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490 16 8

Tom went home not being able to get Aphrodite off his mind. In a sense, he felt like she was his karma. He had more than a plenty amount of girls fall for him or swoon over him, but they were either a one nightstand or a fling. And now he stood on the other end. Aphrodite was now the player and he was the prey to her seductive trap. But he couldn't help but feel like what she was feeling towards him, negative or not, was in fact real.

What he didn't know was that he was right. The feelings were of course a mix of good and bad, but that hinted she did in fact feel something for him.

He somehow ended up falling asleep, but then ended up having a dream about Aphrodite. They were on a beach and she was in his arms. They were sitting on a towel, another wrapped around them as they laid near the shore. She was snuggled against his chest, playing with his hands in front of her that laid onto her thighs. Tom leaned over her shoulder, her head turning. Just before he was about to kiss her, he was awoken by Bill.

"Get up dumbass we have a interview in an hour"

Tom groaned and rolled over, rubbing his eyes

"Nice tent by the way" Bill said as he smirked and closed the door.

Tom's head shot up and his eyes were met with the sight of his blanket slightly standing due to his erection. He let out another groan and flipped his head back down.

He rolled out of bed and got ready, Aphrodite being the only thing on his mind, even when they were in the studio getting ready for the interview. It would be broadcasted over the radio so Tom didn't have to worry that much about being in front of people, but it would still be videotaped for their channel, Tokio Hotel TV.

As the entire interview went on, he was distracted by the girl that haunted his brain. He was honestly started to get overwhelmed with how he felt about her. He took a deep breath and continued on with the interview. Gustav was of course asked about Dani, seeing how the paparazzi caught a picture of the two and the whole media had been buzzing. Gustav blushed and talked about Dani, clearly nervous. Bill was asked about Artemis obviously, gushing over her per usual. He stated several times he felt like he was living in a dream, that she was absolutely perfect and everything he has ever wanted. Georg was asked about his girlfriend, which he smiled about and happily filled the interviewer in about their recent date. Tom dreaded in knowing he would be next and the interviewer would pounce on him for his love life, which a lot of people did.

When he was 16, rumor started that he had slept with 25 girls and was brought up during an interview. His mood was instantly ruined and his heart fell from his chest into his stomach. He had a very flirtatious personality and very full of love. He couldn't help but stare at the crazy fan girls that drooled over him. He had grown to enjoy the attention of the girls. But he was never used to having one that didn't want his attention, one that did not like him. In a sense, she didn't like him for how he rubbed her the wrong way, all because of his persona and the annoying habits he held. Being how they were alike, she roomanimated in the fact that meant she hated herself.

It was torture for the both of them, denying feelings they wanted to accept. They had only known each other for 2 months and it was a rollercoaster from the start.

"So Tom how's your wild love life going?"

"I-uh...uhm" he cleared his throat and sat up. He normally wasn't nervous when this question came up, but today he was.

"It's been great. Love the girls, love the attention" he let out a very fake and dry laugh.

Thankfully the interviewer didn't ask anymore questions about it and moved on with the interview.

Tom zoned out for the rest of the interview, snapping back into reality when directed questions were asked. His mind wondered between Aphrodite, Aphrodite and max, and himself and Aphrodite.

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍 (Tom Kaulitz story)Where stories live. Discover now