either chase this thing off or get Xena and run. But something tells me that this creature isn't going to allow us to do either one easily.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now