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A loud, frustrated yell rang out as Xena tried to free herself from being dragged. She clawed at the ground and anything around her in an attempt to stop herself from being pulled further. But was unable to get a good grip on anything as the creature rapidly scurried along the forest floor. Sticks and stones scratched and scraped Xena's body as she was dragged along. Xena quickly looked ahead to see if she could spot anything that might help her get free. As well as to see if she could tell what it was that had her in its clutches. But unfortunately the creature, whatever it was, was staying very low. It seemed to had burried itself berneath all of the plant life on the ground to keep itself concealed. Finally Xena found herself fed up dealing with the creature and reached over her shoulder to draw her sword. Though just as she did the creature suddenly made a sharp turn. The abrupt change in direction  caused Xena to skid a little past the point where the creature turned and threw her into the base of a tree. Xena momentarily grimaced in pain as she quickly grabbed onto the tree to prevent herself from being pulled even further. The creature continued to tug at Xena's leg as Xena held tight to the tree with one arm and reached and drew her blade. Then with a yell Xena swung down and cut the end of the apparent tail of the creature. She heard a painful yell as her sword sliced the appendage clean off as the rest of the creature scurried into the shadows. Letting out a sigh of relief, Xena let go of the tree as she sat up and unwound the severed piece of the creature from her ankle, briefly inspecting it to see if she could figure out for certain what she was dealing with. Just from looking at the body part confirmed to Xena that her earlier deduction of the creature being some kind of serpent seemed to be correct. The large chunk of tail she held was covered with scales. Plus by the way Xena had noticed the creature moving as she was being dragged pointed to that fact. With at least a small piece of the mystery solved Xena tossed the tail off to the side as she went back on alert when she heard an unfamiliar voice.

(Angry tone) You bitch. How dare you do this to me.

Xena quickly stood and held her sword ready as she heard the raspy, female voice that seemed to echo around her.

Then why don't you come out here and do something about it.

Xena heard an angery growl as she kept her eyes sharp, looking for where the creature might come at her from.

What's wrong can't go after someone when their ready? Why don't you just come out here and show yourself.

(Angry tone) You dare taught me? You obviously don't know who you're dealing with Amazon.

Xena couldn't help but notice that the creature knew that she was an Amazon. Which made her think of something that she hadn't before due to her assuming that what ever was attacking those women was only targeting them out of convenience. But what if this creature was going after Amazon's specifically? And if so, why? These were all questions that Xena had every intention of getting the answers to.

So you know I'm an Amazon. Why does that matter?

(Angry tone) It matters plenty.

As they spoke Xena could hear the creature moving around within the cover of the plants.

(Taunting) Sounds like I hit a sensitive subject. What's wrong not a fan of us Amazon's?

All of you think you're so damn special. That damned Artemis. She thinks she's so much better than the rest of us. Never bothers to show up unless "chosen people" are some how involved. Well let's see how long she can shun me when I continue to rip apart her precious Amazon's limb from limb.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now