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With their weapons drawn, Xena, Willow and Iris stood close to one another as they were surrounded by multiple unknown figures that remained hidden in the shadows of the forest.

(Whisper) What should we do Xena?

(Whisper) I bet they're what have been killing the Amazon's from here. So I say we get them before they can get us.

Willow was about to start attacking when Xena put her arm in front of her.

No wait.

Willow stopped as she gave Xena a questioning look. Xena didn't say anything as she lowered her sword and motioned for Iris and Willow to do the same. Though still feeling uneasy about the situation, both Willow and Iris lowered their weapons but stayed on alert just incase they needed to fight. They watched as Xena sheathed her blade and held up her hands in the Amazonian symbol of peace. After a moment the figures in the shadows appeared to have a brief exchange of words before they stepped out into the light.

(Whisper) Oh they're Amazon's.

Willow and Iris stood a little behind Xena as several women emerged from the shadows.

Apologies for the cold reception. We don't get many friendly visitors around this area. And even less so recently due to the attacks. So we can't be too careful when strangers enter our lands.

Given what I read in the letter your cautiousness is completely understandable.

Ah you must be queen Gabrielle.

The small group of women bowed to one knee.

I'm Amelia,  it's an honor to finally meet you my queen.

Xena couldn't help but smirk to herself as she thought of how at one time she would have loved the sight of having these women bowing before her. Or really anyone for that matter. But that seemed like so long ago. As if it were another lifetime. Then again in alot of ways it was. Xena was a completely different person now from the woman she was then. And now seeing people bow before her only gave her an uncomfortable feeling. Even though she knew it was Amazonian custom to bow to their queen, it still didn't sit right with Xena that anyone should bow to her. Especially the Amazon's. Plus theses women were still unaware of the whole situation regarding Gabrielle and that Xena wasn't her. Xena cleared her throat as she made an attempt to end the awkward situation.

That's really not necessary. I'm not really into the whole formal thing. So you don't need to do any of that bowing or "my queen" stuff.

Amelia and the others with her stood. The woman smiled.

If that's what you wish, then that's fine with me. But regardless it's still an honor to meet you Gabrielle.

Actually the names Xena.

Amelia gave Xena a questioning look.

Are you not who we've been waiting for?

We are.

I'm afraid I'm confused here.

Xena sighed.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now