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A world of nothing but dark and silence enveloped Xena. A world that had existed for its sole occupant for an inconceivable amount of time. Was this death? A world of nothingness for all eternity as punishment for past misdeeds. Thoughts of the final moments she could recall flashed through Xena's mind. Had she and the others won? Was Echidna no more? Xena's thoughts however quickly shifted back to her current state and that if this was her afterlife, she was alone. Meaning that she would never see Gabrielle again. Because someone like Gabrielle would surely go to the Elysian Fields. Xena smiled to herself as she thought of Gabrielle. Though it quickly faded as the realization of her death sank in and that she wouldn't be able to be there with her when the time came. If it hadn't already. The silence along with Xena's thoughts were abruptly disturbed as unrecognizable voices began to slowly fade into into existence. They were faint and distant at first as Xena strained to make out what they were saying. Slowly the voices became louder and more clear as Xena began to recognize one of them. She still couldn't quite distinguish everything that was being said though Xena did hear her name, which made her question if she was dead or if this was just the case of the dead hearing people's thoughts. But Xena wasn't able to ponder which one it was for long before getting her answer when she saw the darkness around her becoming illuminated. Before she knew what was happening the light grew so intensely bright that Xena raised her hand to block the light as she squeezed her eyes shut. A moment later the she had heard voices were completely clear as Xena dared to open her eyes. Slowly as the world around her came into focus, Xena noticed that she was looking up at a straw ceiling. Regaining her senses Xena moved her head to look around and saw that she was in a small hut. She then spotted Naomi speaking with another woman. The two stopped talking when Naomi noticed movement out of the corner of her eye as they turned to see Xena slowly sitting up and turning to sit on the edge of the bed she had been lying in.

Hey there. We weren't quite sure weither you were gonna pull through or not.

Yeah me neither.

Xena moved around a bit and was surprised to find that she wasn't in any kind of pale at all. Naomi noticed the confusion on Xena's face and told the woman she had been talking to that she could handle things from there. The woman smiled at both of them and left.

I'm sure you're wondering why you're not feeling like you've been through Tartarus and back. Along with a number of other questions.

Xena spoke as she briefly examined herself for the multiple injuries that she should've had but couldn't find.

Something like that.

Naomi smiled as she grabbed a chair and sat across from Xena.

Well I suppose I should start by thanking you for finally killing that monster. Because of you Xena, Echidna can never harm another Amazon ever again. You truly are a queen worthy of your title. So thank you.

Xena smiled a little.

I'm glad I could help. But please you really don't have to thank me for anything. All that matters is that the people in the area are safe again.

If you say so. As for where we are, well after you killed Echidna you fell unconscious. Honestly we weren't so sure you were going to live but because everyone in the group needed medical attention we all came back to our village to be treated. I'm happy to say that everyone is doing fine now.

That's good to hear. But about my injuries, or rather lack there of.

Naomi opened her mouth to speak but stopped when Amelia entered the room.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now