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Xena dropped to the ground as Iris and Naomi hurried to her and Echidna simply watched the situation unfold in amusement.


Xena slowly sat up as she held her hand to the deep gashes across her stomach that were made by Echidna's claws. Iris and Naomi crouched down to examine Xena's new wounds.

Those are pretty deep.

Xena grimaced in pain as she attempted to make light of her condition.

It's not as bad as it looks.

Knowing that wasn't true, and that Xena was trying to put on a brave face, Naomi looked at the others.

Quick someone get me something to bandage her up with. Hopefully it'll be enough to slow the bleeding until we can stitch her up.

Why bother I'm only going to kill her anyway.

Iris stood as she turned towards Echidna as the others worked on helping Xena.

We won't let you.

Echidna laughed a little before slithering a bit closer to the group.

How funny that you think you can stop me.

Willow carefully stepped forward.

You won't think so when you're dead monster.

You're awfully brave for someone that can hardly walk after I barely even got my claws into you.

Willow scowled.

Only because you used the cheap tactic of hiding in the shadows when you attacked me. But now that we can see you face to face that won't happen again.

Echidna smirked.

(Sarcasm) Yes because that obviously worked so well for her, didn't it?

The creature motioned towards Xena. The group glared at Echidna Knowing that if she was able to cause that level of damage to Xena, that she was clearly extremely powerful. Echidna slithered a little closer as those in the group who weren't tending to Xena held their weapons ready.

And just what do you plan on doing with those hmm? You can't hurt me.

Xena winced as Iris wrapped some cloth that they had gotten from a pack that they had with them. Unfortunately there wasn't time to stitch Xena's wounds so Iris hoped that the bandage would be enough for the time being, as Xena spoke.

She's right. The only thing that can hurt her is my sword, chakrum and maybe myself.

Mia scoffed.

(Sarcasm) Well aren't you special.

Naomi didn't say anything but shot Mia a very disapproving glance.

Even if that's true we don't care.

Exactly we'll find a way to stop you once and for all...
(Talking quietly to herself) Somehow.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now