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What do we do? We have to save Willow.

Iris and the others stood in the dark woods as they looked at the blood on the ground that Xena had found after Willow was suddenly dragged off by the creature that the group had been searching for. Xena stood as she looked around and wiped the blood from her hand.

Stay calm. Panicking now won't do anyone any good.

A few of the group jumped slightly when they heard Willow scream again.

Help!! AAA!

It sounds like they're that way.

Amelia nodded forward towards some more dense foliage. Xena held her sword ready as the others did the same with their weapons. Together they quickly but cautiously moved into the greenery with Xena taking the lead. After hurrying through the bushes Xena spotted Willow laying on the ground as she tried to back away from a figure that was hidden by the shadows. Her body was covered in deep gashes and blood. She desperately swung her staff at the creature only to have it swatted away as it advanced towards her. Willow backed up until she felt the rough bark of a tree hit her back. Now left injured, defenseless and no where to run, Willow's eyes went wide in terror as the shadowy creature moved in close an raised up to tower over her. Though the shadows still concealed its specific identity the silhouettes that could be seen confirmed that they were infact dealing with a serpent creature of some kind. As the creature prepared to strike Xena reached and grabbed her chakrum. She let out her battle cry as she sent the bladed weapon hurling towards the creature. Hearing Xena, the creature became distracted as it looked back just as Xena's chakrum sliced the creatures arm. It let out a painful yell and looked around quickly before it took off into the woods as Xena's chakrum bounced around and made it's way back to her hand. The rest of the group emerged from the bushes as they moved to check on Willow as Xena returned her chakrum to her hip and followed. Amelia stood looking in the direction that the creature had freedom in as the others gathered around Willow.

(Frustrated tone) Damn thing got away again.

Worry about that later, we have bigger problems right now.


Everyone turned their focus to Willow who layed against the tree a bloody mess from multiple deep wounds.

If we don't do something soon that "thing" is gonna have another victim to add to it's list.

After sheathing her sword Xena crouched down to examine the damage.

Let me see.

The others moved aside to give her room.

So you're a healer too?

Xena shrugged as she began looking over Willow's injuries.

I have some experience in the area.

Is there anything you can't do?

Raise the dead. Which is what Willow will be if I don't stop this bleeding. Now someone go through our supplies and get me a needle, thread, water and something to use as a bandage.

I'm on it.

As Amelia stood and turned to fetch the items she and everyone heard Mia speak.

(Angry tone) Stop what you're doing right now and back away from her slowly.

Amelia turned around and saw Mia holding her spear with the blade barely inches from Xena's face as she stood behind her. Xena scowled as she glanced over her shoulder at Mia.

What do you think you're doing?

(Angry tone) Quiet. Now move.

Mia what are you doing?!

I don't have time for nonsense. She's going to die unless we do something.

Mia glared at Xena.

Your right which is exactly why I don't want you anywhere near her.

Aria walked over to Mia.

Mia what's gotten into you?

Are you saying that you want Willow to die?

Mia looked at iris.

Of course I don't. Which is exactly why "she" shouldn't be allowed anywhere near her.

Mia motioned to Xena.

Or any of us for that matter. We need to find Willow some actual help and then we can deal with "her" once and for all.


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now