ii. fake blood and scares

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IT WAS the day of Halloween and Daisy didn't really care. But she had to pretend because her and Gabe decided they were going as Jason Voorhees and his victim from Friday the 13th. 

For every other 14 year old Halloween is an exciting day to get candy and spend time with friends, but for Daisy it was a dreadful day which she despised. It was a day that the Hastings family hated. 

"Daisy Mae! Get up for school!" Charlotte shouted from downstairs.

"I'm up, Jesus." Daisy mumbled.

Daisy sat up and rubbed her eyes, then she got up and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Daisy then went back to her room to brush her hair and choose her outfit for the day. Daisy picked out a knitted sweater her aunt had made and some black jeans which she loved. 

Daisy then left her bedroom and walked down the stairs.

"Here Dais', come eat breakfast." Charlotte suggested to which Daisy nodded.

Daisy sat down next to Gabe, and silently ate her pancakes. After a while Daisy could feel her mother and brother staring at her. Daisy looked up and her mom's eyes snapped in every direction but at her. 

Daisy sighed and shook her head, not wanting to speak. Luckily for Daisy she didn't have to speak because her brother spoke up.

"Y'know Dais' we don't have to go trick-or-treating tonight if you don't want to." 

"I'm fine, you wanted to." Daisy conceded, leaning her head on her fist. To be honest, Daisy didn't want to go trick-or-treating. She didn't want to go because she didn't want things to go sour like it did last year. 

"It doesn't matter what I want, I just want to make sure you're okay." Gabe assured, his face had guilt and sadness written in his expression, which made Daisy want to roll her eyes at him for being so worried. 

"Don't make that face, I already said I would and we already bought our costumes. I'll go." Daisy defended her word to make sure Charlotte or Gabe didn't detect her hesitance to go. 

Charlotte pulled up to Hawkins Middle and the twins got out and as they walked towards the school they passed four boys who were dressed up as the Ghostbusters. Gabe gawked at them while Daisy chuckled at how silly they looked in her eyes. However Daisy noticed that Jude from yesterday was standing with them as well, without a costume. 

Jude saw the girl laughing at his friends and waved at her. Daisy saw and waved back and smiled, which made Gabe give her a questionable glance. 

"C'mon Dais' we'll be late." Gabe insisted, pulling his sisters sweater sleeve. Daisy responded with a small nod. 

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