ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xx- ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ

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A week had passed since the night of Maxs attack. It wasn't a suprise when the media had gotten ahold from the story, insufferable paparazzi somehow finding their way to the scene.

Obnoxious photos they took were displayed on the news, in articles in magazines and newspapers. No one could turn on the tv without seeing a segment on the news about the disaster, the media absolutely having no sympathy for the fact Aphrodite felt ashamed that such a thing even happened.

She didn't want the world to know as she brewed with embarrassment, utter anger, and hopelessness.  She was able to feel a sliver of vengeance after hearing the words of her fans, displaying negative words and comments about max as they stood up for her, and even a few nasty words about Marshall, older fans knowing his history with Aphrodite. Max was detained and facing either a few months to a year in jail after police came to the Adams house for questioning.

It was a surreal moment, Aphrodite zoning out most of the time and her body slightly trembling. Apollo sat with her, his hand gently intertwined with his sisters as he helped her answer the officers questions. Thankfully the officer was understanding and took his time, patient when Aphrodite couldn't answer becuase of her tears or when Apollo had to scatter what he knew.

To Aphrodites suprise, June personally came to the house and apologized. She hugged the poor girl and couldn't help but tear up herself. She felt ashamed of Max, she felt many other things towards her son that she forgot that deep down she knew she still loved him, as he was her son. But that didn't stop the fact she was beyond livid with him. She told Aphrodite she was always there if she needed her, and apologized for the 100th time. It shook Aphrodite to hear that this wasn't the first time Max had done something like this, one of the actual reasons they moved to Germany besides Junes promotion in her fashion career. It peaked Aphrodites curiosity on why such a big American popstar was able to hide such a thing, but then her knowing money could cover up about just anything, hearing about such a thing in several cases when it came to fame.

She felt stuck in her house, anytime she even tried to leave , more unsympathetic paparazzi or member of the media continuously bothering her. It was if they were stalking her home, camping out near by in a uncanning manner. A few of the shows and interviews were put off, the boys also holding back from playing a few times to make sure she was ok, even reassuring her not to feel bad when she felt guilty about them cancelling one of thier performances. She still was relived to watch when they did perform on the tv, feeling a small ounce of content watching them do what they did best.

Gustav and Georg  brought her candy, sitting with her and joking around, hoping to keep her mind at ease. A few times they played games with her, enjoying when she'd laugh, a few times her laughter genuine and full of delight. Dani was also over a few times, holding her best friend tightly after hearing what had happened. Not once did she say "I told you so" or "I knew this was gonna happen" not even thinking that was the idea. she spent the night, not even caring her shoulder was damp from her best friends tears as she held her in a safe and comforting embrace.

Everyone else was super supportive, giving her the space and time when she needed, keeping her company when she requested. She had a big pillow fight with her siblings, London and her uncle, the nostalgic feeling of being a little girl again rising. Such a feeling hadn't been present since as long as she could remeber, so she felt absolutely grateful she was able to feel such a thing again. They all laughed and joked about around the dinner table, a few times inviting the boys over when they could.

Now once again, Aphrodite lay alone in her bed. She had reassured her family and the boys it was alright to leave her alone and do thier own things, her wanting to be by herself anyways, despite the fact the thoughts were more haunting when she was. After telling them for the 100th time she'd be ok, the Adams boys went on a double date and Artemis went to go with Bill, Gustav and Georg, no one knowing the whereabouts of Tom.

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍 (Tom Kaulitz story)Where stories live. Discover now