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With the whole group of women standing together against Echidna,  the creature was was infuriated as she snaked around in an effort to intimate the Amazon's who she despised so much. Though she very quickly became angered further when her tactic failed as the women began to slowly spread out. The creature growled angerly as she watched them.

(Angry tone) I should be insulted that you fools think that such a cheap tactic as this will be enough to over power me.

No one said anything as they kept their focus on Echidna. There was a momentarily tense silence as each side sized the other up. Finally Echidna was the first to make a move as she lunged for Amelia. The woman dodged Echidna's claws as they swung at her. The creature followed up with a swipe of her tail but was shocked when iris and Aria stepped in and caught it.

Not this time.

Echidna yelled angerly as she turned and used the momentum of her whole body to throw Aria and Iris off of her. The two we sent flying into Mia and Naomi and all four fell to the ground in a heap. Echidna advanced towards them but stopped when she heard a yell as Willow jumped in from her side and landed a hard punch to the creature's face. Echinda looked at her as the four downed women got back up. The creature swiped at Willow who dodged and moved to the others as they regrouped.

(Joking tone) Did you seriously punch that thing in the face?

Willow shrugged and smirked.

Little bit of pay back for what she did to me last time.

Amelia snickerd a little. However Echidna didn't find Willow's action amusing in the least and swung her tail at Willow, knocking her back.

(Angry tone) We'll see how much you'll be laughing when I'm tearing the flesh from your bones and your still alive to feel it.

As Amelia hepled Willow up Echidna shot her tail out and grabbed Willow by her neck. She lifted her effortlessly lifted Willow off the ground as Amelia attempted to grab the monster's tail only to be shaken off. The other's raced in with their weapons but were unable to do anything. Willow struggled for air as she tried to get free but was unable to. Echidna laughed as she tightened her grip until she saw something fly in and cut right through her tail as if it were butter. The creature ler out a painful scream as Willow dropped to the ground and un wrapped the severed piece of tail from her neck as she caught her breath. Echidna sneered as she looked around and spotted Xena who caught her chakrum.

You know doing that same thing over and over really isn't a smart idea.

(Angry tone) I'll kill you for that.

Echidna began moving towards Xena but stopped and yelled in pain when she felt something stab her side.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

Echidna looked as Naomi pulled Xena's sword out of her flesh which Xena had handed her before throwing her chakrum, knowing that Echidna's attention would be on her and give someone else a good opening. With an enraged roar, Echidna swung her arm and threw Naomi a good distance away. The hit caused her to drop Xena's sword as it was thrown out of everyone's immediate reach. Undeterred the women continued their assault, all of them going after Echidna from multiple directories as they did everything they could to hold the creatures attention. Though without Xena's weapons all they were really able to do was act as a distraction to Echidna as they did their best to avoid the monster's on coming attacks. Everyone yelled and kept up the pressure as Echidna found herself becoming fed up with her inability to rid herself of this particular group of Amazon's. With an infuriated yell, Echidna spun around and used her long serpent body to scatter them away.

I'm putting an end to this senseless struggle of yours once and for all.

As each woman got up Echidna selected one at random and rushed at her. Aria, being the unlucky target suddenly found herself being grabbed by her leg and thrown into a tree. She hit hard and collapsed to the ground. Distracted by Aria being thrown Amelia found herself being caught with Echidna's claws as they raked across her chest and stomach. Amelia dropped the ground as Mia and Iris charged the creature. Echidna dodged their attacks as she grabbed Iris and swung her into Mia. The two went down as Echidna slammed the lower part of her snake body on them. Naomi scowled as she saw the tide of battle once again turning in favor of Echidna. Xena jumped towards Echidna but found herself being caught in the creatures clutches. Xena tried to free herself but was unable to before she felt a sharp pain in her stomach as Echidna drove her claws into her.

(Angry tone) You. You're the worst one of all of them. Time to say goodbye, Amazon,

Xena could only let out a small groan as blood came from her mouth and she felt Echidna yank her claws back out. The creature then let her go and allowed Xena's body to drop to the ground. Then with a swift motion of her snake body, the creature knocked Xena away and she landed in the bushes away from the others.

No Xena!

Iris tried to run after Xena but was caught by Echidna and thrown into a tree. Naomi rushed the creature, hoping to take her off guard but was also tossed aside as Echidna's rampage continued. Again and again the women tried to stop Echidna but were repeatedly denied as the creature used her size and flexibility to easily fend them off. With everyone becoming exhausted and injured it seemed as though they weren't going to be able to put an end to the slaughter of the Amazons that Echidna was intent on continuing. One by one each member of the group found themselves to tired, injured or both to get up and continue fighting. Finally Naomi was the last to fall as she looked up at the towering creature that loomed over her.

You might defeat us but you'll never wipe out the Amazon people. Someone will find a way to slay you.

Echidna smirked at Naomi's defiance.

I'm sure they'll try. But when everything is all said and done it will always end way it will here.

Echidna raised her claws to strike as she spoke.

With the blood on my hands from a bunch of dead Amazon's.

Echidna was just about to bring her hand down to kill Naomi when she heard a noise from behind her. She turned around as she saw Xena jumping at her with her sword in hand from a tree.

(Angry tone) Damn you Amazon! Why won't you die?!

Echidna began to swing her tail again but was stopped when everyone else either grabbed the appendage or jumped right on her. The distraction caused Echidna to take her eyes off Xena for a moment but it was enough because as the creature looked back up all she saw was the fierce look in Xena's eyes as she swung her blade, slicing through Echidna. Xena landed on the ground and dropped to her knees as she clenched the wound on her stomach. She breathe heavily as she looked over her shoulder to see Echidna's body drop and her now severed head roll a little ways away before coming to a stop. Everyone who was holding the creature let go as several of the women cautiously poked at the body to ensure that Echidna had infact been slain.

I don't believe it Xena actually killed it.

Dispite being hurt and completely spent the group cheered as they celebrated the fact that the nightmare caused by Echidna was finally over. And it was thanks in a very large part to Xena. Though their celebration was abruptly brought to a hault when they saw Xena fall forward and lay there completely motionless as everything around her faded to black.


"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя