ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴠɪɪ- ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs ᴍᴜᴄʜ?

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It had been a few days since the club, and Aphrodite still somehwat avoided Tom but would gradually keep there quarrel. They were in the midst of an argument about Aphrodites breathing "being too loud" and Tom's ears being "the size of his ego" when the doorbell rang. They glared at each other as Apollo answered the door.

Tom's face dropped when he saw the blond party boy Max walk in. The absolute annoyance and outrage he felt towards her was washed away and replaced with a another emotion that Tom had found himself feeling a lot lately . Jealousy. Deep utter jealousy. Tom couldn't deny that on a level he enjoyed arguing with Aphrodite, because it would give him a chance to talk to her, well technically yell at her. When he fought with her he oddly felt intoxicated. It confused the absolute hell out of him and he oddly felt consumed by the storm of feelings that mixed in his head about her.

Aphrodite didn't know what the hell was happening to her but after seeing Tom at the party with some blond bimbo, she felt the slightest prick of jealousy. Something she's never felt either. Doing anything to avoid what she could've started to feel for Tom, she avoided him as much as she could. She hadnt had feelings for anyone or anything for that sort since Marshall and Mia, the girl who cheated on her with him. It was a horrific story. She couldn't have feelings for Tom and she wouldn't let herself.

Her mind had wondered back to Max. Aside from getting the uneasy feeling in her stomach from when he was leading her upstairs, she found herself texting him. She felt bad on a level she was somewhat using him as a distraction from the arrogant Tom Kaulitz, but she had also felt the slightest pull towards Max and decided to give it a shot. She had invited him over to hangout with her and the rest of the group.

He now stood besides her while she leaned against the cold marble of the counter. Tom felt his jaw clench. He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, exiting the kitchen.

He joined the others in the living room. He let out a huff as he plopped down on the couch next to London  who was in the midst of writing a song, Apollo helping.

Although London wasn't bright at times, he was practically a musical genius. He could play just about any song he heard on a number of instruments. His mother had always been a musical person, introducing her son to its sparks at a very young age. He started by learning the piano, then the violin and cello which was his grandmas choice, the guitar, the saxophone which made him want to rip his lungs out but he enjoyed the sound. He wasn't as experienced on the drums as Artemis was but he still played pretty well. He also wound up playing the French horn in middle school, so there was that as well. Out of all the instruments, the guitar was obviously his favorite, piano falling second. He would play piano for hours, filling the house with melodic notes and harmonies. His older sister, Paris, would sing with him as he played or vice versa. After his mother died, Paris moved away with her girlfriend, barely even saying a goodbye.

London and Paris's mother obviously had some geographic wonderment, naming her children after her two favorite places in Europe. She had always told her children she would bring them there when they got older, promising them of the absolute adventure each city was filled with.

Her sister was the same, naming the triplets after Greek gods and goddesses, seeing how from a young age she had been obsessed with mythology.

The bands name was partly because of London's mother, who had called all of the children living prodigies as they grew up. London had his talent of music, Aphrodite being very artistic having several hobbies that included painting and drawing, as well as knitting, something that made her feel close to her mother.  Apollo, as it fit his name, was quite the writer. He loved poetry but also spent time with London composing music. Artemis was a lover of dance, taking up several classes of the categories of dance. She did lyrical, tap, jazz, ballroom, street and hip hop. Dancing gave her her sense of rhythm and beat, which made it perfect for her to play the drums. All of their so called prodigies fit well together and made them the perfect team.

The word busted was because it's how they felt life turned after the death of London's mother and the falling out of the triplets parents. They all had parts of them broken, but those peices fit together when they were all with each other. So while Busted Prodigy was of course a cool name and fit for a rock band, it held a melancholy story behind it.

Tom held his breath as he watched Aphrodite and Max enter the room. Max practically hovered in Aphrodites air, which made Tom want to punch him in the face.

Aphrodite sat besides her brother, laying her head against his underside as she draped her legs over Max's thighs. Tom eyed her revealed legs laying gracefully in the blond bozos lap. His eyes darkened as he watched Max place a gentle hand on her elegant legs, his fingers gently wrapping around the front of her calf, his thumb stroking back and forth gently. London turned towards him, watching his leg lightly shake as a clearly jealous and raged look appeared on his face. He looked between Tom and Max and Aphrodite on the couch, noticing his hand placement, and then turned back to Tom. He clicked the pieces together as he mentally rolled his eyes.

"Hey Tom can you help me with something really quick?"

Tom was caught by surprised that London used his actual name, but he shrugged it off and followed him into the kitchen.

"What did you need help with?" Tom questioned as London opened the door to the fridge.

"Nothing, just wanted to know if you wanted a soda"

"If I wanted a soda" ? what the hell is he-"

London emerged from the fridge, tossing Tom a can of Coca Cola.

"And wanted to know what's your issue with Max touching my cousin"

Tom raised his eyebrows and looked up to London, slightly frightened by the dead
serious look that appeared on his face.

"Nothing, it's just weird how he's touching her, I mean... like they just met" he nervously answered.

He forgot to mention the embrace Aphrodite and max had held while at the party. Flashes of that moment played in Tom's head, the image of Aphrodite making eye contact with Tom as her lips were connected to another boy.

"Ok jealous much?" London scoffed, clearly seeing passed Tom's denial.

"Shut up London, don't-" Tom growled before he was harshly cut of by London.

"Don't even tell  me shut up when you know I'm right" He said confidently as he opened his soda and left the kitchen, leaving Tom standing in his own bewilderment.

His eyes widened as he grasped the cold can in his hand, the sound of the aluminum being clenched in his hands muffled in his ears as he fell to realization. He was indeed jealous but only for one reason.

He had feelings for Aphrodite

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍 (Tom Kaulitz story)Where stories live. Discover now